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St. Margarethen, Tyrol, Austria, summer 2012

Vienna, St. Stephen's Square, 28 September 2008


1970 − Seminar on philosophy and politics

1970 − Interview for Austrian Television

1971 − Proclamation of the Alpine Region

1971 − Philosophical Seminar at Ste Jalle, Provence

1972 − Doctoral graduation sub auspiciis praesidentis

1972 − Reception at Hotel Europa, Innsbruck

1972 − Innsbruck University Ball

1972 − Meeting with the President of Austria

1972 − International Conference on "Austria and the EEC"

1973 − Interview for Cinema News Show (Tyrol)

1973 − European Forum Alpbach

1973 − International meeting of experts from the Alpine region

1974 − International conference on "The Cultural Self-comprehension of Nations"

1980 − World Phenomenology Institute

1980 − Italian Phenomenology Conference

1980 − International Phenomenology Congress in Salzburg

1980 − European Forum Alpbach

1980 − International law conference in Vienna

1981 − International Symposion on Monotheism

1981 − Reception at the Grand Hotel, Rome

1982 − New Year in Venice

1982 − Fact-finding visit to the DPRK, Pyongyang

1983 − Reception in honour of Hans R. Klecatsky

1983 − Meeting with Jean Genet

1984 − International conference in Brussels

1985 − Colloquium / 40th anniversary of the United Nations, New York

1987 − With students of Central College Iowa (USA)

1987 − International law conference in Geneva

1988 − Meeting in the Tripolitanian desert

1988 − Symposium on terrorism, Tripoli

1988 − Peace mission concerning the Gulf war, Baghdad

1988 − Peace mission at the United Nations, New York

1989 − With Iraqi students in Baghdad

1991  Roundtable discussion on the rights of indigenous peoples, Tripoli

1992  International peace conference, Sirte

1992 − Harvard Club Austria, Vienna

1992 UN Commission on Human Rights, Geneva

1994 − International roundtable at Innsbruck University

1994 − Conference on Asia and the Pacific, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

1994  Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy, Kuala Lumpur

1995 − University of the Philippines, Manila

1995  Just World Trust, Penang

1996 − University of Cambridge, UK

1996 − Indian Parliament, New Delhi

1996 − Hyderabad House, New Delhi

1998 − United Nations Association of Austria, Vienna

1998 − International roundtable at Innsbruck University

1998  Human rights conference in Kazakhstan

2001  Fact-finding visit to the Libyan Jamahiriya

2001  Human rights conference in Korea

2002  Lecture visit to the Philippines

2002  Worldcup Roundtable in Seoul

2002  Conference on War Victims and International Law, Abu Dhabi

2002  Conference on Terrorism in a Globalized World, Manila

2003 − Nordic Youth Conference in Stavanger, Norway

2003 − Seminar on terrorism, University of Innsbruck, Austria

2004 − Roundtable on the United Nations, East-West University, Chicago, USA

2004 − Fact-finding visit to the Philippines

2004 − Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila

2004 − Hans Koechler Center for Civilizational Dialogue

2004 – Honorary Doctorate of Humanities, Mindanao State University

2004 – Asia-Europe Foundation, Singapore

2004 – Second International Law Conference, New Delhi, India

2004 – UEF Public Debate, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

2005 – Conference on the Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal, The Hague, Netherlands

2005 – International Conference on the Dialogue among Civilizations, Tehran

2005 − 6th Global Forum on Reinventing Government, Seoul

2005 − International Roundtable Conference on Collective Security, Innsbruck

2005 − Dept. of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck

2005 − ASEAN Press Convention, Bangkok, Thailand

2005 − European Security Congress Innsbruck (ESCI), Austria

2005 − Guest lecture on Islamic philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria

2005 − Book launching ceremony, New Delhi, India

2006 − Guest lecture at Yeditepe University, Istanbul

2006 − Guest lecture at Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey

2006 − Graduation ceremony, University of Innsbruck, Austria

2006 − International Expert Conference on Legal Reform, Amman, Jordan

2006 − Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education, Paris, France

2007 − Briefing session at the Buddhist Maha Vihara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2007 − Lecture and study visit to Malaysia and Singapore

2007 − Conference of Heinrich Böll Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey

2007 − Seminar on Multiculturalism and International Law, Xi'an, China

2007 − International Forum on Dialogue between Civilizations, Tbilisi, Georgia

2007 − Guest lecture on philosophy of Law, University of Innsbruck

2007 − Asia-Europe Foundation, Singapore

2007 Islamic Conference Youth Forum, Baku, Azerbaijan

2007 − International Progress Organization, Penang, Malaysia

2007 − Jamiyah Singapore

2008 − Université Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco

2008 − Briefing for Interfaith Peace-Builders (USA), Vienna, Austria

2008 − Symposion on international banking, Erste University, Vienna, Austria

2008 − Experts's meeting on Lockerbie trial, Isle of Skye, Scotland

2008 − Law Awards of Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland

2008 − Honorary Professorship, Pamukkale University, Turkey

2008 − United Nations Office at Vienna

2008 − Hans Koechler Political and Philosophical Society, Manila, Philippines

2009 − World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Vienna, Austria

2009 − 15th International Book Fair, Casablanca, Morocco

2009 − Prague Dialogue on Europe in the XXI Century, Prague, Czech Republic

2009 − Conference on dialogue of civilizations, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2009 − Guest lecture on theory of argumentation, University of Innsbruck, Austria

2009 − National Law Academy, Odessa, Ukraine

2009 − Association of Greek Journalists, press conference, Athens, Greece

2009 − Global Dialogue Conference, Aarhus University, Denmark

2009 − Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria

2009 − Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies, Mardin, Turkey

2010 − Union Theological Seminary, New York, USA

2010 − Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany

2010 − China Foundation for International Studies, Beijing, China

2010 − International law conference, Jilin University, Changchun, China

2010 − Rhodes Forum 2010, Rhodes, Greece

2010 − Center for Strategic Studies, Baku, Azerbaijan

2010 − International Forum on Lifelong Integrated Education, UNESCO, Paris

2011 − "Talk im Hangar 7," Salzburg, Austria

2011 − Philosophical Society, Baku, Azerbaijan

2011 − Seminar "Religion and Society," University of Innsbruck, Austria

2011 − Seminar "Religion and Society," Istanbul, Mardin, Ankara, Turkey

2011 − Artuklu University, Mardin, Turkey

2011 − Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany

2011 − Guest lecture, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

2011 − Ninth Doha Conference on Interfaith Dialogue, Doha, Qatar

2011 − Colloquium at University of Moulay Ismaïl, Meknès, Morocco

2011 − Roundtable, Institute of Democracy and Cooperation, Paris, France

2012 − Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education, Tokyo, Japan

2012 − Turkish-Islamic Union in Austria (ATIB), Vienna, Austria

2012 − Lewis & Clark College, Portland, United States

2012 − Armenian State Pedagocical University, Yerevan, Armenia

2012 − Honorary doctorate, Armenian State Pedagocical University

2012 − International Conference on Humanities, Bedër University, Tirana, Albania

2012 − Royal Commonwealth Society, London, United Kingdom

2012 − Edinburgh International Book Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland

2012 − Rhodes Forum - 10th Anniversary Session, Rhodes, Greece

2012 − Perdana Global Peace Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2012 United Nations Office at Vienna, Austria

2012 − International Conference on Philosophy of Religion, Tehran, Iran

2013 − Guest lectures in Tangier and Casablanca, Morocco

2013 − 28th Session of the Abant Platform, Turkey

2013 − International conference in Poprad, Slovakia

2013 International Book Fair in Casablanca

2013 − International conference at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

2013 − Tenth Doha Conference on Inter-faith Dialogue, Qatar

2013 − Faith and Reconciliation Conference, Peja / Peć, Kosovo

2013 − 2nd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, Baku, Azerbaijan

2013 Guest lecture at Mahidol University, Thailand

2013 − Conference at the European Parliament, Brussels

2013 - Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust, Chennai, India

2014 − Sultan Qaboos Higher Centre for Culture & Science, Muscat, Oman

2014 - National Defense Academy of Austria, Vienna

2014 Foundation for Sciences and Arts, Istanbul

2014 A9 Television Station, Istanbul

2014 Symposium in Honor of Hans Köchler, University of Innsbruck

2014 International Progress Organization, Vienna

2014 World Alliance of Religions Peace Summit, Seoul, South Korea

2014 Rhodes Forum, Greece

2014 Interview for Belarus TV

2014 Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education, Tokyo

2014 University of the Philippines, Manila

2014 Gusi Peace Prize, Awards Night, Manila, Philippines

2015 Swiss Press Club, Geneva, Switzerland

2015 15th International Likhachev Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia

2015 Philosophy Salon at Schloss Wartin, Brandenburg, Germany

2015 International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

2015 Book presentation at Austrian Parliament, Vienna

2015 10th Global Communication Association Conference, Berlin, Germany

2015 Rhodes Forum, Greece

2015 Philosophy Salon, London, UK

2015 Book presentation, European Ombudsman Institute, Vienna

2015 United Nations Office at Vienna, Austria

2015 Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany

2016 Justice and Democracy Week, Istanbul, Turkey

2016 Philosophical Dinner, Vienna, Austria

2016 University of Cambridge, UK

2016 International Symposium  on Civilization, Kocaeli, Turkey

2016 16th International Likhachev Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia

2016 Philosophical Retreat, Apotheosis International, South Tyrol, Italy

2016 Conference "Mut zur Ethik / Courage for Ethics," Sirnach SG, Switzerland

2016 World Alliance of Religions for Peace, Seoul, Korea

2016 International media conference "Russia and Europe," Bratislava, Slovakia

2016 Model United Nations Munich, Germany

2016 Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Armenia

2016 International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

2016 Apotheosis International, Winter Retreat, Würzburg, Germany

2017 International Roundtable on the Syrian Conflict, Berlin, Germany

2017 Interreligious dialogue conference, Lahore, Pakistan

2017 National Defence University, Islamabad, Pakistan

2017 House of Representatives of the Netherlands, The Hague

2017 17th International Likhachev Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia

2017 Live talk show at A9 TV in Istanbul, Turkey

2017 Foundation for Sciences and Arts, Istanbul, Turkey

2017 World Alliance of Religions for Peace, Seoul, Korea

2017 "Religion and Modernity" / Contemporary History Days, Braunau, Austria

2017 15th Rhodes Forum, Rhodes, Greece

2017 World Festival of Youth and Students, Sochi, Russia

2017 United Nations / Palestine, UN Office at Vienna

2017 Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany

2018 Conference on the Origin of Life and the Universe, Istanbul, Turkey

2018 Pan-European Peace Forum, Frankfurt a.M., Germany

2018 18th International Likhachev Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia

2018 International Relations Conference, Bad Soden, Germany

2018 International Forum, Volgograd State University, Russia

2018 International Forum on Lifelong Integrated Education, Yokohama, Japan

2019 Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, Serbia

2019 19th International Likhachev Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia

2019 International Round Table on Global Civilizations, Venice, Italy

2019 International Seminar on Global Identities, Gargnano del Garda, Italy

2019 International Forum of People's Diplomacy, Volgograd, Russia

2020 John Cabot University, Rome, Italy

2020 Club Alpbach Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria

2020 Horasis Extraordinary Meeting (Global)

2020 Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia

2020 Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey

2020 United Nations, UN Office at Vienna

2021 Université Paris I / Panthéon Sorbonne & Université Le Havre Normandie

2021 International human rights conference, Changchun, China

2021 International Schiller Institute, USA/Germany (virtual conference)

2021 United Nations Association of the United States, Long Beach, USA

2022 Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany/ Pelham, USA

2022 Bandung Spirit Conversation Series, University of Le Havre, France

2022 RT International, "Worlds Apart" show, Moscow / London/ New York

2022 Bandung Spirit Conversation Series, University of Le Havre, France

2022 Seminar on Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany

2022 International cultural conference, Shusha, Azerbaijan, May 2022

2022 Lecture tour to Morocco

2022 World Forum on Democracy and Peace, Berlin, Germany

2022 Saint Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Russia

2022 International Book Fair Amman, Jordan

2022 International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

2022 Conference at the German Parliament, Berlin, Germany

2022 Conference on Legal Theory, University of Szczecin, Poland

2023 Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany

2023 Cultural Diplomacy Forum, Skopje, North Macedonia

2023 The Imperial Roundtable, Vienna, Austria

2023 Conference on Legal Theory, University of Szczecin, Poland

2023 UN General Assembly / United Nations Office at Vienna

2024 World Forum on the Future of Democracy, Berlin, Germany

2024 International Book Fair, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

2024 Al Araby TV, interview at I.P.O. headquarters in Vienna