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St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17 May 2018

Lectures and speeches
(in chronological order)

  1. λογος και το τελος της παιδειας [Speech delivered in Ancient Greek]: Ceremony upon the conclusion of examinations in the presence of the Inspector General of Secondary Education (State of Tyrol), "Aufbaugymnasium Meinhardinum," Stams Abbey, Stams, Austria (7 June 1967).

  2. [Commencement Speech on behalf of the Class of 67]: Grand public ceremony  in the presence of the envoy of the Governor of Tyrol and the Abbot of Stams, "Aufbaugymnasium Meinhardinum," Bernardi Hall, Stift Stams / Stams Abbey, Stams, Austria (9 June 1967).

  3. MARTIN HEIDEGGER und die Seinsgeschichte: Opening lecture, Interdisciplinary Seminar "Martin Heidegger: Zur Diagnose unserer Zeit," Österreichisches College / Austrian College Society, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (20 January 1969).

  4. DIE BESINNUNG AUF DIE TECHNIK IM DENKEN MARTIN HEIDEGGERS: Österreichisches College / Austrian College Society, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (3 February 1969).

  5. Heidegger und Hegel: Grundstrukturen der Wirklichkeitserfahrung: Österreichisches College / Austrian College Society, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (12 May 1969).

  6. WISSENSCHAFT UND BESINNUNG – THEORIE UND PRAXIS: Opening statement, Interdisciplinary Seminar at the University of Innsbruck, organized by Österreichisches College / Austrian College Society, Innsbruck, Austria (19 October 1970).

  7. Grenzfragen zwischen Philosophie und Psychologie: Introductory lecture, Interdisciplinary Seminar at the University of Innsbruck, organized by Österreichisches College / Austrian College Society, Innsbruck, Austria (28 May 1971).

  8. DIE EUROPÄISCHE AUFGABE DER ALPENREGION: Opening address at the International Symposion "Die europäische Aufgabe der Alpenregion" (The European Mission of the Alpine Region), Innsbruck, Austria (2 June 1971).

  9. Die philosophische Begründung des Rechts bei René Marčić: Interdisciplinary Seminar at the University of Innsbruck, organized by Österreichisches College / Austrian College Society, Innsbruck, Austria (28 October 1971).

  10. Erkenntnistheoretische Probleme der Phänomenologie: Speech at the solemn graduation ceremony on the occasion of the promotio sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae, Kaiser-Leopold-Saal, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (18 February 1972).

  11. ÖSTERREICH UND DIE EWG: Inaugural address at the International Symposion "Österreich und die EWG" (Austria and the European Economic Community), Innsbruck, Austria (2 June 1972).

  12. THE "A PRIORI" MOMENT OF THE SUBJECT‑OBJECT DIALECTIC IN TRANSCENDENTAL PHENOMENOLOGY: Second International Phenomenological Conference organized by the International Husserl and Phenomenological Research Society, St. John's University, New York, USA (5 September 1972).

  13. Kulturelles Selbstverständnis und Koexistenz: Voraussetzungen für einen fundamentalen Dialog: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (19 October 1972).

  14. [Bemerkungen zu Marxismus und Existenzialismus]: Contribution to the discussion, Korčula Summer School, Xth International Meeting: "The Essence and Limits of Civil Society," Korčula, Yugoslavia (22 August 1973).

  15. OPENING ADDRESS: Founding session of "Euregio Alpina − Study Group for the Alpine Region," Government House, Innsbruck, Austria (22 September 1973).

  16. OPENING ADDRESS: International Meeting of Experts on Arbeitskräftefluktuation im Alpenraum [Manpower Turnover in the Alpine Region] organized by Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik, Innsbruck, Austria (12 October 1973).

  17. CULTURAL-PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION: Royal Scientific Society, Amman, Jordan (9 March 1974).

  18. CULTURAL SELF-COMPREHENSION AND CO-EXISTENCE. Introductory Speech: International Progress Organization (International Symposion on "The Cultural Self-comprehension of Nations"), Innsbruck, Austria (27 July 1974).

  19. DIE DIALEKTISCHE KONZEPTION DER SELBSTBESTIMMUNG. Überlegungen zum systematischen Ansatz von Karol Wojtyła: The World Institute of Phenomenology (International Colloquium "Soi et Autrui"), University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland (25 January 1975).

  20. Die Lage in der kurdischen Region des Irak: International Progress Organization, "Volksbildungshaus Wiener Urania," Vienna, Austria (29 April 1975).

  21. Zum aktuellen Stand des Palästina-Problems: Arabische Studentenorganisation (ASO) / Organization of Arab Students, Afro-Asian Institute, Vienna, Austria (6 June 1975).

  22. Transnationale Zusammenarbeit in der Alpenregion: Statement in the capacity of Secretary-General of Euregio Alpina, panel discussion on "The Problems of Border Regions," International Conference on the Alpine Region, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany (20 March 1976).

  23. Challenges to Arab-European Dialogue: Union of Iraqi Writers, Baghdad, Iraq (24 November 1976).

  24. Aktuelle Aspekte der Transzendentalphilosophie: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (17 January 1977).

  25. Statement on aims and activities of the International Progress Organization: Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), NGO Committee, United Nations, New York City, USA (10 February 1977).

  26. The Arab World and the West - The Approach of the International Progress Organization: General Union of Arab Students in the U.K. and Ireland, Wembley Conference Centre, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK (17 February 1977).

  27. Report on the International Conference on a Just Peace in the Middle East: Austrian Peace Council, Vienna, Austria (25 February 1977).

  28. [Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization]: Conference of the International Campaign Committee for a Just Peace in the Middle East, Paris, France (15 October 1977).

  29. Kann die Nahostkrise mit friedlichen Mitteln gelöst werden?: Österreichischer Friedensrat / Austrian Peace Council, Vienna, Austria (25 November 1977).

  30. [Festansprache anlässlich der Jungbürgerfeier]: Young Citizens Ceremony of the Municipality of Buch, Buch bei Jenbach, Austria (17 February 1978).

  31. The Principles of a New International Economic and Cultural Order: Statement delivered on behalf of the International Progress Organization, International Meeting of Experts on "Rights and Duties, deriving for States and Groups, from the Establishment of a New International Economic and Cultural Order," convened by the Division of Philosophy, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris, France (12 April 1978).

  32. Zur Lage in der kurdischen Region des Irak: Volksbildungshaus Wiener Urania, Vienna, Austria (14 April 1978).

  33. Palestinian Human Rights and the United Nations: International Symposium "Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Arab World," Union of Arab Jurists, Baghdad, Iraq (19 May 1978).

  34. THE RELATION BETWEEN MAN AND WORLD: A TRANSCENDENTAL-ANTHROPOLOGICAL PROBLEM: World Institute of Phenomenology (International Congress in Phenomenology of Man: "Nature and Man"), Paris, France (7 July 1978).

  35. THE CULTURAL SELF-COMPREHENSION OF NATIONS: Department of Philosophy, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq (14 December 1978).

  36. LA FENOMENOLOGIA DEL CARDINALE KAROL WOJTYLA. Sul problema dI un'antropologia a base fenomenologica: Annual Conference of the Italian Section of the International Husserl and Phenomenological Research Society, Viterbo, Italy (24 February 1979).

  37. PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER: International Meeting of Experts on "Philosophical and Socio-cultural Implications of the New International Economic Order," International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria (2 April 1979).

  38. Statement on Human and Peoples' Rights: International Symposium on "Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Arab World," organized by the Union of Arab Jurists on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Baghdad, Iraq (18 May 1979).

  39. DIE PHÄNOMENOLOGISCHE ANTHROPOLOGIE VON KAROL WOJTYLA: Philosophische Gesellschaft Innsbruck and Innsbrucker Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Geisteswissenschaften, Innsbruck, Austria (12 June 1979).

  40. THE PROBLEM OF REALITY AS SEEN FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF EXISTENTIAL PHENOMENOLOGY. The Relevance of Pre-reflexive Experience for Ontology: Second Conference of the International Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences ("The Foundations of the Human Sciences Revisited"), Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA (13 July 1979).

  41. ZUM GEGENSTANDSBEREICH DER HERMENEUTIK: International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria (1 September 1979).

  42. [Philosophische Kritik der Technik]: Statement, International Conference "Fortschritt ohne Maß? Eine Ortsbestimmung der wissenschaftlich-technischen Zivilisation," organized by CIVITAS, Rottach-Egern, Germany (31 May 1980).

  43. ERKENNTNISTHEORIE ALS BIOLOGISCHE ANTHROPOLOGIE?: Internationales Forschungszentrum für die Grundfragen der Wissenschaften, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria (26 June 1980).

  44. RELATIVITÄT DER SEELE UND ABSOLUTHEIT DES "REINEN ICH". Die idealistische Dimension des Leib-Seele-Problems in der transzendentalen Phänomenologie: World Institute of Phenomenology / Österreichische Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie (Eighth International Phenomenological Conference "Body and Soul in Husserl's Phenomenology"), Salzburg, Austria (18 August 1980).

  45. TRANSZENDENTALPHILOSOPHIE ALS ANTHROPOLOGIE?: Japanese Society of Phenomenology, Tokyo, Japan (5 October 1980).

  46. PHÄNOMENOLOGISCHE SKEPSIS: Department of Philosophy, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (7 October 1980).

  47. THE LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE PALESTINE PROBLEM: Opening speech at the International Conference on the Palestine and Jerusalem Problem, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria (5 November 1980).

  48. STATEMENT ON THE OCCASION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE: United Nations General Assembly, Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, sixty-first meeting, United Nations headquarters, New York City, USA (28 November 1980).

  49. Basic Notions of Democracy: Statement, International Conference on the Green Book, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (1 December 1980).


  51. Statement on the Principles of a Peaceful Settlement of the Gulf Conflict: International Conference "The Youth for Peace in the Arab Gulf," Federación de Juventudes Socialistas de España (FJSE), Madrid, Spain (25 April 1981).

  52. Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization on Nuclear Policy and International Law: International Conference on the Attack on the Iraqi Nuclear Centre, Union of Arab Jurists, Baghdad, Iraq (16 July 1981).

  53. ZUR ERKENNTNISTHEORETISCHEN PROBLEMATIK DER REINEN RECHTSLEHRE: Xth World Congress on Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Mexico, D.F., Mexico (3 August 1981).

  54. THE PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS: On the Compatibility of Two Normative Systems: Xth World Congress on Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Mexico, D.F., Mexico (4 August 1981).

  55. Statement on behjalf of the International Progress Organitzation: Seminar on Non-alignment, organized by the Institute of International Politics and Economics, Petrovaradin, Yugoslavia (29 August 1981).

  56. THE CONCEPT OF MONOTHEISM IN ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY. Introductory Statement delivered at the International Symposion on the Concept of Monotheism in Islam and Christianity, International Progress Organization, Rome, Italy (17 November 1981).

  57. Statement on Nuclear Energy and International Law: International Conference on the Israeli Air Raid and Legal Implications, jointly organized by the Union of Arab Lawyers and Union of Arab Jurists, Baghdad, Iraq (27 November 1981).

  58. The Legal Aspects of the Jerusalem Question: Statement delivered at the International Conference on Jerusalem, Rome, Italy (16 December 1981).

  59. [Bemerkungen zur Philosophie von Max Müller]: Statement at the Symposion on the Philosophy of Max Müller, Katholische Akademie / Catholic Academy, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (31 March 1982).

  60. Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization: Annual Conference of the Union of Palestinian Jurists, Beirut, Lebanon (17 April 1982).

  61. THE PRINCIPLES OF NON-ALIGNMENT. Introductory Statement: International Conference on the Principles of Non-alignment, International Progress Organization, Baghdad, Iraq (4 May 1982). 

  62. KRITISCHE BEMERKUNGEN ZUR RECHTSTHEORIE VON HANS KELSEN: First International Conference on Philosophy of Law, La Plata, Argentina (20 October 1982).

  63. Statement on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the International Progress Organization: Reception / session of the Executive Board, Hôtel George V, Paris, France (11 December 1982).

  64. THE PRINCIPLE OF REPRESENTATION AND THE CRISIS OF WESTERN DEMOCRACY: International Conference on the Green Book, Ghar Younis University, Benghazi, Libya (8 April 1983).

  65. EVOLUTIONÄRE UND TRANSZENDENTALE ERKENNTNISTHEORIE: Guest lecture, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (27 April 1983).

  66. DAS NORMENSYSTEM DES VÖLKERRECHTS UND DIE MENSCHENRECHTE: International Progress Organization, Munich, Germany (18 May 1983).

  67. ERKENNTNISTHEORIE ALS BIOLOGISCHE ANTHROPOLOGIE?: Department of Philosophy, University of Munich, Munich, Germany (19 May 1983).

  68. [The Relations between the Arab World and Europe]: Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization, Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union, Baghdad, Iraq (23 May 1983).

  69. The Principle of Representation and the CRISIS OF THE WESTERN DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM: University of Malta, La Valletta, Malta (28 August 1983).

  70. Democracy and Self-determination: Statement, Seminar, International Institute for the Study of the Juche Idea and Association of Social Scientists, Pyongyang, DPRK (11 September 1983).

  71. Cultural Aspects of the North-South Conflict: Meeting on the occasion of the National Day of Nigeria, organized by the National Union of Nigerian Students in Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (15 October 1983).

  72. Requirements of a Just International Economic Order: Statement, International Conference "Problemi dello sviluppo e del sottosviluppo nel Mondo," organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the "Premio Iglesias," Associazione Culturale "Lao Silesu," Iglesias, Sardinia, Italy (3 November 1983).

  73. Das Zirkelproblem in der evolutionäen Erkenntnistheorie: Statement, Symposion on "Evolutionstheorie und menschliches Selbstverständnis," organized by CIVITAS, Munich, Germany (12 November 1983).

  74. [Statement on European-Arab Relations]: Europäisch-arabischer Friedensdialog / European-Arab Peace Dialogue, Österreichisches Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung (ÖSFK) / Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Burg Schlaining, Stadtschlaining, Austria (18 November 1983).

  75. [Laudatio for Hans R. Klecatsky]: Reception on the occasion of the awarding of the Golden Honorary Medal of the I.P.O. , Hotel Sacher, Vienna, Austria (18 November 1983).

  76. Opening Statement: Official opening of the Documentary Exhibition on Sabra and Shatila in the presence of Jean Genet, organized by the International Progress Organization, Albert-Schweitzer-Haus, Vienna, Austria (6 December 1983).

  77. [Statement on geopolitical developments in the Arab World]: Consultation Meeting, Arab People's Congress, Damascus, Syria (29 March 1984).

  78. DIE POLITISCHE THEORIE VON MU’AMMAR AL‑QADHAFI - Zur Frage der direkten Demokratie: Lecture organized by "Forum für offenes Philosophieren" and "Philosophische Gesellschaft Innsbruck," Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (6 April 1984).

  79. [Remarks on Self-determination and Democracy]: International Seminar on the Juche Idea, Lisbon, Portugal (8 April 1984).

  80. OPENING STATEMENT: International Conference on Israel as Occupying Power, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria (2 May 1984).

  81. SOCIO-PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF PARTNERSHIP IN PRODUCTION: Symposion "The System of Partnership in Production: Partners, not Wage Workers," Tripoli, Libya (26 May 1984).

  82. Elements of an Islamic Solution to the Conflict between Iran and Iraq: Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization, "No to War, Yes to Peace" - International Conference on the Effect and Dangers of the Gulf War to World Security and Peace, Baghdad, Iraq (8 July 1984).

  83. DAS LEIB-SEELE‑PROBLEM IN DER TRANSZENDENTALEN PHÄNOMENOLOGIE: IXth International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposion, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria (22 August 1984).

  84. THE UNITED STATES' FOREIGN POLICY – FACTS AND JUDGMENT: Opening speech at the international conference organized by the International Progress Organization, Brussels, Belgium (28 September 1984).

  85. THE NEW INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ORDER: Opening speech at the international meeting of experts organized by the International Progress Organization, Nicosia, Cyprus (26 October 1984).

  86. [Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization]: XVth Conference of the Union of Arab Lawyers, Monastir, Tunisia (3 November 1984).

  87. [Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization]: Third Vienna Dialogue - International Conference for Disarmament and Détente, Vienna, Austria (25 January 1985).

  88. [Statement on Peace on the Korean Peninsula]: International Conference for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea, organized by the World Peace Council and the International Liaison Committee for the Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CILRECO), Paris, France (16 March 1985).

  89. REMARKS ON THE PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF THE JUCHE IDEA: Symposion of the International Institute for the Study of the Juche Idea, Vienna, Austria (19 April 1985). 

  90. DIE KRISE DER REPRÄSENTATIVEN DEMOKRATIE: International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria (20 June 1985).

  91. GESETZGEBUNG UND DAS PROBLEM DER REPRÄSENTATION: XIIth International Congress for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Athens, Greece (21 August 1985).

  92. [Probleme der evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie]: Moderator's Statement, Working Group on Evolutionary Epistemology, European Forum Alpbach, Österreichisches College / Austrian College Society, Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria (26 August 1985).

  93. [The Peaceful Resolution of the Gulf Conflict]: Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization, Conference of Arab Popular Forces, Rabat, Morocco (25 September 1985).

  94. [OPENING STATEMENT]: Inaugural meeting, European Regional Society for the Study of the Juche Idea, Paris, France (20 October 1985).

  95. DEMOCRACY IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Inaugural statement at the International Colloquium organized by the International Progress Organization on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the United Nations, New York City, USA (31 October 1985).

  96. LA THEORIE DE LA REPRESENTATION - La question de l'idéalisme dans la théorie politique: International Symposion "The Crisis of Representative Democracy", Geneva, Switzerland  (15 November 1985).

  97. Aims and Activities of the International Progress Organization: Central College Iowa − Vienna Program, Vienna, Austria (16 January 1986).

  98. The Principles of Peaceful Co-existence: Statement, "Kongres Intelektualistów w Obronie Pokojowej Przyszłości Świata" /  Congress of Intellectuals for a Peaceful Future of the World, Warsaw, Poland (17 January 1986).

  99. "Terroristenstaat" Libyen? Die Grüne Revolution und der Konflikt mit den USA: Volkshochschule Wien, Vienna, Austria (26 January 1986).

  100. The Problem of Self-determination: Statement, International Conference on Colonialism and the Vacuum, organized by the Department of Political Science, Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya (10 February 1986).

  101. Popular Sovereignty and National Self-determination: Arab People's Congress, Tripoli, Libya (16 March 1986).

  102. TECHNIK UND ZIVILISATIONSKRITIK: Interdisciplinary Seminar, University of  Vienna, Vienna, Austria (21 March 1986). 

  103. Die Aussenpolitik Libyens: Institut für öffentliches Recht und Politikwissenschaft, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (9 April 1986).

  104. [Statement on behALF OF THE iNTERNATIONAL pROGRESS oRGANIZATION]: International Conference on the Iran-Iraq War, Geneva, Switzerland (14 April 1986).

  105. [Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization]: Session of the World Peace Council to mark the International Year of Peace, Special Session in Memory of Olof Palme, Sofia, Bulgaria (26 April 1986).

  106. WERTORIENTIERUNGEN IM WANDEL: Wirtschaftssymposion, Österreichischer Genossenschaftsverband, Vienna, Austria (22 May 1986).

  107. [Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization]: International Conference on Peace in the Mediterranean, La Valletta, Malta (5 July 1986).

  108. Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization: International Conference for the Immediate Independence of Namibia, United Nations, Vienna, Austria (8 July 1986).

  109. VERNETZUNGSMODALITÄTEN VON ERKENNTNIS, WERT UND MOTIV IN ENTSCHEIDUNGSPROZESSEN: VIIIth International Deutschlandsberg Symposion: "Wissenschaft und Humanität - Struktur und Dynamik antizipatorischer Entscheidungen: Tendezen in Philosophie und Wissenschaftsforschung," Deutschlandsberg,  Austria (9 September 1986).

  110. [Statement at the opening session]: First International Youth Conference on Jamahiri Thought, Tripoli, Libya (29 September 1986).

  111. AUSSENPOLITIK UND DEMOKRATIE: International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria (23 October 1986).

  112. Zum gegenwärtigen Demokratieverständnis: First Congress of Österreichische Gesellschaft für Philosophie / Austrian Society for Philosophy: "Reflexion und Wirklichkeit," University of Linz, Linz, Austria (8 November 1986). (invited lecture, not delivered due to scheduling conflict)

  113. [Briefing on Current Issues of International Affairs]: Lecture Meeting, Central College Iowa − Vienna Program, Vienna, Austria (27 November 1986).

  114. Terroristenstaat Libyen?: Volkshochschule Linz, Linz, Austria (26 January 1987).

  115. VALIDITE DU DROIT ET PROBLEME DE LA REPRESENTATION: 2nd International Symposion on the Third Universal Theory, Sebha, Libya (8 March 1987).

  116. NORMATIVE ASPECTS OF THE QUESTION OF TERRORISM: Introductory statement at the International Conference on the Question of Terrorism, Geneva, Switzerland (19 March 1987).

  117. Main Trends in Western Philosophy: Statement, colloquium with philosophers, Faculty of Arts, University of Sana'a, Sana'a, Yemen (9 June 1987).

  118. Die Palästinenser-frage: Kuratorium Schloß Prösels / Südtiroler Wirtschafts- und Sozialinstitut, Schloß Prösels / Prösels Castle, Völs am Schlern, South Tyrol, Italy (30 October 1987).

  119. The Gulf Conflict and International Law: Guest Lecture, Central College Iowa − Vienna Program, Vienna, Austria (3 December 1987).

  120. [Statement on Democracy and Representation]: Panel discussion, inauguration of the Parliamentary Club of the "Green Alternative" party, Austrian Parliament, Vienna (4 December 1987).

  121. Hermeneutik und Dezisionismus: Seminar on "Hermeneutik und Jurisprudenz" / Hermeneutics and Jurisprudence, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (23 January 1988).

  122. [Statement on Europe in the international order]: Friedrich Heer-Symposion "Land ohne Eigenschaften," Session "Österreich im Blickfeld Europas," University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (24 January 1988).

  123. [IntroductorY Statement]: International meeting of legal experts on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, convened by the International Progress Organization, Albert-Schweitzer-Haus, Vienna, Austria (2 February 1988).

  124. European-Muslim Relations in a Multipolar World : Statement, International Seminar "Europe and the Islamic World," jointly organized by the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) and the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (24 March 1988).

  125. The Definition of Terrorism: Symposium on "International Terrorism, Motivations and Dimensions: An Attempt to Develop a Concept," organized by Mediterranean Progressive Socialists Organization, Tripoli, Libya (14 April 1988).

  126. Menschenrechte und MACHTPolitik: Statement, Interdisciplinary Talk: "Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Menschenrechtsfragen heute," Universitätsclub Innsbruck / University Club Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (29 April 1988).

  127. Die internationale Kontroverse um Bundespräsident Kurt Waldheim: Public lecture, Klagenfurt, Austria (14 May 1988).

  128. [Moderator's Statement]: International Popular Conference for Peace, Baghdad, Iraq (25 May 1988).

  129. DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS: Address at the General People's Congress of Libya on the occasion of the adoption of the Green Charter of Human Rights, Al-Beida, Libya (11 June 1988).

  130. [Statement on Peaceful Settlement of the Gulf War]: Press Conference of international peace delegation, United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA (17 June 1988).

  131. FOREIGN POLICY AND DEMOCRACY: Harvard Club Austria, Vienna, Austria (20 October 1988).

  132. [Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization]: Annual conference of Progressive Socialists Organization of the Mediterranean (PSOM), Nicosia, Cyprus (24 October 1988).

  133. The Problem of International Terrorism: Central College Iowa − Vienna Program, Vienna, Austria (1 December 1988).

  134. DER GOLFKONFLIKT: IDEOLOGISCHE HINTERGRÜNDE − FRIEDENSPERSPEKTIVEN: International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria (1 December 1988).

  135. Statement on the Human Rights Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: International Committee on Palestinian Human Rights (ICPHR), International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria (3 December 1988).

  136. The Legal Aspects of the Palestine Problem: Programmatic Statement, Model International Conference on the Middle East, organized by the Institute for International Relations, Prague, ČSSR (7 December 1988).

  137. [Statement on the Palestine Problem] : Mediterranean Peace Committee, La Valletta, Malta (21 December 1988).

  138. Speech on the Program of Action of the International Progress Organization: Luncheon, Jerusalem Fund for Education & Community Development, Washington DC, USA (20 February 1989).

  139. Der Golfkonflikt: Ideologische Hintergründe und Friedensperspektiven: Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben, Austria (27 April 1989).

  140. [Opening Statement]: International Meeting of Experts on "The Exchange of Prisoners of War between Iran and Iraq," organized by the International Progress Organization / Committee for Peace in the Gulf, Hotel de la Paix, Geneva, Switzerland (29 May 1989).

  141. AFRIKANISCH-EUROPÄISCHE BEZIEHUNGEN: INTERKULTURELLES LERNEN: Association of African Students in Austria (Gesellschaft afrikanischer Studenten in Österreich), University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (2 June 1989).

  142. IST HEIDEGGERS FUNDAMENTALONTOLOGIE GESELLSCHAFTSFÄHIG?: Interdisciplinary Seminar, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (3 June 1989).

  143. [Introductory Statement]: International Roundtable on the Human Rights Situation in Palestine, organized by the International Progress Organization and the International Committee for Palestinian Human Rights, Vienna, Austria (7 June 1989).

  144. theorie DER Demokratie und DER internationaleN Beziehungen: Forschungsgespräche am Institut für Philosophie / Research Talks at the Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (21 June 1989).

  145. [Introductory Statement]: International Seminar on the Reunification of Korea through Confederation, Vienna, Austria (23 June 1989).

  146. Zur Frage des Gefangenenaustausches zwischen Irak und Iran aus humanitären Gründen: Union of Arab Students, Faculty of Law, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (30 June 1989).

  147. ZUR FRAGE DER MENSCHENRECHTSKONFORMITÄT DEMOKRATISCHER SYSTEME: 14th International Conference of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Edinburgh, Scotland,  UK  (22 August 1989).

  148. Ist Heideggers Fundamentalontologie gesellschaftsfähig?: Symposium "Martin Heideggers Denken und die gegenwärtige Philosophie," jointly organized by Department for the History of Philosophy, Department of History, and Austrian Cultural Institute, University of  Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia (2 November 1989). 

  149. THE EXCHANGE OF POWs BETWEEN IRAN AND IRAQ: Central College Iowa − Vienna Program, Vienna, Austria (16 November 1989).

  150. DEMOKRATIE UND MENSCHENRECHTE. Zur Frage der Menschenrechtskonformität demokratischer Grundsätze: International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria  (23 November 1989). 

  151. Die Lage im Gazastreifen und im Westjordanland: "Informationsveranstaltung zum Internationalen Solidaritätstag mit dem Palästinensischen Volk," organized by Verein zur Förderung der Kooperation mit den palästinensischen Universitäten / Society for the Promotion of Co-operation with Palestinian Universities, Vienna University of Economics, Vienna, Austria (29 November 1989).

  152. [Statement on the Principles of Global Peace]: Peace Festival, organized by the Mediterranean Peace Committee, on the occasion of the US-USSR Summit Conference in Malta, Radio City Hall, La Valletta, Malta (2 December 1989).

  153. Das PalästinA-Problem in völkerrechtlicher Hinsicht: "2 Jahre Intifada," Panel Discussion, organized by Verband Sozialistischer StudentInnen Österreichs (VSStO), Vienna University of Economics, Vienna, Austria (6 December 1989).

  154. Die Frage des Austausches der Kriegsgefangenen zwischen Irak und Iran - Völkerrechtliche und humanitäre Aspekte: Office of the League of Arab States, Vienna, Austria (14 December 1989).

  155. [Statement on SCIENCE AND MORALITY]: Panel discussion "Wissenschaft und Wertfreiheit," Universitätsclub Innsbruck / University Club Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (10 January 1990).

  156. [Laudatio for Professor Gerhard Frey]: "Von der Wissenschaft zur Kunst. Ausgewählte Schriften von Gerhard Frey," book presentation, organized by the Department of Philosophy at the University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (30 January 1990).

  157. HEIDEGGERS SEINSBEGRIFF UND DIE FRAGE NACH DEM PERSONALEN GOTT: International Heidegger Conference organized by the Department of Religious Science, University of Trento, Trento, Italy (8 February 1990). 

  158. DEMOCRACY IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Academic Staff College, Jamia Millia University, New Delhi, India (21 February 1990).

  159. THE ISSUE OF POWs BETWEEN IRAN AND IRAQ − ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India (22 February 1990).

  160. DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS: Indian Council for World Affairs, New Delhi, India (24 February 1990).

  161. ZUM GEGENSTANDSBEREICH DER HERMENEUTIK: Interdisciplinary Seminar "Philosophische Grundlagen der Methodendiskussion der Naturwissenschaften und der Gesellschaftswissenschaften," University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (17 March 1990).

  162. [Statement on the Gulf Crisis AND ITS IMPACT ON GLOBAL PEACE]: Mediterranean Peace Committee, La Valletta, Malta (25 March 1990).

  163. Die völkerrechtlichen Aspekte der Siedlungspolitik in Palästina: Statement, Panel Discussion on "Intifada und israelische Siedlungspolitik," Technische Universität Wien / Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria (29 March 1990).

  164. DEMOKRATIE UND MENSCHENRECHTE: Volkshochschule Bludenz, Bludenz, Austria (25 April 1990).

  165. [Statement on Peace in the Mediterranean Region]: International Conference for Peace in the Mediterranean, organized by the Mediterranean Peace Committee and the Independent Peace Movement of Greece (AKE), Ierapetra, Crete, Greece (4 May 1990).

  166. [Statement on Peace in the Gulf REgion]: Iraqi Peace and Solidarity Council, Baghdad, Iraq (10 May 1990).

  167. WISSENSCHAFT UND BILDUNG ALS BESTANDTEIL EINER KÜNFTIGEN EUROPA‑POLITIK: Symposion "Brücken und Wege. Unterwegs nach Europa," Abbey Fiecht, Tyrol, Austria (7 June 1990).

  168. [Statement on the Human Rights Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories]:  General People's Congress, People's Hall, Tripoli, Libya (11 June 1990).

  169. Basic Elements of a Peaceful Settlement of the Conflict on the Korean Peninsula: Seminar on the Reunification of Korea, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark (4 October 1990).

  170. THE VOTING PROCEDURE IN THE SECURITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATIONS: First International Conference on a More Democratic United Nations, New York, USA (14 October 1990).

  171. HUSSERLS TRANSZENDENTALER IDEALISMUS UND BRENTANOS ERKENNTNISTHEORIE: Husserl-Schütz-Symposion, Vienna, Austria (15 November 1990).

  172. Zur aktuellen politischen Lage im Nahen Osten: International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria (26 November 1990).

  173. The Legal Aspects of the Gulf Crisis: Central College Iowa − Vienna Program, Vienna, Austria (13 December 1990).

  174. Statement on the Peaceful Settlement of the Gulf Conflict: Emergency International Conference for Peace and a Comprehensive Settlement in the Middle East/Gulf Region, organized by the World Peace Council, Athens University, Athens, Greece (12 January 1991). 


  176. Zur aktuellen Lage im Nahen Osten: Freiheitlicher Akademikerverband, Salzburg, Austria (12 February 1991).

  177. Der Golfkrieg und das Palästina-Problem: Panel discussion organized by Vereinigung sozialistischer Studenten Österreichs (VSStÖ) / Association of Socialist Students of Austria and Bund Sozialistischer Akademiker, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien / Vienna University of Economics, Vienna, Austria (6 March 1991).

  178. Golfkrieg: Österreichische Hochschülerschaft (ÖH-Leoben) / Union of Austrian Students and Verein Arabischer Studenten / Association of Arab Students, Montanuniversität, Leoben, Austria (7 March 1991).

  179. Der Golfkrieg und die Neue Weltordnung: Panel discussion organized by "Autonome Palästina-Gruppe," University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (20 March 1991).

  180. DIE CHANCEN EINER LIBERAL KONZIPIERTEN NEUORDNUNG DER ARABISCHEN WELT: "Der liberale Klub" (Liberal Club), Vienna, Austria (10 April 1991).

  181. [Der Golfkrieg und die internationale Machtpolitik]: Statement, panel discussion "Die Neue Weltordnung nach dem Golfkrieg," University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (24 April 1991).

  182. Die geopolitischen Implikationen des Golfkrieges: Statement, panel discussion on the situation in the Kurdish region of Iraq, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (30 April 1991).

  183. HUMAN RIGHTS AND PEOPLES' RIGHTS: TOWARDS A NEW INTERNATIONAL ORDER: International Symposium on the Amerindian People and Human Rights, Tripoli, Libya (9 June 1991).

  184. Die Vereinten Nationen und der Golfkrieg: Student Association at the University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (19 June 1991).

  185. The Gulf War and its Impact on Regional Security: Statement, 9th Ordinary Meeting, Mediterranean Peace Committee, La Valletta, Malta (29 June 1991).

  186. STatement on indigenous peoples and dialogue among civilizations: International Roundtable Discussion on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Libyan Television / Harold Channer Show, Tripoli, Libya (11 September 1991).

  187. THE UNITED NATIONS AND A NEW WORLD ORDER: Opening speech at the 2nd International Conference On A More Democratic United Nations (CAMDUN), United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (17 September 1991).

  188. The Palestinian People's Right to Self-determination: Plenary Speech, International Conference on Palestinian Human Rights, organized by the Maghreb Human Rights Association in co-operation with the Tunisian League for Human Rights, Tunis, Tunisia (5 November 1991).

  189. DAS GOTTESPROBLEM IM DENKEN MARTIN HEIDEGGERS: Dept. of Philosophy, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany (13 November 1991).

  190. THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER: "Challenges" - International Conference of Scientists and Engineers "Science and Peace in a Rapidly Changing Environment," Berlin, Germany (30 November 1991).

  191. DIE LOGIK DER GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN: Interdisciplinary Seminar, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (21 March 1992).

  192. DER NAHE OSTEN UND DIE NEUE WELTORDNUNG − EIN JAHR NACH DEM GOLFKRIEG: International Progress Organization, Salzburg, Austria (12 May 1992).

  193. THE NEW WORLD ORDER: Symposion, Harvard Club Austria, Vienna, Austria (21 May 1992).

  194. DEMOCRACY AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER: Opening Statement at the Green Dialogue for an Alternative World Order, Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy, Sirte, Libya (12 June 1992).

  195. DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS: Symposion "Human Rights in the 21st Century," Tripoli, Libya (14 June 1992).

  196. Die Neue Weltordnung: Machtpolitik statt Völkerrecht?: Technische Universität / Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria (25 June 1992).

  197. Peace and World Order: Statement at the International Symposion on Peace in the Mediterranean, organized by the Independent Peace Movement of Greece (AKE), Athens, Greece (27 June 1992).

  198. The Situation of Human Rights in the United States: Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization, United Nations Commission on Human Rights / Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland (19 August 1992).

  199. DEMOKRATIE UND NEUE WELTORDNUNG: Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie, Hannover, Germany (19 October 1992).

  200. Laudatio on the occasion of the awarding of the Golden Honorary Medal of the I.P.O. to Robert Thabit: Reception, 20th anniversary of the foundation of the International Progress Organization, The Plaza Hotel, New York, USA (5 November 1992).

  201. DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM: Symposion "International Human Rights and the New World Order," College of Law, Loyola University, New Orleans, USA (7 November 1992).

  202. DEMOCRACY AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER. THE UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION IN THE PRESENT INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM: Instituto Mexicano del Desarrollo (IMED) / Mexican Institute for Development, Mexico City, Mexico  (10 November 1992).

  203. OPENING SPEECH: Mediterranean Regional Conference "Peace, Democracy and Co-operation in the Mediterranean," Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy, La Valletta, Malta (15 January 1993).

  204. DEMOCRACY AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER: International Round Table Conference on "Democracy and an Alternative World Order," Tripoli, Libya (13 March 1993).

  205. THE CONCEPT OF THE NATION AND THE PROBLEM OF NATIONALISM: Symposion "Citizenship and Rights in Multicultural Societies," University of Bologna in co-operation with Stanford University, Bologna, Italy (15 April 1993).

  206. THE INTERNATIONAL ROLE OF THE UNIVERSITY. THE COMMUNITY OF RESEARCHERS AND INTER-CULTURAL DIALOGUE: Academic Forum "University and Academic Freedom" organized by the University of Bophuthatswana, Mmabhato, South Africa (6 May 1993).

  207. The United Nations and the Conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Keynote speech, International Conference on the Bosnian Conflict and Human Rights, Tripoli, Libya (26 June 1993).

  208. HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER: International Conference on the Bosnian Conflict and Human Rights, Tripoli, Libya (27 June 1993).

  209. ZUM BEGRIFF EINER MULTIKULTURELLEN GESELLSCHAFT: Panel discussion, "Handelsakademie Wien 2," Vienna, Austria (4 November 1993).

  210. [Statement on Economic Sanctions and Human Rights]: International Conference against Economic Sanctions and in Support of Peoples' Rights, Pantios University, Athens, Greece (6 November 1993).

  211. THEORIES OF DEMOCRACY IN REGARD TO THE DICHOTOMY BETWEEN THE CONSTITUTION AND POLITICAL REALITY: International Conference on Constitutionalism, IVth Bratislava Symposium, Bratislava, Slovakia (13 November 1993).

  212. DER ZUSAMMENHANG ZWISCHEN DER DEMOKRATIE UND DEN MENSCHENRECHTEN: Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg, Luxemburg (18 November 1993).

  213. ISLAM AND THE WEST − THE CONFLICT IN BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA: Introductory Remarks at the International Roundtable Meeting on "Islam and the West − The Conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Its Consequences for a New World Order" organized by the International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria (25 November 1993).

  214. IST POPPERS METHODOLOGIE TAUGLICH FÜR DIE GEISTESWISSENSENSCHAFTEN?: Interdisciplinary Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (4 December 1993).

  215. THE CONFLICT IN BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA AND ITS CONSEQUENCES FOR A NEW WORLD ORDER: International Conference of Parliamentarians on Bosnia-Herzegovina, jointly organized by the Malaysian Parliamentarians Committee and the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (23 January 1994).

  216. CONFLICT PREVENTION AND BUILDING DEMOCRACY FROM BELOW:  Inaugural address at the European Regional Conference "Conflict Prevention and Building Democracy from Below," Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy, Sinaia, Romania (28 January 1994).

  217. GEGENWARTSPHILOSOPHIE IM SPANNUNGSFELD NEUER POLITISCHER HERAUSFORDERUNGEN: Working session of "Pädagogisches Institut des Bundes (Oberösterreich)," Wels, Austria (10 March 1994).

  218. Speech at the inauguration of the Athens Office of the Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy, Athens, Greece (24 April 1994).

  219. [Message on behalf of the Foreign Minister of Austria]: Conference of International Parliamentarians against Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium (29 April 1994).

  220. The United Nations Sanctions Policy and Human Rights: Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization at the consultation among international non-governmental organizations on UN sanctions against Iraq, New York City, USA (16 May 1994).

  221. Opening Statement: International Roundtable on "Democracy after the End of the East-West Conflict," jointly organized by Department of Philosophy of the University of Innsbruck and University Center Luxemburg, Innsbruck, Austria (27 May 1994).

  222. LEGAL AND POLITICAL ASPECTS OF THE CONFLICT IN BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA: Central College, University of Iowa, Vienna Programme, Vienna, Austria (9 June 1994).

  223. THE UNITED NATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRACY: Opening statement at the International Roundtable Meeting organized by the Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy in co-operation with the International Progress Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (1 July 1994).

  224. THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND ITS IMPACT ON THE THIRD WORLD: British Afro-Asian Solidarity Organization, London,  UK (23 July 1994).

  225. THE CONFLICT IN BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA AND INTERNATIONAL POWER POLITICS: International Seminar of the Institute for Political and International Studies, Tehran, Iran (28 August 1994).

  226. HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ORDER: Introductory Report at the International Symposion on Human and Peoples' Rights and the New International Order, Tripoli, Libya  (30 August 1994).

  227. ISLAMIC-CHRISTIAN DIALOGUE – CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES: Conference on Inter-religious Dialogue "Peace for All", Khartoum, Sudan (10 October 1994).


  229. OPENING STATEMENT: Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific, Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (18 November 1994).

  230. KRITISCHE BEMERKUNGEN ZUM UNIVERSALEN ANSPRUCH DER EVOLUTIONÄREN ERKENNTNISTHEORIE [Evrimci Bilgi Teorisine Eleştirel Bakış]: University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey (24 November 1994).

  231. KRITISCHE BEMERKUNGEN ZUM UNIVERSALEN ANSPRUCH DER EVOLUTIONÄREN ERKENNTNISTHEORIE [Evrimci Bilgi Teorisine Eleştirel Bakış]: Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul, Turkey (25 November 1994).

  232. OPENING STATEMENT: Second working session of the International Committee of Legal Experts on UN Sanctions against Libya, New York City, USA (1 December 1994).

  233. Briefing Statement on UN Sanctions against Libya: Press Conference, United Nations Correspondents' Club, United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA (2 December 1994).

  234. DER BEGRIFF DER NATION UND DAS PROBLEM DES NATIONALISMUS: University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (3 December 1994).

  235. [Remarks on the problem of double standards on human rights]: International Conference "Rethinking Human Rights," organized by JUST International, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (7 December 1994).

  236. DEMOKRATIE IN DEN INTERNATIONALEN BEZIEHUNGEN: Interdisciplinary Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (21 January 1995).

  237. STATEMENT ON Problems related to NORTH-SOUTH CO-OPERATION: NGO-Committee on Development, United Nations, Vienna, Austria (27 February 1995).

  238. DIE NEUE WELTORDNUNG UND AFRIKA: Afrikanische Studentenorganisation, Innsbruck, Austria (20 March1995).

  239. Statement on the UN Security Council and the Lockerbie Case: International Roundtable Meeting on "The Lockerbie Case through the Obligations of International Law," organized by the General Union of Arab Lawyers, The Hague, Netherlands (28 March 1995).

  240. THE UNITED NATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRACY: Research symposion, European Research Network "The Political Theory of Transnational Democracy: Citizens, Peoples and Minorities in Europe," Rome, Italy (31 March 1995).

  241. DEMOKRATIETHEORIEN IM SCHNITTPUNKT VON VERFASSUNG UND POLITISCHER WIRKLICHKEIT: Interdisciplinary Seminar, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (8 April 1995).

  242. Lecture on the aims and activities of the International Progress Organization: Reception on the occasion of the annual session of the Executive Board of the I.P.O., Dhaka, Bangladesh (15 April 1995).

  243. DIE VEREINTEN NATIONEN IN DER NEUEN WELTORDNUNG: United Nations Association of Austria, Vienna, Austria (26 April 1995).

  244. THE UNITED NATIONS SANCTIONS POLICY AND HUMAN RIGHTS: North-South XXI, Colloquium on Human Rights and International Conflicts, Geneva, Switzerland (10 June 1995).


  246. The Lockerbie Case and International Law: The United Nations Policy and the "New World Order": University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines (14 July 1995).

  247. Statement before the Mann-Chestnut Commission investigating the U.S. Department of Justice: Schiller Institute, Washington DC, USA (1 September 1995).

  248. HEIDEGGERS KONZEPTION DES SUBJEKTS UND DIE "VERWINDUNG" DER METAPHYSIK: Conference "Subjektivität in der Moderne," University of Eichstätt, Eichstätt, Germany (19 September 1995).

  249. [Moderator's Statement on the Arab-Israeli Conflict]: International meeting of experts, "New Developments in Conflict Resolution," organized in co-operation with UNESCO and University of Ulster, Church of Ireland College of Education, Dublin, Ireland (24 September 1995).

  250. THE UNITED NATIONS SANCTIONS POLICY AND INTERNATIONAL LAW: International Conference on the Embargo on Iraq, Session V: "Economic Sanctions, International Law and the Role of the United Nations Security Council," Madrid Conference Center, Madrid, Spain (1 October 1995).

  251. THE IMAGE OF ISLAM IN THE WEST: International Workshop "Images of Islam: Terrorizing the Truth," Penang, Malaysia (7 October 1995).

  252. STATEMENT ON THE OCCASION OF THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED NATIONS: North-South XXI, Geneva, Switzerland (27 October 1995).

  253. OPENING STATEMENT: 2nd Green Dialogue for an Alternative World Order, Tripoli, Libya (3 November 1995).

  254. EINE WELTORDNUNG IM SINNE DER HERRSCHAFT DER WESTLICHEN WERTE?: Symposion "Europa und die Dritte Welt" organized by Freiheitliche Akademie, Baden bei Wien, Austria (25 November 1995).

  255. ON THE DICHOTOMY BETWEEN DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONS AND POLITICAL REALITY: International Colloquium "New Paths of Democracy," University Centre Luxemburg, Luxemburg (15 December 1995).

  256. POLITISCHE ASPEKTE DER ÖKOLOGISCHEN PROBLEMATIK: Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (20 January 1996).

  257. THE UNITED NATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRACY. THE QUEST FOR UN REFORM: Workshop "The Political Theory of Transnational Democracy," University of Cambridge, Cambridge,  UK (30 March 1996).

  258. GEDANKEN ÜBER DIE MÖGLICHKEITEN DIREKTER DEMOKRATIE: Freiheitlicher Akademikerverband für Tirol (FAV), University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (17 April 1996).

  259. DIE UNO-SANKTIONSPOLITIK UND DIE NEUE WELTORDNUNG: Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy and Ring Freiheitlicher Studenten, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (25 April 1996).

  260. THE UNITED NATIONS SANCTIONS POLICY AND INTERNATIONAL LAW:  "The Hunger Weapon" - International Conference on Economic Sanctions, jointly organized by the Italian Association of Democratic Lawyers and the Review "Guerra & Pace," Rome, Italy (11 May 1996).

  261. DAS PRINZIP DEMOKRATIE. REALITÄT UND MÖGLICHKEIT: International Symposion on Direct Democracy, Bozen, South Tyrol, Italy (17 May 1996).

  262. organized in co-operation with UNESCO and University of Ulster, Church Terrorism and the Rule of Law]: Moderator's Statement, International Symposium on "Democracy and Terrorism," organized by International Institute for Non-aligned Studies, Parliament House, New Delhi, India (26 July 1996).

  263. THE UNITED NATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRACY - THE QUEST FOR U.N. REFORM: Foreign Affairs Club of India and Institute of Diplomatic Studies, New Delhi, India (27 July 1996).

  264. MUSLIM-CHRISTIAN TIES IN EUROPE: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: Second International Seminar on Civilizational Dialogue "Japan, Islam and the West," University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2 September 1996).

  265. [Statement on behalf of the I.P.O. Committee of Legal Experts on the Lockerbie Case]: International Seminar "Lockerbie: Where Now? A Study of Jurisdiction and Fair Trial," London, U.K. (9 September 1996).

  266. Statement on the legality of economic sanctions: Special meeting on sanctions, Annual NGO Conference, United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI), United Nations Headquarters, New York, N.Y., USA (11 September 1996).

  267. THE UNITED NATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRACY: THE QUEST FOR UN REFORM: World Peace Assembly, Mexico City, Mexico (23 October 1996).

  268. The United Nations and International Democracy: Award Ceremony, British Afro-Asian Solidarity Organisation (BAASO), London, UK (9 November 1996).

  269. Introductory Statement: International Panel Discussion on "Economic Sanctions and their Impact on Development," NGO Committee on Development, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (28 November 1996).

  270. DER SUBJEKT-BEGRIFF IN DER PHILOSOPHIE HEIDEGGERS: University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey (31 January 1997).

  271. A THEORETICAL EXAMINATION OF THE DICHOTOMY BETWEEN DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONS AND POLITICAL REALITY: International Symposion on "Direct Democracy on the Threshold of the 21st Century," Green Auditorium, El-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya (1 March 1997).

  272. Report on behalf of the I.P.O. observer mission on the human rights situation in Pakistan: United Nations Commission on Human Rights, fifty-third session,  Palais des Nations, Geneva (21 March 1997).

  273. [Statement on Direct Democracy]: Roundtable meeting organized by the Freedom Party of Austria, Vienna, Austria (7 May 1997).

  274. [Statement on Cultural Identity]: Regional Conference on "Globalization - Perceptions, Experiences and Responses of Religious Traditions and Cultural Communities in the Asia Pacific Region," Workshop III, organized by JUST / International Movement for a Just World, Shah Alam, Malaysia (5 July 1997).

  275. PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF INTER-CIVILIZATIONAL DIALOGUE: Third Civilizational Dialogue, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (15 September 1997).

  276. DAS PRINZIP DEMOKRATIE. REALITÄT UND MÖGLICHKEIT: University Center Luxemburg, Luxemburg (15 October 1997).

  277. PHILOSOPHIE UND GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTEN IN DER KRISE?: University Center Luxemburg, Luxemburg (16 October 1997).

  278. U.S.-EUROPEAN RELATIONS AFTER THE END OF THE EAST-WEST CONFLICT − IMPLICATIONS FOR EURO-MEDITERRANEAN CO-OPERATION: International Symposion, Al-Jumhuriya International Studies Center, Baghdad, Iraq (29 October 1997).

  279. Arab POLITICS AND the "New World Order": Guest lecture, Institute of Strategic Studies, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan (1 November 1997).

  280. PALESTINIAN SELF-DETERMINATION − THE BASIS OF PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST: International Conference "Human Rights and the Final Status Issues" organized by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Gaza City, Palestine (13 December 1997).

  281. ZUM NEUEN DEMOKRATIEIDEOLOGISCHEN DISKURS IM ZEITALTER DER WELTPOLITISCHEN MONOPOLARITÄT: Interdisciplinary Seminar, Deptartment of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria  (17 January 1998).

  282. [Statement on Democracy in International Relations]: Symposium on "Clash and Convergence of Cultures: 50 Years of Austro-American Relations," organized by Salzburg Seminar and Harvard Club of Austria, Salzburg, Austria (18 January 1998).

  283. Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization: United Nations / European Regional NGO Conference on Palestine, Brussels, Belgium (26 March 1998).

  284. HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE INTERNATIONAL RULE OF LAW: International Conference "Human Rights Challenges in the 21st Century," International Institute for Non-aligned Studies and NGO Coordinating Committee on Human Rights (Geneva), New Delhi, India (5 March 1998).

  285. DIE SANKTIONSPOLITIK DER VEREINTEN NATIONEN: Gesellschaft für politisch-strategische Studien, Vienna, Austria (19 March 1998).

  286. THE RELATIONS BETWEEN EUROPE AND THE ISLAMIC WORLD IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA: REVIVAL OF ENEMY STEREOTYPES OR CO-OPERATION IN A NEWLY EMERGING MULTIPOLAR SYSTEM?: Seminar "Europe and the Islamic World" organized by the European Union, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (24 March 1998).

  287. ECONOMIC SANCTIONS AND THE ROLE OF POWER POLITICS IN THE UNITED NATIONS – A LEGAL AND POLITICAL EVALUATION: International Colloquium "Sanctions and Human Rights," North-South XXI, Tripoli, Libya (15 April 1998).

  288. THE LOCKERBIE CASE AND INTERNATIONAL LAW: Green Auditorium, El-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya (18 April 1998).

  289. THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS REVISITED: International Roundtable Meeting "Civilizations: Conflict or Dialogue?," organized by the International Progress Organization and the University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (8 June 1998).

  290. APPLICATION OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND PRACTICES TO PROTECT HUMAN RIGHTS IN KAZAKHSTAN: Conference "Human Rights and Freedoms in the Reforming Process of Kazakhstan Society," United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Human Rights Commission under the President of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan (18 June 1998).

  291. GLOBALIZATION AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRACY: Conference "Globalization and Democracy," Friends for Peace and Development, University of Buéa,  Buéa, Cameroon (10 July 1998).

  292. GLOBALIZATION AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRACY: Summer Camp "Globalization and Cultural Identity," Georgia Greens, Velevi, Republic of Georgia (25 July 1998). 

  293. THE PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CIVILIZATIONAL DIALOGUE: University of Malaya Master of Arts Programme in Civilizational Studies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (4 August 1998). 

  294. THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS REVISITED: University of Malaya Master of Arts Programme in Civilizational Studies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (6 August 1998). 

  295. GLOBALIZATION: ITS IMPACT ON POLITICS AND ECONOMY: International Movement for a Just World, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (9 August 1998).

  296. NORTH-SOUTH RELATIONS AFTER THE END OF THE EAST-WEST CONFLICT: University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (10 August 1998).

  297. [Moderator's Statement]: NGO Seminar on Globalization, North-South XXI, Tripoli, Libya (29 August 1998).

  298. [Statement on Muslim-Western Relations]: Plenary Session, International Meeting of Experts "Islam and the Global Economy," organized by Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies at Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, UK (26 September 1998).

  299. THE EVOLUTION AND PHILOSOPHICAL BACKGROUND OF WESTERN DEMOCRACIES: International Symposion "Islam and Democracy," Foundation for Research in Islamic Studies, Istanbul, Turkey (27 November 1998).

  300. HOW CAN DEMOCRATIC CITIZENSHIP BE EXERCISED ON THE TRANSNATIONAL LEVEL? DECISION-MAKING PROCEDURES OF THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS AND DEMOCRATIC LEGITIMACY: International Colloquium "Concept, Foundations and Prerequisites of a Common European Citizenship" organized by the University Centre Luxemburg, the University of Warsaw and the Council of Europe, Luxemburg (4 December 1998).

  301. DEMOKRATIE IM SPANNUNGSFELD VON THEORIE UND WIRKLICHKEIT: Seminar "Die Zukunft der Demokratie – Demokratie der Zukunft," Senatsarbeitskreis "Wissenschaft und Verantwortlichkeit," University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (16 December 1998).

  302. PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF GLOBALIZATION: International Roundtable Conference on the Challenges of Globalization, University of Munich, Munich, Germany (18 March 1999).

  303. DER WANDEL DES DEMOKRATIEBEGRIFFES IN DER POLITISCHEN PHILOSOPHIE DER NEUZEIT: Seminar "Philosophie und Politik," Freiheitliche Akademie, Salzburg, Austria (8 May 1999).

  304. THE UNITED NATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRACY: University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada (14 September 1999).

  305. Economic Sanctions and Human Rights: International Symposium on Iraqi Sanctions, People's Hall, Tripoli, Libya (7 October 1999).

  306. [Statement on Democratic Citizenship on the Transnational Level]: Expert Group on Democratic Citizenship, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France (4 November 1999).


  308. THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE USE OF FORCE. ON THE PROBLEMATIC NATURE OF THE CONCEPT OF "HUMANITARIAN" INTERVENTION: International Conference "Interventionism against International Law: From Iraq to Yugoslavia," Madrid, Spain (20 November 1999).

  309. Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization: First Session of the Follow-up and Coordination Committee of the Baghdad Conference, Baghdad, Iraq (27 November 1999).

  310. THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE USE OF FORCE. ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: 4th World Symposium on the Green Book, Tripoli, Libya (1 December 1999).

  311. Opening Statement: International Roundtable Meeting "Transplantationsmedizin und personale Identität" / Transplantation Medicine and Personal Identity, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (15 March 2000).

  312. [Final Report on Transnational Democracy in Europe]: Expert Group on Democratic Citizenship, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France (15 June 2000).

  313. SELF-DETERMINATION AS A MEANS OF FURTHER DEMOCRATIZATION OF THE UN AND THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM: First International Conference on the Right to Self-Determination and the United Nations, organized by the International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM) and the International Council on Human Rights (ICHR), Geneva, Switzerland (12 August 2000).

  314. Statement on Globalization and Cultural Identity: International Symposium on "Globalization and Culture," organized by North-South XXI, Tripoli, Libya (30 August 2000).

  315. THE LACK OF INTERNATIONAL LEGAL REFERENCE FOR THE RESOLUTION OF THE PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI CONFLICT: International Conference "1991-2000: The Palestinian-Israeli Peace Process. A Critical Evaluation of the Negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and Israel," Madrid, Spain (30 September 2000).

  316. Economic Sanctions and Power Politics in the Middle East: Keynote speech, Follow-up and Coordination Committee of the Baghdad Conference, Baghdad, Iraq (12 November 2000).

  317. STATEMENT ON THE OCCASION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE: United Nations General Assembly, Committee for the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (29 November 2000).

  318. HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION – THE END OF INTERNATIONAL LAW?: China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, Beijing, China (22 December 2000).

  319. DER PALÄSTINAKONFLIKT: "18. Bogenhausener Gespräche," Munich, Germany (18 February 2001).

  320. [Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization]: UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People / NGO consultations, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (22 February 2001).

  321. REPORT ON THE FAIRNESS OF THE LOCKERBIE TRIAL: International Symposion "Lockerbie – Law and Politics" organized by the League of Arab States and the Union of Arab Lawyers, Cairo, Egypt (8 April 2001).

  322. THE LOCKERBIE TRIAL – POLITICS VERSUS JUSTICE: Pusan National University / Korean Human Rights Center, Pusan, Korea (8 June 2001).

  323. HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION – POLITICAL DIMENSIONS AND TARGETS: Bayt al-Hikma [House of Wisdom], Baghdad, Iraq (23 July 2001).

  324. HUMAN AND PEOPLES' RIGHTS IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Opening statement at the international roundtable conference on "Human and Peoples' Rights in International Relations," Myongji University, Seoul, Korea (25 October 2001).

  325. COMMENTS ON THE PEACE PROCESS AGENDA OF THE PHILIPPINES: Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process, Manila, Philippines (11 March 2002).

  326. AFTER SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS OR DIALOGUE?: University of the Philippines, Asian Center, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines (11 March 2002).

  327. THE UNITED NATIONS, THE INTERNATIONAL RULE OF LAW AND TERRORISM: Fourteenth Centennial Lecture, Supreme Court of the Philippines and Philippine Judicial Academy, Manila, Philippines (12 March 2002).

  328. TERRORISM, COUNTER-TERRORISM: CAUSES AND SOLUTIONS: National Police Commission of the Philippines (NAPOLCOM), Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines (12 March 2002).

  329. THE DIALOGUE OF CIVILIZATIONS: PHILOSOPHICAL BASIS, POLITICAL DIMENSIONS AND THE RELEVANCE OF INTERNATIONAL SPORTING EVENTS: World Cup Roundtable on Promoting Mutual Understanding among Cultures and Peoples, organized by the Korean National Commission for UNESCO and the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), Seoul, Korea (1 June 2002).

  330. THE UNITED NATIONS' FAILURE TO ENFORCE INTERNATIONAL LAW IN PALESTINE AND THE NEED OF EFFECTIVE MECHANISMS OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW: THE CASE OF JENIN: International Conference "Victims of War and International Law," Zayed Centre for Coordination & Follow-up, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (15 July 2002).

  331. The “Clash of Civilizations,” the Problem of Terrorism and Strategies towards Peaceful Co-existence among Nations: International Conference "A World Without Borders? Asia-Europe Responses to Globalization," organized by the Asia-Europe Foundation and the Danish Youth Council, Hillerød, Denmark (22 September 2002).

  332. THE WAR ON TERROR, ITS IMPACT ON THE SOVEREIGNTY OF STATES AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: International Ecumenical Conference on Terrorism in a Globalized World, organized by the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP), Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), World Council of Churches, Manila, Philippines (25 September 2002).

  333. THE UNITED NATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM: CHALLENGES TO COLLECTIVE SECURITY: International Conference on "International Terrorism and Anti-terrorism Cooperation," organized by the Shanghai Center for International Studies and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China (15 November 2002).

  334. THE CONFLICT BETWEEN IRAQ AND THE UNITED NATIONS: THE SITUATION A DECADE AFTER THE GULF WAR: International Meeting Against the War, Madrid, Spain (17 November 2002).

  335. STATEMENT ON THE OCCASION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE: United Nations General Assembly, Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (29 November 2002).

  336. REGIONALISM IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALITY: Inaugural address at the International Roundtable Conference on "Regional Groupings and their Impact on International Relations," Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy, Vienna, Austria (7 December 2002).

  337. THE DIALECTIC OF POWER AND LAW. THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE "NEW WORLD ORDER": Guest lecture, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland (19 August 2003).

  338. THE UNITED NATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRACY: First Nordic Youth Conference "Youth Visions on the New World Order," Stavanger, Norway (30 August 2003).

  339. THE UNITED NATIONS IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER: Keynote Address, Rutgers Model United Nations 2003, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA (21 November 2003).

  340. LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE CONFLICTS IN IRAQ AND PALESTINE: Rutgers Model United Nations 2003: Advanced Committees, Security Council. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ,  USA (21 November 2003).

  341. THE LEGAL STATUS OF THE GUANTANAMO BAY DETAINEES: Rutgers Model United Nations 2003: General Assembly / Specialized Agency Committees. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA (22 November 2003).

  342. THE CASE OF THE D.R. OF CONGO V. BELGIUM BEFORE THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE: Rutgers Model United Nations 2003: Advanced Committees, International Court of Justice.  Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA (22 November 2003).

  343. THE PRECONDITIONS FOR A PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF THE ARAB-ISRAELI DISPUTE: Rutgers Model United Nations 2003,: Advanced Committees, Knesset. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA (22 November 2003).

  344. THE LEGAL STATUS OF THE PALESTINIAN NATIONAL AUTHORITY (PNA) AND PALESTINIAN HUMAN RIGHTS: Rutgers Model United Nations 2003: Advanced Committees, Palestinian Authority. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA (22 November 2003).

  345. THE CONTRADICTIONS OF THE LOCKERBIE TRIAL: Rutgers Model United Nations 2003: Advanced Committees, Security Council. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA (22 November 2003).

  346. [Report on the Initiatives The International Progress Organization]: Information Exchange 2004: "Activities on Peace Issues of International NGOs," NGO Committee on Peace, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (18 February 2004).

  347. KULTURPHILOSOPHISCHE UND IDEOLOGIEKRITISCHE ÜBERLEGUNGEN ZUM FEINDBILD "ISLAM": Panel discussion "Islam – Feindbild für alle?" Islamisches Bildungs- und Kulturzentrum – Österreich (Islamic Educational and Cultural Center – Austria), Vienna, Austria (7 May 2004).

  348. PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CIVILIZATIONAL DIALOGUE: World Congress on Transcendent Philosophy and Mulla Sadra, Tehran, Iran (23 May 2004).

  349. The Dialectic of Power and Law The United Nations AND THE FUTURE OF World Order: International Roundtable on "The United Nations and International Power Politics," East-West University, Chicago, USA (5 June 2004).

  350. GLOBAL JUSTICE OR GLOBAL REVENGE? Book launching, University of the Philippines, Asian Center, Quezon City, Philippines (14 June 2004).

  351. the Iraq crisis, the role of the United Nations and questions of international legitimacy: University of the Philippines, College of Law, Quezon City, Philippines (17 June 2004).

  352. THE U.S. HANDOVER OF SOVEREIGNTY TO IRAQ. MORAL AND LEGAL QUESTIONS: Public Forum, People's Forum on Peace for Life, National Council of Churches in the Philippines, Ecumenical Women's Forum, Pilgrims for Peace, Manila, Philippines (18 June 2004).

  353. JUNE 30 HANDOVER – SOVEREIGN IRAQ OR U.S. NEOCOLONY?: Forum "The U.S. Handover of Sovereignty in Iraq – Implications, Problems and Prospects," Bayan, Justice Not War Coalition, Contend-up, Stand-up, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines (18 June 2004).

  354. QUO VADIS, UNITED NATIONS?: Convocation on the occasion of the Centenary of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines and Third Foundation Anniversary of the College of Law, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines (22 June 2004).

  355. THE CHANGING NATURE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND THE FUTURE OF WORLD ORDER: Armed Forces of the Philippines, Command and General Staff College, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City, Philippines (23 June 2004).

  356. THE DIALOGUE OF CIVILIZATIONS AND THE FUTURE OF WORLD ORDER: Foundation Day Speech, 43rd Foundation Day, Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, Philippines (1 September 2004).

  357. Acceptance Speech upon the conferment of Royal Datoship of the Sultanate of Marawi: Conferment ceremony, Marawi City, Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, Philippines (2 September 2004).

  358. THE "CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS" – Perception and Reality in the Context of Globalization and International Power Politics: International Forum on "Globalization and Dialogue between Civilizations," Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (30 September 2004).

  359. Perceptions and Paradigms of Justice: Statement, ASEF "Talks on the Hill" on "Cross-Examining Justice: Cultural, Religious and Social Conceptions of Justice in Asia & Europe," Cultures & Civilisations Dialogue, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), Singapore (18 October 2004).

  360. THE UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION AND GLOBAL POWER POLITICS: Keynote Address, Session on the United Nations and the Emerging World Order, Second International Law Conference, Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi, India (15 November 2004).

  361. THE UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION AND THE IMPERATIVES OF INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRACY: European Public Debate "The European Union and the Reform of the United Nations," Union of European Federalists, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium (1 December 2004).

  362. THE UN SYSTEM OF COLLECTIVE SECURITY, THE IRAQ CONFLICT AND THE INTERNATIONAL RULE OF LAW: Berlin Seminar of Executive Intelligence Review (Washington D.C.), Berlin, Germany (12 January 2005).

  363. THE EUROPEAN CONSTITUTION AND THE IMPERATIVES OF TRANSNATIONAL DEMOCRACY: Colloquium on "The European Constitution – Future Perspectives and Problems" organized by the University of Luxemburg and Clark University (USA), Luxemburg (18 February 2005).

  364. GLOBAL JUSTICE OR GLOBAL REVENGE? REFLECTIONS ON INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND THE ROLE OF THE UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL: International Conference on "The Hague Proceedings against Slobodan Milošević: Emerging Issues in International Law," The Hague, Netherlands (26 February 2005).

  365. DER LOCKERBIE-PROZESS IM SPANNUNGSFELD DER INTERNATIONALEN MACHTPOLITIK: Interdisciplinary lecture series "Spiele der Macht," University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (6 April 2005).

  366. DIALOGUE AMONG CIVILIZATIONS AND CULTURES: THE QUEST FOR MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING: International Conference "Environment, Peace and the Dialogue among Civilizations and Cultures" organized by the Islamic Republic of Iran (Department of Environment) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Tehran, Iran (10 May 2005).

  367. INTERNATIONAL POWER POLITICS AND THE QUESTION OF UNITED NATIONS REFORM: Rights Talk, Centre for Comparative and Public Law, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China  (23 May 2005).

  368. REINVENTING TRANSNATIONAL GOVERNMENT: 6th Global Forum on Reinventing Government "Towards Participatory and Transparent Governance," organized by the United Nations and the Government of the Republic of Korea, Seoul, Korea (25 May 2005).

  369. THE PRECARIOUS NATURE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW IN THE ABSENCE OF A BALANCE OF POWER: Introductory remarks delivered at the International Roundtable Discussion on "The Use of Force in International Relations: Challenges to Collective Security" organized by the International Progress Organization in co-operation with the Department of Philosophy of the University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (22 June 2005). 

  370. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION IN A MULTIPOLAR WORLD − THE ROLE OF THE ASIAN MEDIA: ASEAN Press Convention & 15th General Assembly of the Confederation of ASEAN Journalists (CAJ), Bangkok, Thailand (5 August 2005).

  371. KOLLEKTIVE SICHERHEIT UND PRÄVENTIVE VERTEIDIGUNG: PARADIGMENWECHSEL IN DER SICHERHEITSPOLITIK?: Moderator's Statement, European Security Conference Innsbruck (ESCI), University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (11 September 2005).

  372. HOW CAN REGIONAL UNIONS CONTRIBUTE TO THE STRENGTHENING AND DEMOCRATIZATION OF THE UN?: International Public Conference "Federalism, Peace & International Democracy. The experiences and contribution of the European Union and the African Union" organized by the World Federalist Movement (WFM) and the Union of European Federalists (UEF), European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium (4 November 2005).

  373. STATEMENT ON THE OCCASION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE [on behalf of the network of non-governmental organizations on the question of Palestine]: Solemn meeting held by the United Nations General Assembly, Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (29 November 2005).

  374. LAW AND POLITICS IN THE GLOBAL ORDER: THE PROBLEMS AND PITFALLS OF UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION: International Conference on "The Emerging Trends in International Criminal Jurisprudence" organized by the Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi, India (10 December 2005).

  375. ADDRESS ON THE OCCASION OF THE RELEASE OF THE INDIAN EDITION OF "GLOBAL JUSTICE OR GLOBAL REVENGE?": Book launching ceremony, Indian Society of International Law, Krishna Menon Bhawan, New Delhi, India (11 December 2005).

  376. [Laudatio]: Farewell Ceremony for Professor Josef Zelger, Faculty of Humanities I, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (25 January 2006).

  377. UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION AND INTERNATIONAL POWER POLITICS: IDEAL VERSUS REAL: Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey (13 February 2006).

  378. ISLAM AND THE WEST: CLASH OR ALLIANCE OF CIVILIZATIONS?: Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı / Foundation for Sciences and Arts, Istanbul, Turkey (14 February 2006).

  379. Evrensel Hukuk ve Uluslararası Güç Politikasını : İdeale Karşı Gerçek Durum: Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey (16 February 2006).

  380. Karol Wojtyła's Notion of the Irreducible in Man and the Quest for a Just World Order: Conference on "Karol Wojtyła's Philosophical Legacy," Philosophy Department, Saint Joseph College, West Hartford, Connecticut, USA (22 March 2006).

  381. The Dialogue of Civilizations Under the Conditions of a Unipolar World Order: Programmatic Statement, International Consultation, World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia (25 March 2006).

  382. Civilization as Instrument of World Order? The Role of the Civilizational Paradigm in the Absence of a Balance of Power: International Symposion "Civilizations and World Orders," Foundation for Sciences and Arts, Istanbul, Turkey (13 May 2006).

  383. Legal Reform in the Arab World: An Imperative of Self-determination: International Expert Conference on Legal Reform in the Arab World, jointly organized by the Institute of Law of Birzeit University (Palestine), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Germany), in the framework of the  Second World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies, Amman, Jordan (13 June 2006).

  384. Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization: International Coordinating Network on Palestine (ICNP), consultation meeting with the United Nations Committee for the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (29 June 2006).

  385. OBSTACLES TO DIALOGUE UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF A UNIPOLAR WORLD ORDER - THE STATE OF MUSLIM-WESTERN RELATIONS: Programmatic Statement, Working Group "The Impact of Power Structures on Options for Dialogue," The Copenhagen Lab of Co-existence, IT University, Copenhagen, Denmark (5 September 2006).

  386. ASIA-EUROPE CO-OPERATION AS CORNERSTONE OF A NEW MULTIPOLAR WORLD: Contribution to the debate, International Conference "ASEM@10 - Connecting Civil Societies of Asia and Europe," organized by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) in connection with the 6th Summit of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), Helsinki, Finland (7 September 2006).

  387. THE DIALOGUE OF CIVILIZATIONS AS CORNERSTONE OF GLOBAL CO-EXISTENCE: Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization, World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Fourth Annual Conference, Rhodes, Greece (29 September 2006).

  388. International Security Policy in the Era of the "Global War on Terror" - Ethical Implications: Moderator's Statement, Working Group on Security Policy and Ethics, Second European Security Conference Innsbruck (ESCI) - "Security in the Era of Transformation,"  Innsbruck, Austria (1 October 2006).

  389. The State of Peace under the Conditions of a Unipolar World Order: 9th International Forum organized by the Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education - "Lifelong Integrated Education: Enlightenment on the Order of Coexistence," Paris, France (9 November 2006).

  390. The Changing Nature of Power and the Erosion of Democracy in the Age of Technology: Challenges to the Philosophy of Law in the 21st Century: International Academy for Philosophy, Second Annual Session in collaboration with The Hellenic Society for Philosophical Studies, "Perspectives of Philosophy in the 21st Century," Athens, Greece ( 25 November 2006).

  391. STATEMENT ON THE OCCASION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE [on behalf of the network of non-governmental organizations on the question of Palestine]: Solemn meeting held by the United Nations General Assembly, Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (29 November 2006).

  392. Laudatio on the occasion of the awarding of the Golden Honorary Medal of the I.P.O. to Fatemah Remedios Balbin: Gala dinner of the International Progress Organization, Roanoke, Virginia, USA (17 December 2006).

  393. Religion and Violence - Introductory Statement: International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Petaling Jaya, Malaysia (17 January 2007).

  394. Christian-Muslim Relations in the Age of Global Unipolarity: Belief in One God versus Political Double Standards: Campus Ministry, Roman-Catholic Archdiocese, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (17 January 2007).

  395. Religion and Violence in International Relations: Reflections on Western Approaches towards Islam: International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Gombak, Malaysia (18 January 2007).

  396. The "Global War on Terror" and its Implications for Muslim-Western Relations: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia / National University of Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia (19 January 2007).

  397. Religion and Violence: Universiti Sains Malaysia / Malaysia Science University, Centre for International Studies, Penang, Malaysia (22 January 2007).

  398. Religion and Violence: Philosophical Reflections on the Challenges Faced by the Christian Faith: National University of Singapore (NUS) in co-operation with the Dept. of Philosophy of the University of Innsbruck, Singapore (25 January 2007).

  399. Coming to Terms with the Past as a Problem of Justice - Philosophical Reflections: "From the Burden of the Past to Societal Peace and Democracy": International Conference on "Coming to Terms with the Past" organized by Heinrich Böll Foundation at Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey (24 February 2007).

  400. Democracy in the Age of Global Unipolarity: International Symposium "Democracy in the 21st Century: Thirty Years since the Announcement of the Establishment of People's Authority," Sebha, Libya (1 March 2007).

  401. Civilization and World Order: The Relevance of the Civilizational Paradigm in Contemporary International Law: Seminar on "Multiculturalism and International Law," organized by the Silk Road Institute of International Law and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China (14 April 2007).

  402. Orient und Okzident: Dialog oder Krieg?: Marokkanischer Verein in deutschsprachigen Ländern / Moroccan Society in German-speaking Countries, Feldkirch, Austria (10 May 2007).

  403. Rauchen aus ethischer, rechtlicher und politischer Sicht: Lecture series organized by "Initiative für einen rauchfreien Studien-, Schul- und Arbeitsplatz" and "Verein zur Weiterbildung und Förderung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten von MedizinerInnen," University Campus, Vienna, Austria (18 May 2007).

  404. Civilizational Dialogue versus Civilizational Coercion: The Risks of Unilateralism and the Virtues of Co-existence: Second International Forum "Globalization and Dialogue between Civilizations," Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (24 May 2007).

  405. The Hermeneutical Principles of Civilizational Dialogue: First Conference of the International Research Institute for Philosophy, Logic, Argumentation and Communication at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University, Yerevan, Armenia (31 May 2007).

  406. Security Council Reform: A Requirement of International Democracy: Conference on "Reforming the United Nations -  Democracy, Justice and Security in the Age of Globalization," organized by Centro Studi sul Federalismo / Center for the Study of Federalism, Turin Academy of Sciences, Turin, Italy (8 June 2007).

  407. Philosophical Foundation for a Culture of Peace: An Insight for Community & Faith Leaders: Seminar on "The Role of Community and Faith Leaders towards Promoting the Culture of Durable and Lasting Peace," organized by the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in co-operation with Jamiyah Singapore, Singapore (22 June 2007).

  408. Internationale Gerechtigkeit: Ethics Forum of the University of Munich, Munich, Germany (12 July 2007).

  409. Aspects of Intercultural Dialogue: Islam and the West - The Perspective of the Western World: Speech delivered at the meeting of the International Advisory Board of the "Youth for the Alliance of Civilizations" Initiative, organized by the Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation (ICYF-DC), Kyrenia, Cyprus (18 August 2007).

  410. Dialogue of Civilizations - The Main Challenge of Our Time: Introductory Speech, International Conference "Dialogue of Civilizations: The Role of Political Parties," organized by the New Azerbaijan Party, Baku, Azerbaijan (27 September 2007).

  411. The Conditions for Building Civilizational Space: Moderator's Statement, Plenary Session II, World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Fifth Annual Meeting, Rhodes, Greece (13 October 2007).

  412. The International Use of Force and the Phenomenon of Terrorism: Symptoms and Causes of Violence in Today's Global Order: Keynote Speech, Second Plenary, "Youth for the Alliance of Civilizations Initiative - Alliance Youth Camp," organized by the Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation (ICYF-DC) and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Baku, Azerbaijan (29 October 2007).

  413. Global Justice or Global Revenge? Politicization and Double Standards in the Prosecution of War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity and Genocide: Conference on "Civil Wars and Genocide: Case Studies, Outcomes, and Trends," School for International Studies, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada (15 November 2007).

  414. Evolutionary Epistemology as a Problem of Metaphilosophy: Third International Conference of the International Philosophical Academy (in collaboration with Stanford University, The University of California at Berkeley, the Journal Metaphilosophy, and Blackwell Publishing), Glendale, Los Angeles, USA (30 November 2007).

  415. The Global War on Terror and the Metaphysical Enemy: Introductory Lecture, International Roundtable "The 'Global War on Terror' and its Implications for Muslim-Western Relations," organized by the International Progress Organization in co-operation with the Center for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS), Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia Science University), Penang, Malaysia (13 December 2007).

  416. Global Security in the Absence of a Balance of Power: The Importance of Inter-regional Co-operation: International Conference "Countries of the Caucasus and the Middle East - possible partners in the process of formation of a regional system of security," Yerevan, Armenia (7 February 2008).

  417. [FINAL REPORT]:  International Conference "Countries of the Caucasus and the Middle East - possible partners in the process of formation of a regional system of security," Yerevan, Armenia (8 February 2008).

  418. The Changing Nature of Power and the Erosion of Democracy in the Age of Technology: Centre for Dialogue, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia (14 February 2008).

  419. The "Global War on Terror" - Contradictions of an Imperial Strategy: Global Peace and Justice Auckland (GPJA), Special GPJA Forum, Auckland, New Zealand (20 February 2008).

  420. The Kashmir Problem between Law and Realpolitik: Reflections on a Negotiated Settlement: Keynote Speech, "Global Discourse on Kashmir 2008," organized by the All-Party Group for Kashmir in the European Parliament and the International Council for Human Rights (ICHR) / Kashmir Centre, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium (1 April 2008).

  421. Islam et Occident: choc ou dialogue des civilisations: Seminar organized by Syndicat National de l'Enseignement Supérieur (SNESUP) and Association des Marocains dans les pays germanophones, Faculté des Sciences, Université Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco (22 May 2008).

  422. Education and Intercultural Dialogue - A Philosophical Perspective: International Conference "Education as a Dialogue Model of Social Development," jointly organized by World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" and Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada (12 June 2008).

  423. Globalization and the Requirements of Social Justice: Statement at the Seminar on a New and Just World Economic Order, Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) (Washington DC), Wiesbaden, Germany (26 July 2008).

  424. The United Nations Organization and the Prospects of Peace in Palestine: Briefing session for the delegation to Israel/Palestine of Interfaith Peace-Builders (USA), Vienna, Austria (28 July 2008).

  425. The Role of Trust in Multinational Financial Institutions: An Intercultural Business Model for Europe: Symposion / Group Executive Committee Meeting, "The Power of Trust - Facilitating Inter- and Transcultural Performance and Efficiency in Connected Banking Systems," organized by Erste University, Erste Group Bank AG, Vienna, Austria (10 September 2008).

  426. The Lockerbie Trial and the Rule of Law: Keynote address, The Law Awards of Scotland 2008 in association with Registers of Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland, UK (18 September 2008).

  427. Global (Dis)order in a Period of Transition: Turkey's Role in the Emerging Multipolar World: Honorary Professorship Award Ceremony, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey (16 October 2008).

  428. Islamophobia and the Contradictions in Europe's Multicultural Society: Global Research Center, Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı / Foundation for Sciences and Arts, Istanbul, Turkey (18 October 2008).

  429. Islamophobia and Politics in Multicultural Societies: Quid nunc, Europa?: International Conference "Beyond Religious Differences - Islamophobia and other forms of discrimination based on religion or belief: consequences for young people and youth work responses," jointly organized by the Council of Europe (Directorate of Youth and Sport), Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Ministry of Youth and Sport of Azerbaijan, Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation (ICYF-DC), and European Youth Forum, Baku, Azerbaijan (5 November 2008).

  430. The Universal Mission of the International Criminal Court under the Conditions of Realpolitik: Statement at the Panel Discussion on "The International Criminal Court: US and EU Differences in Participation, Sovereignty and the Rule of Law," 24th TransAtlantic Conference, Franklin Center for Global Policy Research (USA), The Hague, Netherlands (10 November 2008).

  431. International conflict resolution and civilizational dialogue: Statement, roundtable debate, Syrian Television, Damascus, Syria  (24 November 2008).

  432. STATEMENT ON THE OCCASION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE [on behalf of the network of non-governmental organizations on the question of Palestine]: Special meeting in observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (26 November 2008).

  433. International Justice and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Annual Meeting, Hans Koechler Political and Philosophical Society, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines (13 December 2008).

  434. The Crisis of the Global Economy and the Imperatives of Global Justice: Solidarity statement delivered at the international conference for the launching of the Oikotree / Covenanting for Justice movement, organized by Peace for Life (Philippines), Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines (15 December 2008).

  435. Les relations entre le monde arabe et l'Occident: Lecture meeting, Parti Socialiste Unifié (PSU), Casablanca, Morocco (14 February 2009).

  436. Les musulmans et l'occident: Public forum and book launching event, Salon international de l'édition et du livre (Siel), Casablanca, Morocco (15 February 2009).

  437. The "New International Economic Order" Revisited: Philosophical Considerations on the Collapse of Neoliberal Globalization: International Conference "Rebuilding the World Economy after the Systemic Crisis," Rüsselsheim, Germany (21 February 2009).

  438. Cultural Identity, Truth and the Fear of Empire:  II Foro de los Pueblos / Second Peoples' Forum: "Without Fear of Empire: Global People's Resistance," jointly organized by Peace for Life and Justicia y Vida, Bogotá, Colombia (22 March 2009).

  439. Global Justice or Global Revenge? The ICC and the Politicization of International Criminal Justice: World Conference for International Justice -- "United against the politicization of justice," General Sudanese Students Union, Khartoum, Sudan (6 April 2009).

  440. The Lockerbie Case, the Security Council, and Terrorism: Thirty Eighth Annual Conference, Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi, India (18 April 2009).

  441. Criminal Justice as a Tool of Collective Security? The United Nations Security Council and Sudan: Panel Discussion "The Impact of the ICC-resolution on Peace in Sudan," organized by the Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, Austria (23 April 2009).

  442. Economy and Civilization in an Era of Global Crisis: Speech at the opening session, of the International Conference "Prague Dialogue on Europe in the XXI Century," organized under the patronage of the Speaker of the Chamber  of Deputies of the Czech Republic by the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" (WPFDC) and Klub Rusko, Prague, Czech Republic (14 May 2009).

  443. The Collapse of Neoliberal Globalization and the Quest for a Just World Order: International Conference "Prague Dialogue on Europe in the XXI Century," Panel 1: "The global crisis as key problem of European cooperation," organized by the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" (WPFDC) and Klub Rusko, Prague, Czech Republic (14 May 2009).

  444. Unity in Diversity: Eurasia's Contribution to Civilizational Dialogue: International Conference on "The Role of Historical and Cultural Heritage in the Dialogue of Civilizations," Almaty, Kazakhstan (9 June 2009).

  445. The Relation between Man and World: International Conference "Astronomy and Civilization," organized by the Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (13 August 2009).

  446. Multiculturalism and the Future of Europe: Moderator's Statement, International Conference "The Wider Europe: West-East Dialogue," organized by the Odessa National Law Academy and Kharkiv National 'Karazin' University in co-operation with the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Odessa, Ukraine (18 September 2009).

  447. Global Dialogue and the Role of Civil Society: International Press Conference, National Press Club of Greece (ESEA), Athens, Greece (7 October 2009).

  448. The Shifting Balance of Power and the Future of Sovereign States: Rhodes Forum 2009, Panel 1: "Dialogue and Global Politics," Rhodes, Greece (10 October 2009).

  449. The Global Economic Crisis and the Role of Religion: Seventh Doha Interfaith Dialogue Conference, Doha, State of Qatar (21 October 2009).

  450. The Philosophy and Politics of Dialogue: Keynote Lecture, Global Dialogue Conference 2009 - "Responsibility Across Borders? Climate Change as Challenge for Intercultural Inquiry on Values," Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark (6 November 2009).

  451. Depoliticizing International Criminal Justice: Global Justice or Global Revenge: International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: An Independent Conference on Its Legacy from the Defence Perspective, The Hague, Netherlands (14 November 2009).

  452. Turkey and Europe: The Geopolitics of Regional Integration: 2nd Turkey-Europe Forum - "European Integration and Turkey," organized by the Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies (TASAM), Mardin, Turkey (11 December 2009).

  453. Laudatio on the occasion of the awarding of the Global Dialogue Prize 2009 to Dariush Shayegan: Award Ceremony, Global Dialogue Prize, Aarhus Concert Hall, Aarhus, Denmark (27 January 2010).

  454. The Enforcement of International Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Moderator's Statement, United Nations Meeting of Civil Society in Support of the Palestinian People, Vienna, Austria (26 March 2010).

  455. Law and Politics in the International Criminal Court: ICC watch, London, UK (30 March 2010).

  456. The Security Council and International Law: Guest lecture, National Law College of India University, Bangalore, India (9 April 2010).

  457. World Order: Vision and Reality: Book launching ceremony, 3rd Annual Symposium, National Law College of India Review, Bangalore, India (10 April 2010).

  458. Militarism and Empire: Statement, World Without Empire Conference & Peace Festival, Union Theological Seminary, New York City, USA (23 April 2010). 

  459. The Dilemma of International Criminal Justice: International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: The Second International Criminal Defence Conference "Lessons from the Ad Hoc UN Tribunals, and Prospects for International Justice at the ICC," Brussels, Belgium (23 May 2010).

  460. Islam and the West: Challenges of a Just World Order: Keynote speech, International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2010, organized by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD), German Foreign Ministry, Berlin, Germany (25 May 2010).

  461. Economy and Religion in the Era of Globality: Keynote speech, Globalization for the Common Good, 9th Annual International Conference: "In Search of the Virtuous Economy: A Plea for Dialogue, Wisdom, and the Common Good," California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, California, USA (7 June 2010).

  462. Remarks on the Philosophy of Education: Statement and commentary, Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education, Tokyo, Japan (25 June 2010). 

  463. Dialogue of Civilizations and Requirements of a Just World Order: International Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations and Harmonious World," jointly organized by World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" and China Foundation for International Studies (CFIS), Beijing, China (12 July 2010).

  464. Challenges and Contradictions of World Order: International Conference on Global Governance and International Rule of Law, jointly organized by Center for Jurisprudence Research at Jilin University, Legal Science Dept. of the Social Science Council of the Ministry of Education of China, and Law School of Jilin University, Changchun, China (30 July 2010).

  465. The Civilizational Paradigm of Human Evolution: Rhodes Forum 2010, Plenary Session 3, Rhodes, Greece (8 October 2010).

  466. The United Nations Organization and International Legitimacy: Reflections on the Role of the Security Council: Rhodes Forum 2010, Panel 3: "Confidence in Political Structures in the Present-Day World," Rhodes, Greece (9 October 2010).

  467. The Geopolitics of Conflict and the Imperatives of Regional Cooperation: 1st Annual Symposium of International Relations Scholars, Center for Strategic Studies, Baku, Azerbaijan (22 October 2010).

  468. The Meaning and Challenges of Education in the 21st Century: 10th International Forum on Lifelong Integrated Education, organized by Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education, UNESCO, Paris, France (9 November 2010).

  469. Multikulturalität und Migration: 3rd Turkey-Europe Forum, organized by the Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies (TASAM) and the Center for Turkish Studies and Integration Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Berlin, Germany (2 December 2010).

  470. The Evolution of the Palestine Problem and the Status of Jerusalem: Force of Law or Law of Force?: "Ortadoğu Konuşmaları," Global Research Center, Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı / Foundation for Sciences and Arts, Istanbul, Turkey (26 February 2011).

  471. The Philosophy of Dialogue and the Challenges of Multiculturalism: International Conference "Cultural Diversity and Philosophy of Dialogue in the Contemporary World," organized by the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the framework of the World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, Baku, Azerbaijan (9 April 2011).

  472. Is Philosophy Science?: Statement, Azerbaijan Association for Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences (AFSEA), Baku, Azerbaijan (9 April 2011).

  473. [Introductory Statement]: Seminar on "Religion, State and Society in Turkey," organized by the Center for Global Studies and Center for Civilizational Studies at the Foundation for Sciences and Arts (BISAV), Istanbul, Turkey (7 May 2011).

  474. Secularism and the Politics of Religion in Europe: Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey (12 May 2011).

  475. Threats to Peace in the Absence of a Balance of Power: Statement at the Panel Discussion "Developments, Challenges and Opportunities in the Evolving World Order," International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011, Berlin, Germany (14 May 2011).

  476. The Notion of Power in International Relations and the Future of the United Nations Organization: Keynote lecture, International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011, "Hard vs. Soft Power in Global and National Politics," organized by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD), Berlin, Germany (15 May 2011).

  477. Power vs. Partnership in International Relations: Moderator's Statement, Panel discussion "'Moving Towards Smart Power': Smart Power in Domestic and International Politics," International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011, Berlin, Germany (15 May 2011).

  478. The Security Council and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon: Research commentary, Seminar "A Legal Revolution - How to Solve Some Problems of a Globalizing World," organized by students at Maastricht University (MARBLE program: Maastricht Research Based Learning), The Hague Institute for the Internationalization of Law, and Maastricht European Private Law Institute, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands (20 May 2011).

  479. The Dilemma between Unity and Diversity: Remarks on Contradictions and Misunderstandings in the European Debate on the Multicultural Society: International Conference "Integration and Identity in the Global Society - an Invitation to Dialogue," jointly organized by World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Petersburger Dialog and Deutsch-Russisches Forum, Berlin, Germany (30 May 2011).

  480. [Moderator's Statement]: Panel discussion "Islam in Austria," Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (21 June 2011).

  481. Der Dialog der Zivilisationen: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Zürich) (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current Concerns), Wil, Switzerland (22 July 2011).

  482. The Dilemma of International Criminal Justice: Geopolitical Lecture Series, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (5 September 2011).

  483. Idea and Reality of Dialogue: Moderator's Statement, Panel Discussion "The Dialogue Model of International Relations," Rhodes Forum - IXth Annual Session, Rhodes, Greece (8 October 2011).

  484. The New Social Media and the Reshaping of Communication in the 21st Century: Chance or Challenge for Dialogue?: "Social Media and Inter-Religious Dialogue: A New Relationship," Ninth Doha Conference on Interfaith Dialogue, Doha, Qatar (25 October 2011).

  485. Migration - Integration - Partizipation: International Symposion "Deutschland und Migration: 50 Jahre Türken in Deutschland / Germany and Migration: 50 Years Turks in Germany," Session on Politics and Migration, Berlin, Germany (2 November 2011).

  486. L'actualité de la pensée de Heidegger: Colloquium "La philosophie et le dialogue des cultures: Hans Köchler comme exemple," University Moulay Ismaïl, Meknès, Morocco (16 November 2011).

  487. The Dilemma of Security Council Reform: Panel "Reforming the UN Security Council: Which Pertinent Roadmap?," MEDays 2011 - "The South in Global Governance," Amadeus Institute, Tangier, Morocco (18 November 2011).

  488. STATEMENT ON THE OCCASION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE [on behalf of the network of non-governmental organizations on the question of Palestine]: Special meeting in observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, organized by the United Nations General Assembly, Committee for the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (29 November 2011).

  489. The Libyan Conflict and the Instrumentalization of the International Criminal Court: International Roundtable "La crise libyenne et le droit international," Institut de la Démocratie et de la Coopération (IDC), Paris, France (8 December 2011).

  490. Politics and Cultural Diversity: An Integrative Approach: Special Session "A New Agenda for Living Together - Changing the Narrative on Dealing with Differences," 4th United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Forum, Doha, Qatar (13 December 2011).

  491. Statement on the Precariousness of the International Rule of Law: Public debate, award ceremony for the Vernon Smith Prize 2011 "The Rule of Law in Decline,"  City Hall, Vaduz, Liechtenstein (30 January 2012).

  492. The Evolution of the Palestine Problem and the Status of Jerusalem: Force of Law or Law of Force?: International Conference on Jerusalem, jointly organized by the League of Arab States and the Islamic Cooperation Organization in cooperation with the Foreign Ministry of the State of Qatar, Doha, Qatar (27 February 2012).

  493. [Statement on behalf of the International Progress Organization]: Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education, Branch Meeting, Olympic Youth Memorial Center, Tokyo, Japan (3 March 2012).

  494. [Congratulatory Address]: 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education, Hotel Okura, Tokyo, Japan ( 4 March 2012).

  495. Das Verhältnis von Religion und Politik in Österreich und Europa: Orientation course for Turkish religious officials, organized by the Austrian Foreign Ministry in co-operation with the Presidency of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Turkey (Diyanet) and the Dept. of Education of Vienna University, Vienna, Austria (25 March 2012).

  496. [Islam und die Herausforderungen der Multikulturalität in Österreich]: Speech at the concluding ceremony and presentation of certificates, orientation course for Turkish religious officials in Austria, Avusturya Türk İslam Kültür ve Sosyal Yardımlaşma Birliği (Turkish-Islamic Union in Austria, ATIB), Vienna, Austria (28 March 2012).

  497. The "Clash of Civilizations" - A Self-fulfilling Prophecy?: 50th International Affairs Symposium "Global Rifts: Dynamic Relationships Among States, Societies, and the World System," Session I: "When Cultures Collide: The Future of Civilizations in Conflict," Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon, USA (9 April 2012).

  498. The New Social Media and the Changing Nature of Communication: Anthropoloigal and Political Implications: Guest lecture, Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan, Yerevan, Armenia (15 April 2012).

  499. Today's Multicultural Society and the Hermeneutics of Intercultural Relations: Opening Ceremony, International Conference "Theoretical and Practical Issues of Transforming Societies," Yerevan, Armenia (16 April 2012).

  500. Statement on leadership and the idea of democracy: Plenary Session III "A New Era of Mass Politics? Leadership, Populism and Information," Asan Plenum 2012, Asan Institute for Policy Studies, Seoul, Korea (26 April 2012).

  501. Statement on the Dilemma of Leadership in the UN Security CounciL: Plenary Session IV "Searching for Leadership in a Time of Crisis," Asan Plenum 2012, Asan Institute for Policy Studies, Seoul, Korea (27 April 2012).

  502. East-West Dialogue in the 21st Century: The Role of Central Asia: Briefing session, International Progress Organization, Dushanbe, Tajikistan (6 May 2012).

  503. The Humanities in a Globalized World: Keynote lecture, First International Conference on Humanities: "The Spiritual Quest in Humanities," Bedër University, Tirana, Albania (11 May 2012).

  504. [The Role of the Humanities in an Era of Global Crisis]: Concluding remarks, First International Conference on Humanities: "The Spiritual Quest in Humanities," Bedër University, Tirana, Albania (13 May 2012).

  505. The ICC and the United Nations Security Council: International Forum "Building Restorative International Justice: The ICC of the Future," Royal Commonwealth Society, London, UK (18 May 2012).

  506. War der Libyen-Krieg gerecht?: Public lecture, Villa Raczynski, Bregenz, Austria (8 June 2012).

  507. "Schutzverantwortung" im Dienste der Machtpolitik? Bemerkungen zum Humanitätsdiskurs im 21. Jahrhundert: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current Concerns, Zurich), Sirnach (Thurgau), Switzerland (26 July 2012).

  508. Statement on the Lockerbie Trial and the Rule of Law: "Megrahi: A Spectacular Miscarriage of Justice?," Keynote Session, Edinburgh International Book Festival, Edinburgh, UK (11 August 2012).

  509. Mechanismen der Friedenssicherung: International conference series "Mut zur Ethik" / "Courage for Ethics," session on "Maintenance of Peace: What Are the Most Urgent Issues?," Wil (St. Gallen), Switzerland (31 August 2012).

  510. "Schutzverantwortung" im Dienste der Machtpolitik? Bemerkungen zum Humanitätsdiskurs im 21. Jahrhundert unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Situation Syriens: International conference series "Mut zur Ethik"/ "Courage for Ethics," Wil (St. Gallen), Switzerland (1 September 2012).

  511. Economy & Honesty: Remarks on the Global Pursuit of Economic Interests: Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI), 10th Annual International Conference, Waterperry House, Oxford, UK (4 September 2012).

  512. The Common Good and the Duplicity of Human Action: Concluding remarks, Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI), 10th Annual International Conference, Waterperry House, Oxford, UK (5 September 2012).

  513. Transformations of Dialogue: Keynote Speech, Opening Plenary Meeting "Socio-political Transformation: Chance or Challenge for Dialogue?," 10th Anniversary Session of the Rhodes Forum, Rhodes, Greece (4 October 2012).

  514. The New Social Media: Chance or Challenge for Dialogue? Roundtable on "The New Network Society," World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Rhodes, Greece (6 October 2012).

  515. Die "humanitäre" Intervention in Libyen und das Völkerrecht: Guest lecture, Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich / University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration Zurich (HWZ), Zurich, Switzerland (1 November 2012).

  516. Paradoxien der Realpolitik am Beispiel des Syrienkonfliktes: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current Concerns, Zurich), Sirnach (Thurgau), Switzerland (3 November 2012).

  517. Hubris of POwer and the Geopolitics of War: International Conference "9/11 Revisited - Seeking the Truth," Session III: "Post 9/11 - Global Consequences," organized by Perdana Global Peace Foundation, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (19 November 2012).

  518. The State of Palestine and the International Rule of Law: Statement, Special Meeting in Observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, convened under the auspices of the General Assembly of the United Nations / Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (29 November 2012).

  519. The Global Economic Crisis and the Role of REligion: Antalya Forum - "Rethinking of the Global Economic Order," organized by Dialogue Eurasia Platform, Antalya, Turkey (30 November 2012).

  520. The United Nations - Overwhelmed by current challenges?: Keynote lecture, Istanbul Meeting of the New Policy Forum / Gorbachev Forum - "The Middle East and the Mediterranean: Is a Big War ahead?," Day 2: "A World Order based on the UN," Istanbul, Turkey (14 December 2012).

  521. Unity in Diversity: Philosophy and the Meaning of Dialogue between Religions: Keynote lecture, First International Conference on Contemporary Philosophy of Religion, organized by the Iranian Association for the Philosophy of Religion in co-operation with the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran (23 December 2012).

  522. Kulturelles Selbstverständnis und Koexistenz: Voraussetzungen für einen fundamentalen Dialog /شروط حوار جذري بين الثقافات : الفهم الثقافي الذاتي و التعايش: Conférence magistrale, Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi / École Supérieure Roi Fahd de Traduction, Tangier, Morocco (5 February 2013).

  523. Heidegger et l'appréhension de l'Être: entre la destruction de la métaphysique et le doute  phénoménologique: Conférence magistrale, Université Hassan II de Casablanca / Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Casablanca, Morocco ( 6 February 2013).

  524. Turkey's Regional Role and Foreign POlicy: Moderator's Statement, Abant Platform, 28th Meeting: "Diverse Perspectives on Turkey," organized by Journalists & Writers Foundation, Abant, Turkey (8 February 2013).

  525. Religious Identity and Universality of the Mind: Reflections on Co-existence in a globalized world: Keynote Lecture, "All Faiths and None" - Inter-Faith Forum, organized by Trinity College Theological Society and TCD Equality Fund, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (19 February 2013).

  526. Freedom of religion as an Issue of human rights: Statement in Working Session 1 on "Addressing Rising Restrictions on Religion: Law Concerns," United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, 5th Global Forum: "Responsible Leadership in Diversity and Dialogue," Vienna, Austria (27 February 2013).

  527. Cultural Identity and Citizenship: Statement in Working Session 6 on "Diversity, Multiple Identities and Social Inclusion: Best Practices in Integration," United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, 5th Global Forum: "Responsible Leadership in Diversity and Dialogue," Vienna, Austria (27 February 2013).

  528. Challenges of Education in the Internet Age: Speech to students of the joint course on Primary Education / Counseling Psychology and Pedagogy, Bedër University, Tirana, Albania (8 March 2013).

  529. Die phänomenologisch-ontologische Grundlage der Anthropologie von Karol Wojtyła: International Conference "The Social Message of John Paul II for Today's World," College of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, Poprad, Slovakia (21 March 2013).

  530. شروط حوار جذري بين الثقافات : الفهم الثقافي الذاتي و التعايش [Cultural Identity and Co-existence: Preconditions of a Fundamental Dialogue]: Salon international de l'édition et du livre (SIEL) / International Book Fair, Casablanca, Morocco (2 April 2013).

  531. Das Verhältnis von Religion und Politik in Österreich und Europa: Orientation course for Turkish religious officials, organized by the Austrian Foreign Ministry in co-operation with the Presidency of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Turkey (Diyanet), the Integration Fund (ÖIF) of the Austrian Ministry of Interior, and the Dept. of Education of Vienna University, Vienna, Austria (7 April 2013).

  532. Islamophobia: Elements of a definition: International Symposion "Migration, Islam and Multiculturality in Europe," organized by Hacettepe University / Migration and Politics Research Centre, Ankara, Turkey (11 April 2013).

  533. The International Progress Organization and the Dialogue among Civilizations and RelIGIONS: 10th Doha Interfaith Conference "Best Practices in Interfaith Dialogue," organized by the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue (DICID) in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar (24 April 2013).

  534. Dialogue among Civilizations and CultureS: Philosophical FoundatioNS and Implications for World Order: Speech at the Plenary Session of the 13th International Likhachov Scientific Conference, St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia (16 May 2013).

  535. Multicultural Diversity versus Cultural Uniformity in the Age of Globalization: Statement, Workshop 1 "Globalization and National Cultures," 13th International Likhachov Scientific Conference, St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia (17 May 2013).

  536. Foundations and Maxims of Dialogue: Interfaith Conference "Faith and Reconciliation: What is the Future of Interfaith Dialogue?," Panel One: Theory and Practice of Dialogue, jointly organized by Interfaith Kosovo, Soul of Europe, and Balkan Institute, Peja / Peć, Kosovo (25 May 2013).

  537. Cultural Dialogue in the Political Context: Statement, Workshop 2: "Western-Muslim Relations: From Polarization to Partnership," 2nd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, Baku, Azerbaijan (30 May 2013).

  538. Global Citizenship and Intercultural Action: 2nd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, Baku, Azerbaijan (31 May 2013).

  539. Ethical Problems of Multiculturalism: Guest Lecture, "In preparation for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015," Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Bangkok, Thailand (17 July 2013).

  540. The International Progress Organization: Evolution of a Global Think Tank: Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Bangkok, Thailand (17 July 2013).

  541. Macht und Gewalt in den internationalen Beziehungen: Überlegungen zur Dichotomie zwischen individuellem und kollektivem verhalten: Statement, Roundtable discussion on international relations,  Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current Concerns, Zurich), Wil (St. Gallen), Switzerland (25 July 2013).

  542. Souveränität, Recht und Demokratie versus Macht: Grundlagen für ein würdiges Zusammenleben: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current Concerns, Zurich), Wil (St. Gallen), Switzerland (25 July 2013).

  543. Power Politics and the Instrumentalization of International Criminal Justice: Statement, international conference series "Mut zur Ethik" / "Courage for Ethics," Sirnach, Switzerland (30 August 2013).

  544. Souveränität und WeltFrieden: International conference series "Mut zur Ethik" / "Courage for Ethics," session on "Threats to Sovereignty, Law and Democracy," Sirnach, Switzerland (31 August 2013).

  545. Islamophobia: Problems of a Legal Definition: Statement, International Conference on "Islamophobia: Law and Media," jointly organized by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey / General Directorate of Press and Information (DGPI), and the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Istanbul, Turkey (13 September 2013).

  546. Self-determination  in an Era of Geopolitical Transformation: Opening Speech, International Conference on "Democracy, Self-Determination and Liberation of Peoples," European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium (23 September 2013).

  547. The Internet and the Trivialization of the Public Space: Workshop on Digital Media, Rhodes Forum 2013, organized by World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Rhodes, Greece (4 October 2013).

  548. World Order - Vision and Reality: Presidential Address, Inaugural Session, 13th Anniversary Celebrations, Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust, Chennai, India (12 October 2013).

  549. Self-determination in the Age of Global Empire: Keynote speech, 3rd People's Forum of Peace for Life: "Affirming Life Together in the Face of Belligerent Empire," Peace Memorial Hall, Jeju Island, South Korea (25 October 2013).

  550. Remarks on the Distinction between Nation and State: Roundtable on "National Identity in the Postmodern Era," Baku International Humanitarian Forum, Baku, Azerbaijan (1 November 2013).

  551. The Policy of Violence and its Destructive Impact on Human Rapprochement: Scientific Forum, Week of Rapprochement and Human Harmony - 3rd, Diwan of the Royal Court / Sultan Qaboos Higher Centre for Culture & Science, Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, Muscat, Oman (4 February 2014).

  552. Die Politik des Status quo und die Widersprüche der Weltordnung: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current Concerns, Zurich), Sirnach, Switzerland (24 April 2014).

  553. Karol Wojtyła's Philosophical Anthropology and the Quest for a Just World Order: VIIth International Conference "The Social Message of John Paul II for Today's World: The University as a Place of Dialogue," organized by College of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, Poprad, Slovakia (29 April 2014).

  554. The European Union and Geopolitical transformation in Eurasia: International Conference "Europe: Lost in Translation?" jointly organized by Deutsch-Russisches Forum (German-Russian Forum) and World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Panel 1: "EU and Eurasian Union: A Single or Two Different Europes?" Berlin, Germany (15 May 2014).

  555. Krieg im 21. Jahrhundert: Lecture series "1914 - Frieden - 2014," organized by "Friede - Institut für Dialog," Institute for Religion and Peace (Catholic Military Diocese), and Forum of World Religions, Landesverteidigungsakademie / National Defense Academy of Austria, Vienna, Austria (21 May 2014).

  556. The New Social Media and the Reshaping of Communication in the 21st Century: Center for Global Studies, Foundation for Sciences and Arts / Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı (BISAV), Istanbul, Turkey (7 June 2014).

  557. The International Progress Organization: Intercultural Dialogue and Peaceful Co-existence among Nations: Tecnológico de Monterrey / Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Mexico), Vienna Seminar: "Austria, Unión Europea y América Latina en diálogo," Vienna, Austria (26 June 2014).

  558. Die Bedeutung des "Dialoges der Zivilisationen" für die internationalen Beziehungen: Conference series "Mut zur Ethik" / Courage for Ethics, Annual Session: "Mehr soziale Verbundenheit leben," Sirnach, Switzerland (30 August 2014).

  559. The United Nations Organization and the Ban on the Use of Force: How to Make it Effective?: Statement, Special Session on Conflicts and Peacebuilding, Peace Summit of the World Alliance of Religions, Seoul, Korea (18 September 2014).

  560. Religious Identity in a Multicultural World: Statement, Roundtable "Christianity in the MENA Region," Rhodes Forum 2014, organized by World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Rhodes, Greece (27 September 2014)

  561. Regime Change: Machiavellianism in humanitarian Clothes?: Keynote Speech, Closing Plenary Meeting, Rhodes Forum 2014, organized by World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Rhodes, Greece (28 September 2014)

  562. Co-existence or New Crusade? Religion and the Predicament of Power Politics: Keynote lecture, Interfaith Encounter / Peace Festival, "Towards a New World without Empire: The Imperative of Muslim-Christian Solidarity," Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines (18 October 2014). [invited lecture, not delivered due to illness]

  563. The European Union in an Emerging Multipolar World: Guest lecture, School of International Politics and Economics, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan (14 November 2014).

  564. Dialogue among Civilizations in the Global Era: 11th International Forum, Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education, Tokyo, Japan (17 November 2014).

  565. Islamic State: Perception and Reality in the Context of Global Power Politics: Lecture-Symposium, jointly organized by People's Forum on Peace for Life, UP Institute of Islamic Studies and University of the Philippines Muslim Students' Association, University of the Philippines-Diliman, Metro Manila, Philippines (24 November 2014).

  566. [Statement on Relations between China and the Philippines]: National Press Club, Manila, Philippines (25 November 2014).

  567. [Acceptance Speech]: Gusi Peace Prize, Annual Awards Night, Philippine International Convention Center, Manila, Philippines (26 November 2014).

  568. National Interest between Regionalization and Globalization: EU and Eurasian Economic Union as Cornerstones of a Multipolar World: Panel discussion, "European Choice: Globalization or Re-sovereignization," organized by St. Andrew The First-Called Foundation and Geneva Press Club, Geneva, Switzerland (6 March 2015).

  569. Der islamische Staat im Spannungsfeld der Machtpolitik: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Zurich) (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current Concerns), Sirnach, Switzerland (7 March 2015).

  570. War and Geopolitics in the Arabian Peninsula: Televised lecture, Expert Meeting on Situation Analysis of International Conflicts, Theme 2: "Greater Middle East - New Threats and Challenges," Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia (17 April 2015).

  571. The New Social Media: Anthropological and Ethical Implications: 8th International Scientific Conference, "The Social Legacy of John Paul II for Today's Society: '25 Years after 1989 ...'," Catholic University of Ružomberok, Faculty of Education, Poprad, Slovakia (23 April 2015).

  572. World Order and National Interest: Keynote speech, 15th International Likhachev Scientific Conference, Plenary Session: "Contemporary Global Challenges and National Interests," St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University Concert Hall, Saint Petersburg, Russia (14 May 2015).

  573. Claim to Ideological Supremacy vs. Quest for Peace: Statement, 15th International Likhachev Scientific Conference, Panel 1: "National Models of Politics and International Conflicts -- Is the West the Best?," Radisson Royal Hotel, Saint Petersburg, Russia (15 May 2015).

  574. Dialogue or Coexistence? Philosophy Salon, Summer Salon at Schloss Wartin, organized in co-operation with Yale Club of Germany, Schloss Wartin, Brandenburg, Germany (21 June 2015).

  575. Idea and Politics of Communication in the Global Age: 10th Global Communication Association Conference, co-sponsored by UNESCO, Humboldt School of Digital Management (Berlin) and Stuttgart Media University, Berlin, Germany (18 July 2015).

  576. Nationale Interessen im globalen Zeitalter: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Zurich) (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current Concerns), Sirnach, Switzerland (21 July 2015).

  577. Die Autonomie des Bürgers als GRundlage einer weltweiten Friedensordnung: Keynote lecture, International Conference, "Freiheit, Souveränität und Menschenwürde - Schutzwall gegen Despotie und Krieg," annual conference "Mut zur Ethik" / Courage for Ethics, Sirnach, Switzerland (4 September 2015).

  578. [Conceptual Confusion and Double Standards in the Practice of Democracy]: Statement, International Conference "Democracy and Education," Opening Panel: "Are We Naturally Un-democratic?" Forum 2000, Žofín Palace, Prague, Czech Republic (14 September 2015).

  579. Völkerwanderung und Staatsversagen - Destabilisierung im Namen der "Neuen Weltordnung"?: International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria (1 October 2015).

  580. Idea and Politics of Communication in the Global Age: Rhodes Forum 2015, Workshop on "Digital Media, Digital Transition and Internet of Things," Rhodes, Greece (10 October 2015).

  581. The New Threat: Hybrid Wars as a Tool of Subversion. Introductory Remarks by the Moderator: Rhodes Forum 2015: "The World Beyond Global Disorder," Plenary Session 4, World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Rhodes, Greece (10 October 2015).

  582. Europa -- Quo Vadis? Auswirkungen der Völkerwanderung auf unsere Zivilisation: St. Johanns Club, Vienna, Austria (19 October 2015).

  583. Culture and Empire: Philosophy Salon, City of Westminster, London, UK (7 November 2015).

  584. Palestine, the Rule of Law and Global Power Politics: Statement of the International Progress Organization on behalf of civil society, International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Special Meeting under the auspices of the General Assembly of the United Nations, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (24 November 2015).

  585. New Patterns of Conflict in an Era of Global transition: Moderator's Statement, Panel Discussion: "Building Bridges of Peace and Reconciliation in Times of Greater Global Insecurity," Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2015, Institute for Cultural Diploamcy (ICD), Berlin, Germany (11 December 2015).

  586. Credibility and Feasibility of Dialogue under conditions of Realpolitik: Statement, Annual Session of the Advisory Board, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD), Berlin (12 December 2015).

  587. How to Promote Peace in Times of War?: Moderator's Statement, Panel Discussion: "Promoting a Culture of Peace: The Political, Educational, Legal and Cultural Dimensions," Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2015, Institute for Cultural Diploamcy (ICD), Berlin, Germany (12 December 2015).

  588. Culture and World Order: Keynote Speech, Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2015, "Building Bridges of Peace and Reconciliation in Times of Greater Global Insecurity," Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD), Berlin, Germany (13 December 2015).

  589. TerrorisT VIOLENCE and the Tension between Cultural Identity and Universal Values: Statement, Panel Discussion: "Terrorism and the Culture of Democracy," Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2015, Institute for Cultural Diploamcy (ICD), Berlin, Germany (13 December 2015).

  590. Völkerwanderung und Staatsversagen - Destabilisierung im Namen der "Neuen Weltordnung"?: Initiative Heimat & Umwelt, Altlengbach bei Wien, Austria (16 December 2015).

  591. Democracy and World Order: Public lecture on the occasion of Justice and Democracy Week 2016, Hasan Ali Yücel Cultural Center, Kartal Municipality, Istanbul, Turkey (21 January 2016).

  592. Recht und Macht: Philosophical Dinner, Vienna, Austria (28 January 2016).

  593. Normative Contradictions in the state system - with Special Emphasis on Geopolitics and International Law: Trinity College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (12 February 2016).

  594. Remarks on the Ban on War and its Enforceability in International Relations: Briefing session, Peace Advisory Council, World Alliance of Religions for Peace, Seoul, South Korea (14 March 2016).

  595. The Personal Structure of Self-determination in the Philosophy of Karol Wojtyła: 9th Annual Scientific Conference on the Message of John Paul II, "Current Trends and Challenges ...," Catholic University of Ružomberok, Faculty of Education, Poprad, Slovakia (22 April 2016).

  596. The Quest for Civilizational Identity: The European Dilemma: International Symposion on "Civilizational Heritage  -- 'Common Past, Common Future'," 8th Kocaeli Book Fair, Kocaeli, Turkey (15 May 2016).

  597. Remarks on the Definition of Terrorism: Statement, Panel Discussion on "Conflicts of Cultures and International Terrorism," 16th International Likhachov Scientific Conference, "Contemporary Global Challenges and National Interests," St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University Concert Hall, Saint Petersburg, Russia (20 May 2016).

  598. Contradictions and DEficiencies in the System of International Law: Panel Discussion on "Blind Spots of International Law," 16th International Likhachov Scientific Conference, "Contemporary Global Challenges and National Interests," St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University Concert Hall, Saint Petersburg, Russia (20 May 2016).

  599. National versus Universal Interests: 16th International Likhachov Scientific Conference, "Contemporary Global Challenges and National Interests," Section I: "International Partnership and National Interests," Saint Petersburg, Russia (21 May 2016).

  600. Religious Dialogue in the Age of Fundamentalism?: Seminar, "Ideals of Our Time: Reconceptions of the Intellectual," Apotheosis International and Elisabeth & Helmut Uhl Foundation, Buchnerhof, Leifers, South Tyrol, Italy (14 July 2016).

  601. Völkerwanderung und Staatsversagen: Rechtliche, politische und kulturelle Aspekte der Flüchtlingsproblematik: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current  Concerns, Zurich), Sirnach (Thurgau), Switzerland (25 July 2016).

  602. Die Lage in der Türkei im geopolitischen KOntext: Statement, "September Talks" of Readers' Circle of the magazine "Zeit-Fragen" (Current  Concerns) (Zurich), Sirnach, Switzerland ( 2 September 2016).

  603. Selbstbestimmtes Handeln als Grundlage von Recht und Frieden: Inaugural lecture, Annual Conference "Mut zur Ethik" (Courage for Ethics), Sirnach SG, Switzerland (2 September 2016).

  604. Völkerwanderung und StaatsversageN: Session II, Annual Conference "Mut zur Ethik" (Courage for Ethics), Sirnach SG, Switzerland (3 September 2016).

  605. The ineffectiveness of the ban on the use of force in international law: Keynote Speech, Advocacy Forum for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, 2nd Annual Commemoration of the World Alliance of Religions for Peace Summit, Seoul, Republic of Korea (17 September 2016).

  606. Normative Contradictions in the UN Charter concerning the International Use of Force: Statement, 4th International Law Peace Committee Meeting, 2nd Annual Commemoration of the World Alliance of Religions for Peace Summit, Seoul, Republic of Korea (17 September 2016).

  607. Stereotypes and Double Standards: The Role and Responsibility of the Media in a Context of Geopolitical Tension: Keynote Speech, Session I: "Self-consciousness of the media against biased news," International Affairs Journal (Moscow) -- Vth International Conference: "Russia and Europe: Topical Issues of Contemporary International Journalism," Bratislava, Slovakia (29 September 2016).

  608. The Status of Nuclear Arms under international Law: Statement, Information and Discussion Meeting, "Diplomatic efforts towards a prohibition of nuclear weapons," NGO Committee on Peace, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (6 October 2016).

  609. Symptoms and causes of Mass Migration, Moral and Legal Issues: Statement, Panel Discussion 1: "Addressing Human Trafficking in the Context of Crises Driven Migration," International Conference on "Human Trafficking and its Victims -- New Developments," jointly organized on the occasion of the European Union Anti-trafficking Day by Austrian Task Force on Combating Human Trafficking and OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, Vienna, Austria (21 October 2016).

  610. The Integration of Refugees and the Safeguarding of Democratic Values: Keynote Address, Model United Nations of Munich 2016 / Thirteenth Annual Session, Opening Ceremony, European Patent Office, Munich, Germany ( 8 November 2016).

  611. Hybrid War: Conceptual Issues: Statement, Round Table on "Confrontation and Cooperation in Contemporary Politics: From 'Hybrid Wars' to 'Hybrid Peace'," 2nd Congress, Russian Society of Political Scientists, "Russian Politics: The Agenda in a Changing World," Federal University of Kazan, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia (11 November 2016).

  612. Democracy in a Multipolar World: Section 3, "Key trends of world order and the Russian foreign policy in the early 21st century," 2nd Congress, Russian Society of Political Scientists, "Russian Politics: The Agenda in a Changing World," Federal University of Kazan, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia (12 November 2016).

  613. Philosophy and Democratic Prejudice: Keynote Lecture, Opening Session, International Conference Devoted to Academician Georg Brutian's 90th Anniversary: "Life and Philosophy," Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Armenia (22 November 2016).

  614. Normative Contradictions in International Law: Implications for Legal Philosophy: Guest Lecture, Department of Philosophy and Logic, Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Armenia (22 November 2016).

  615. Celebratory Speech: Renaming Ceremony of the Department of Philosophy of the Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan in Honor of Academician Georg Brutian, Yerevan, Armenia (22 November 2016).

  616. Normative Inconsistencies in International Law: Seminar, Apotheosis International / Institute for Philosophical Progress, Würzburg, Germany (10 December 2016).

  617. Human Dignity and Cultural Diversity: The Dialogical Mission of Cultural Diplomacy in a Multipolar World: Keynote Speech, Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2016, "Promoting Global Human Rights through Cultural Diplomacy," Berlin, Germany (18 December 2016). (Invited lecture, not delivered due to illness)

  618. Statement on ContradictIons and double standards of nuclear Policy: Consultation on United Nations negotiations on nuclear disarmament, jointly organized by Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND) and UNFOLD ZERO, in co-operation with NGO Committee on Peace, Vienna, Austria (20 January 2017).

  619. Statement on democracy and representation: Award Ceremony, 9th International Vernon Smith Prize, "Direct Democracy versus Representative Democracy: Cost and Benefits for the Citizenry," Vaduz, Liechtenstein (6 February 2017).

  620. Syria: From Proxy War to Regional Peace? The Pitfalls and Prospects of Realpolitik: International Roundtable, "Foreign Actors in the Syrian Conflict, 2017," Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute, Berlin, Germany (28 February 2017).

  621. Migration Crisis in Europe: Contradictions between Multilateral and bilateral approach: Contribution to the debate, Panel Discussion on "The OSCE in the Migration and Refugee Crisis," Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Vienna, Austria (16 March 2017).

  622. A Realistic Perspective of Interreligious Harmony: Plenary Panel One on "Interreligious Harmony in Global Context:  Challenges and Responses," US-Pakistan Interreligious Consortium, 6th International Conference: "Building Bridges: Discovering the Foundations of Interreligious Harmony," sponsored by Intersections International (New York, USA) and University of Management and Technology (Lahore), Lahore, Pakistan (27 March 2017).

  623. Double Standards and the Chain Reaction of Intolerance: Plenary Panel Six, "From War on Terror to Politics of Populism and Nationalism," US-Pakistan Interreligious Consortium, 6th International Conference: "Building Bridges: Discovering the Foundations of Interreligious Harmony," sponsored by Intersections International (New York, USA) and University of Management and Technology (Lahore), Lahore, Pakistan (29 March 2017).

  624. Moral Philosophy and the Coming World Order: A Dialogue of Civilizations to Counter Global Hegemony: Keynote Speech, International Conference on Islam and Modernity in an Age of Transition, National Defence University, Islamabad, Pakistan (31 March 2017).

  625. Internationale Friedensordnung in einer multipolaren Welt: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current  Concerns, Zurich), Sirnach (Thurgau), Switzerland (20 April 2017).

  626. Citizen and State in the UN System: Democracy and Realpolitik AMONG Sovereign States: Hearing, "Strategies to Strengthen the United Nations by Increasing Democratic Representation," facilitated by Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), House of Representatives of the Netherlands, The Hague, Netherlands (15 May 2017).

  627. World Order in an Age of Transition: Opening Plenary Session, XVII International Likhachov Scientific Conference, St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (18 May 2017).

  628. Information Technology and the TRansformation of World Order: Statement, Section 1, XVII International Likhachov Scientific Conference, St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (20 May 2017).

  629. The United Nations in an Age of Transition: New Balance of Power or Collapse of World Order? Center for Global Studies / Center for Civilizational Studies, Foundation for Sciences and Arts, Istanbul, Turkey (26 August 2017).

  630. SaNKtionen aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht: 25. Septembergespräche "Mut zur Ethik," Sirnach (SG), Switzerland (2 September 2017).

  631. Das Verhältnis von Religion und Politik in Österreich und EurOPa: Die Idee des säkularen Staates: 26. Braunauer Zeitgeschichte-Tage, "Religion und Moderne," Braunau am Inn, Austria (23 September 2017).

  632. UtopiA OF gLOBAL pEACE VERSUS rEALITY OF iNTERNATIONAL cONFLICT mANAGEMENT. cHALLENGES TO THE uNITED nATIONS sYSTEM OF cfOLLECTIVE sECURITY IN THE nUCLEAR aGE: Politics Panel 1, "Never Again: Demands for a New Global Security Architecture," Rhodes Forum 2017, "Multipolarity and Dialogue in Regional and Global Developments: Imagining Possible Futures," Rhodes, Greece (6 October 2017).

  633. Formation of the Multipolar World and the Potential for United Nations Reform: First Global Forum of Young Diplomats -- XIXth World Festival of Youth and Students, Sochi, Russia (17 October 2017).

  634. STATEMENT ON THE OCCASION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE [on behalf of CIVIL SOCIETY]: Solemn meeting held by the United Nations General Assembly, Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (29 November 2017).

  635. United Nations Alliance of Civilizations -- IDEA AND REALITY: International Conference, "The New World, the New Turkey, and the Alliance of Civilizations," organized by Alliance of Civilizations Office of Turkey and European University of Lefke, Lefkoşa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (2 December 2017).

  636. Cultural Diplomacy in a World of Conflict: Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy, "Promoting Global Collaboration, Unity & Peace through Cultural Diplomacy," Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany (20 December 2017).

  637. Staatspolitische und rechtliche Probleme der Tabakprävention: Statement, Press Conference, Österreichische Schutzgemeinschaft für Nichtraucher / Austrian Society for the Protection of Non-smokers, Vienna, Austria (18 January 2018).

  638. Inter-cultural Dialogue -- History and Challenges: Lecture, interdisciplinary course, "Austria, Central Europe and Latin America in Dialogue," Centro Universitário de Brasília (UNICEUB), Vienna, Austria (23 January 2018).

  639. [Statement zur U.S.-Strategie im Mittleren Osten]: Lecture meeting, "Die Nahostpolitik der Trump-Administration: Kontinuität oder Kehrtwende?" Vienna, Austria (29 January 2018).

  640. Self-determination and the Law of Force: The Case of Kosovo: International Scientific Conference, "Kosovo: Sui Generis or Precedent in International Relations," International Institute of Politics and Economics, Belgrade, Serbia (23 March 2018).

  641. Monotheism and the Meaning of Coexistence: A Philosophical Perspective: Keynote speech, 3rd International Conference "The Origin of Life and the Universe," Technics and Science Research Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey (28 April 2018).

  642. Self-determination vs. Realpolitik: Palestine and the Elusive Peace in the Middle East: International Conference, "The Palestinian Issue: Whereto?," University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan (9 May 2018).

  643. Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the Peaceful Reunification of Korea: Keynote Speech, Pan-European Peace Forum, Frankfurt a. M., Germany (12 May 2018).

  644. Culture in the Age of Globalization: Speech at the opening plenary session, XVIIIth International Likhachev Scientific Conference, "Contours of the Future in the Context of the World's Cultural Development," St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (17 May 2018).

  645. [REmarks on War and Human Nature]: Statement, Section 1: "Problems and Ways of Settling Modern International Conflicts," XVIIIth International Likhachev Scientific Conference, "Contours of the Future in the Context of the World's Cultural Development," St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (18 May 2018).

  646. [The Minsk Agreement: Elements of A Federalist Solution]: Contribution to the debate, Lecture Meeting, "Conflict in Ukraine: A Never-Ending Story?," Vienna, Austria (4 June 2018).

  647. The Re-Establishment of International Law: International Conference, "The Urgent Need for a New Paradigm in International Relations: An Order of Peace Based on the Development of Nations," Bad Soden, Germany (1 July 2018).

  648. Realistische PerspektiVen einer Weltrechtsordnung: Institut für personale Humanwissenschaften nund Gesellschaftsfragen, Sirnach (St. Gallen), Switzerland (26 July 2018).

  649. Wie weiter mit den internationalen Beziehungen in einer multipolaren Welt? International Conference "Mut zur Ethik / Courage for Ethics 2018": "Wie weiter in Zeiten des Umbruchs?," Sirnach (SG), Switzerland ( 1 September 2018).

  650. Demokratiepolitische und verfassungsrechtliche Fragen des Nichtraucherschutzes in Österreich: Statement, Press Conference, Österreichische Schutzgemeinschaft für Nichtraucher / Austrian Society for the Protection of Non-smokers, Vienna, Austria (24 September 2018).

  651. Die Globale Dimension der Völkerwanderung: Initiative Heimat & Umwelt, Vienna, Austria (11 October 2018).

  652. Carl Schmitt's "State of Exception" and the Logic of Power Politics: International Conference, "States of Exception and the Politics of Anger," University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland (19 October 2018).

  653. [Self-inflicted Emergencies and the Risks of Unilateralism]: Statement, Panel Discussion, "From the Financial Crisis to the Populist Surge: Emergency Politics and the Liberal (Dis-)Order," International Conference, "States of Exception and the Politics of Anger," University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland (20 October 2018).

  654. Global Politics in the Age of Instability: International Forum of People's Diplomacy, "Dialogue on the Volga: Peace and Mutual Understanding in the 21st Century," Volgograd, Russia (31 October 2018).

  655. Cultural Identity under the Conditions of Globalization: Statement, Roundtable, "Culture and International Relations in the 21st Century," International Forum of People's Diplomacy, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia (1 November 2018).

  656. Völkerwanderung und Staatsversagen: Der "Globale Migrationspakt" auf dem Prüfstand: Runder Tisch Zivilgesellschaft Berlin Brandenburg, Berlin, Germany (10 November 2018).

  657. Global Governance and Economic Coercion: Global Think Tanks Forum 2018: "Cooperation and Development of Think Tanks and Innovation in Global Governance," Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies, Chengdu, P.R. China (22 November 2018).

  658. INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE: Statement on behalf of CIVIL SOCIETY: United Nations General Assembly, Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, United Nations Office at Vienna, Vienna, Austria (29 November 2018).

  659. Information Technology in the Global Age: Anthropological and Human Rights Implications: 12th International Forum, Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education, Yokohama, Japan (9 December 2018).

  660. Völkerwanderung und Staatsversagen: Der Globale Migrationspakt auf dem Prüfstand: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current  Concerns, Zurich), Sirnach (Thurgau), Switzerland (3 January 2019).

  661. Law and Politics in the International System: MA course "Diplomacy and Global Affairs," Danube University Krems, Krems, Austria (10 March 2019).

  662. The Principle of Non-interference and the UN System of Collective Security: Statement, IV Belgrade Strategic Dialogue, "Twenty Years from the Bombing of Yugoslavia - Lessons for European Security in the 21st Century," Belgrade, Serbia (18 March 2019).

  663. The NATO War of 1999 and the Impotence of International Law: International Conference "The 1999 NATO Bombing Campaign: 20 Years Later," International Institute of Politics and Economics in co-operation with Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia (22 March 2019).

  664. Geopolitics and the Law of Unintended Consequences: The Risks of Unilateralism in the Emerging Multipolar Order: Speech at the opening plenary session, XIXth International Likhachev Scientific Conference, "Global Development: Challenges of Predictability and Manageability," St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (23 May 2019).

  665. Balance of Power and Enforcement of International Law: Statement, Section 1: "New Risks and Challenges of Stability," XIXth International Likhachev Scientific Conference, "Global Development: Challenges of Predictability and Manageability," St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (24 May 2019).

  666. Global Civilizations, Identities and Violence: International Round Table, organized by globus et locus in collaboration with Consiglio Regionale del Veneto, University of Milan, University of Trieste, Università Ca'Foscari Venezia, Venice, Italy (15 July 2019).

  667. Globalismus und demokratischer Rechtsstaat: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current  Concerns, Zurich), Sirnach (Thurgau), Switzerland (22 July 2019).

  668. Globalität auf dem Prüfstand: Ethisch verantwortbare Alternativen zum derzeitigen Weltwirtschafts- und finanzsystem: International Conference "Mut zur Ethik / Courage for Ethics 2019": "Wie wollen wir zusammen leben? Alternativen zu Globalismus und Globalisierung," Sirnach (SG), Switzerland ( 30 August 2019).

  669. Verantwortlichkeit in der internationalen Politik: Strategic Talks at Schloß Wolfsbrunnen, Germany (21 September 2019).

  670. Sanktionspolitik und Arroganz der Macht: Strategic Talks at Schloß Wolfsbrunnen, Germany (21 September 2019).

  671. UNO: Die gescheiterte Weltregierung? Strategic Talks at Schloß Wolfsbrunnen, Germany (21 September 2019).

  672. Nation and Civilization in the Global Age: Transformations of collective IdentitY: International Interdisciplinary Seminar, "History, Global Identities and New Civilizations," organized by globus et locus in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Milano, Palazzo Feltrinelli, Gargnano del Garda, Italy (18 October 2019).

  673. The Future of International Relations: International Forum of People's Diplomacy, "Dialogue on the Volga: Peace and Mutual Understanding in the 21st Century" - «In commemoration of 75 years since the establishment of twinning relations between Stalingard and Conventry», Volgograd, Russia (31 October 2019).

  674. The European Union and Russia – Approaches to International Cooperation: International Roundtable, "The Future of People's Diplomacy: The EU and Russia," Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia (1 November 2019).

  675. Law and POwer in International Relations: Book presentations: "Schweizer Vorträge: Texte zu Völkerrecht und Weltordnung" & "The Saint Petersburg Lectures," Department of International Relations, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia (1 November 2019).

  676. [Talk on International Relations]: Consultation with PhD students, Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (20 December 2019).

  677. The United Nations and International Democracy: Guest lecture, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy (14 February 2020).

  678. The Swiss Lectures -- Book Reading and Discussion: Leipzig Book Fair 2020, Grassi-Saal, Stadtbibliothek (Municipal Library), Leipzig, Germany (13 March 2020). [Cancelled due to Covid]

  679. History and Nature of the Kashmir Conflict: PORG Model United Nations (PORGMUN), PORG Secondary Grammar School, Prague, Czech Republic, 20 March 2020. [Cancelled due to Covid]

  680. 75 Jahre Europäisches Forum Alpbach: European Forum Alpbach 2020, Fireside Chat: Club Alpbach Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria (via video conference) (29 August 2020).

  681. The Crisis of Representative DEmocracy: 2nd International Symposium on "Democracy in the 21st Century: A Crisis or Opportunity," Institute H21,   Grégor Hall, Municipal House, Prague, Czech Republic (12 September 2020). [Participation cancelled due to Covid]

  682. Populism vs Multilateralism: Horasis Extraordinary Meeting 2020: Unite.Inspire.Create, International Teleconference (1 October 2020).

  683. Challenges to Global Peace: Panel discussion, "Seeking global balance: Is there a way from mutual mistrust to dialogue?," International Forum "Volgograd Dialogue," Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia (international teleconference) (29 October 2020).

  684. International Relations in Times of Change: Moderator's Statement, International Forum of People's Diplomacy "Dialogue on the Volga," Volgograd, Russia (international teleconference) (31 October 2020).

  685. The Current International System, International Law and the Role of the United States? Digital lecture, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey (28 November 2020).

  686. Statement on behalf of civil society: Annual observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, United Nations / Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, United Nations Office at Vienna, virtual event, Vienna, Austria (10 December 2020).

  687. Austria and Non-alignment: International Conference, "The Rise of Asia in Global History and Perspective. 60 Years After Belgrade - What Non-alignment in a Multipolar World?" Université Le Havre Normandie, virtual event, Le Havre, France (11 February 2021).

  688. The Divergence of Human Rights Perceptions and Peaceful Co-existence between States: International Conference, China Society for Human Rights Studies, Jilin University School of Law, Changchun, China (8 April 2021).

  689. Unilateral Economic SAnctions: Immorality and Arrogance of Great Power Politics: International Internet Conference, "The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World and the Quest for a New Paradigm," International Schiller Institute, Germany/USA (8 May 2021).

  690. Neutralität und Friedenspolitik: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current  Concerns, Zurich), Savognin (Grisons), Switzerland (via video conference) (30 July 2021).

  691. Gemeinwohl oder Staatsraison? Gedanken zum Frieden im Globalzeitlater: International Conference "Mut zur Ethik / Courage for Ethics 2021": "Das bonum commune in den Beziehungen zwischen Menschen, Völkern und Staaten," Sirnach (SG), Switzerland (via videoconference) ( 4 September 2021).

  692. Unity in Diversity -- The United Nations in the 21st Century: United Nations Day Celebration, United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA) and Global Peace Foundation, Long Beach, California, USA (31 October 2021).

  693. Can the Notion of the Rule of Law be applied to the UN System?: Special Lecture, International Conference, "On the Understanding of Law and Jurisprudence," Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland (26 November 2021).

  694. Palestine and the International Rule of Law: Special Meeting convened by the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People in accordance with United Nations General Assembly resolution 32/40, United Nations Office at Vienna, Austria (29 November 2021).

  695. Macht und Weltordnung: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current  Concerns, Zurich), Switzerland (via video conference) (30 December 2021).

  696. Geschichte der neutralität österreichs: Bildungszentrum Hard, Hard (Vorarlberg), Austria (11 February 2022).

  697. Congratulatory Address: 60th Anniversary Celebration of the Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education, Tokyo, Japan ( 4 March 2022).

  698. Russia – Ukraine: What Peaceful Co-existence? Bandung Spirit Online Conversation Series, University of Le Havre, France (18 March 2022).

  699. Economy and Politics in the New Cold War: Statement, "G20 Presidency of Indonesia and Global Crisis: What Challenges and what Hopes for a Global Future?," Bandung Spirit Online Conversation Series, University of Le Havre, France (21 April 2022).

  700. The Role of Culture in Establishing Dialogue and Cooperation in Post-conflict Situations: International Conference, "Advancing a Post-conflict Humanitarian Agenda," Shusha, Karabakh Region, Azerbaijan (19 May 2022).

  701. The G20 and the Need for Global Realignment: Statement, "G20 Summit in Indonesia: What opportunity for BRICS, NAM and the Russia-Ukraine Crisis?" Bandung Spirit Conversation Series, University of Le Havre, France (28 May 2022).

  702. La Philosophie et la Technique dans le monde contemporain: Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences, Université Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco (1 June 2022).

  703. Philosophie und Dialog der Kulturen: Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fès, Morocco (2 June 2022).

  704. The International Progress Organization and the Arab World: Commemorative Speech, gala dinner at La Maison Arabe, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the International Progress Organization, La Tour Hassan Palace, Rabat, Morocco (4 June 2022).

  705. Philosophy of Co-existence and Dialogue of Civilizations: Salon du Livre / International Book Fair, Rabat, Morocco (5 June 2022).

  706. Aufgaben der Philosophie in der Gegenwart: Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Université Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, Morocco (6 June 2022).

  707. Friedenspolitik im Nuklearzeitalter: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current  Concerns), Savognin (Grisons), Switzerland (25 July 2022).

  708. The Ukraine War and the United Nations System of Collective Security: Moderator's Statement, Lecture Meeting, "The Future of Multilateralism in the Aftermath of the War against Ukraine," World Forum on Democracy and Peace, Deutscher Bundestag / German Parliament, Berlin, Germany (28 July 2022).

  709. The Russia-Ukraine War and its Global Implications: Moderator's Statement, Panel Discussion, World Forum on Democracy and Peace, Embassy of Croatia, Berlin, Germany (28 July 2022).

  710. DEMOCRACY / National Identity /  Populism -- Concepts and Causes: Statement, Panel Discussion, "The Rise of Identity Politics and Populism as Threat to Democracy," World Forum on Democracy and Peace, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD), Berlin, Germany (30 July 2022).

  711. [Europe and Russia: Communication in Times of Conflict]: Speech at Reception at Grand Hotel Europa, Saint Petersburg, Russia (31 August 2022).

  712. Idea and Politics of World Order: Speech on the occasion of Wisdom Day, inaugurating the new academic year, Saint Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia (1 September 2022).

  713. The Current European Constellation: Introductory statement at Town Hall Meeting, Saint Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia (2 September 2022).

  714. العلاقة المتشنجة بين الغرب والمسلمين [Das gespannte Verhältnis zwischen dem Westen und den Muslimen]: Lecture organized on the occasion of the Amman International Book Fair, House of Culture and Arts, Amman, Jordan (6 September 2022).

  715. Human Rights and Global Power Politics: Inaugural statement, Side Event of the 51st session of the United Nations Council on Human Rights on "Rights and Problems of the Politicization of Human Rights," organized by Center for Jurisprudence Research, University of Jilin (China), Geneva (CH) / Changchung (China), 19 September 2022. (Online conference)

  716. War and the Deceptive Arrogance of Great Powers: Keynote Speech, International Conference, "Berlin Wall 33 -- 'In the Wake of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict'," Deutscher Bundestag / German Patliament, Berlin, Germany (10 November 2022).

  717. Nuclear Arms and International Law: Legality vs. Morality? IIIrd International Scholarly Conference on the Understanding of Law and Jurisprudence, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland (25 November 2022).

  718. [Statement on behalf of civil society]: Special Meeting convened by the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People in accordance with United Nations General Assembly resolution 32/40, United Nations Office at Vienna, Austria (29 November 2022).

  719. Zeitenwende? Bemerkungen zur Eschatologie der Macht: Leserkreis "Zeit-Fragen" (Readers' circle of the newspaper Current  Concerns), Sirnach (SG), Switzerland (30 December 2022).

  720. G20 Summit 2022 -- Implications for World Order: International Conference, The Rise of Asia 2023, "Global Crisis -- What impact and what perspectives for Asia and the World?" Plenary session: "The Outcome and Perspective of the G20 Summit in Indonesia," Université Paris I -- Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France (8 February 2023).

  721. Democracy in Times of War: Challenges to Our Common Humanity: Opening speech, Forum on Democracy & Peace 2023, "Growing Threats for Democracy Around the World," Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany (15 February 2023).

  722. The Emerging Multipolar Balance of Power versus the Arrogance of an Empire in Decline: XXIst International Likhachev Scientific Readings, Saint Petersburg, Russia (25 May 2023). (online)

  723. Recht oder Rache? Strafjustiz als Spielball der Machtpolitik: Institut für personale Humanwissenschaften und Gesellschaftsfragen / Journal Zeit-Fragen, Savognin, Switzerland (28+29 July 2023)

  724. The United Nations and the Multipolar Order of the Future: Reflections on the Tenacity of Power: Skopje Cultural Diplomacy Forum 2023, Skopje, North Macedonia (5 September 2023).

  725. Responsibility in International Relations: Introductory Remarks, The Imperial Roundtable, International Progress Organization, Hotel Imperial, Vienna (21 September 2023).

  726. The Dilemma of International Criminal Justice: Fourth Scientific Conference, "About the Understanding of Law and Jurisprudence," Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland (24 November 2023).

  727. [Statement on behalf of civil society]: Special Meeting convened by the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People in accordance with United Nations General Assembly resolution 32/40, United Nations Office at Vienna, Austria (5 December 2023).

  728. The United Nations and Global Power Politics: World Forum on the Future of Democracy, Tech and Humankind, Cinema for Peace Foundation, Berlin, Germany (19 February 2024).

  729. Die Trivialisierung des Öffentlichen: Kulturanthropologische Beobachtungen zum Digitalzeitalter: Pädagogische Schulungswoche 2024, Sirnach, Switzerland (4 April 2024).

  730. Dialogue or Coexistence?: Statements on the occasion of book launching at Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, Abu  Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (1 and 2 May 2024).

  731. International Criminal Justice in the Grey Zone between Law and Politics: Workshop, "Law and Ethics in European Security Policy," University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland, UK (17 May 2024).

  732. "Souveräne Gleichheit" im System der Vereinten Nationen: Rechtsprinzip oder leeres Versprechen? Institut für personale Humanwissenschaften und Gesellschaftsfragen (IPHG), Savognin (Grisons), Switzerland (26+27 July 2024).

  733. Sovereignty and Coercion: Introductory Remarks, The Bosphorus Roundtable, International Progress Organization, çirağan Palace, Istanbul, Türkiye, 12 September 2024.

  734. The Disingenuous Calls for a Rules-based Order, OR: The Global Governance Dilemma of the United Nations: 15th School for Young Leaders, "Leadership for Peace," Panel Discussion 2: "Sustainable Development, Security and Economic Diplomacy in Facilitating Global Governance," Ohrid, North Macedonia (11 October 2024).

  735. [Statement on behalf of civil society]: Annual meeting in observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, General Assembly of the United Nations, United Nations Office at Vienna, Austria (29 November 2024).

  736. Humanität und Identität: Zum Problem des Postmodernen Subjektes: Readers' circle of the journal "Zeit-Fragen" (Current Concerns), Sirnach, Switzerland (29 December 2024).