Guest lectures of Hans Köchler in Morocco

February 2013

Conférence magistrale

"Cultural Self-comprehension and Co-existence: Preconditions for a Fundamental Dialogue"

Tangier, 5 February 2013

Prof. Hans Köchler, center, shakes hands with Prof. Nour Taibi, Dean of the King Fahd College of Translation.

Text of lecture (Arabic)

Article in Al-Akhbar


Université Hassan II - Mohammedia

Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Département de Philosophie

Conférence magistrale

"Heidegger et l'apprehension de l'Etre:
Entre la destruction de la métaphysique et le doute phénoménologique"

Casablanca, 6 February 2013

Prof. Hans Köchler (center) with faculty members and students of the Department of Philosophy; at his left: Prof. Abdelali Maazouz, Director of the Department.

Text of lecture (Arabic)

Article in Al-Akhbar