hans köchler - selected media coverage and debates
Tiroler Tageszeitung, Innsbruck, Austria, 17 April 1970: Werte der abendländischen Kultur gegen nur technische Ratio
Tiroler Tageszeitung, Innsbruck, Austria, 21 October 1970: Philosophie und Politik - Denken und Handeln
Tiroler Tageszeitung, Innsbruck, Austria, 4 June 1971: Auf dem "Dach Europas" formieren sich Regionen
Tiroler Tageszeitung, Innsbruck, Austria, 3 February 1972: Innsbruck soll Zentrum der Alpenregion werden
Dolomiten, Bozen, South Tyrol, Italy, 6 June 1972: Österreich und die Zehnergemeinschaft
Tiroler Bauernzeitung, Innsbruck, Austria, 20 July 1972: Die europäische Aufgabe der Alpenregion (Editorial)
Al-Goumhouria, Cairo, Egypt, 11 April 1974: القاهرة و العالم
Le Soleil, Dakar, Senegal, 27 April 1974: L'Europe a beaucoup à apprendre
Abendzeitung, Munich, Germany, 24 July 1974: Wir Europäer und die Dritte Welt
Tiroler Tageszeitung, Innsbruck, Austria, 30 July 1974: IPO-Tagung: Problem der Realisation einer Idee
Die Presse, Vienna, Austria, 31 July 1974: Senghor am Inn
Indo Asia, Stuttgart / Tübingen, Germany, Vol. XVI, No. 4, 1974: Internationales Symposion der IPO
Tiroler Tageszeitung, Innsbruck, Austria, 2 November 1977: Tagung: Was taugt das autogene Training?
thema, Vienna, Austria, No. 5, May 1979: Die neue internationale Wirtschaftsordnung
Al-Qabas, Kuwait, 12 December 1980:
[Politika Express], Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 31 August 1981:
Die gewerbliche Genossenschaft, Vienna, No. 2, 1986: Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Unternehmensführung: Moral und Verantwortung in der Wirtschaft
La Repubblica, Rome, Italy, 12 February 1988: Il presidente resta candidato al Premio Nobel per la pace 1988
Sächsische Zeitung, Dresden, Germany, No. 1, 3 January 1992: Die Vereinten Nationen zwischen militärischer und ziviler Weltordnung
Excelsior, Mexico D.F., 16 November 1992: Paz Mundial si la ONU Asume el Principio de "Soberanía Ciudadana"
New Straits Times, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19 November 1994: Call for replacement of New World Order
Inter Press Service English News Wire, Penang, Malaysia, 16 October 1995: Religion-Islam: A Non-violent Jihad
FF - Die Südtiroler Illustrierte, Bozen, South Tyrol, Italy, 18 May 1996: Dieses dumme, reife Volk
The News, Karachi, Pakistan, 5 February 1997: IPO observers say polls were not free and fair
Al-Quds Al-Arabi, London/Jerusalem, 12 February 1997:
Al-Zaman, Biweekly, Rabat, Morocco, 20 June - 3 July 1997:
Yeni Şafak, Istanbul, Turkey, 23 September 1997: Medeniyetlerarası diyalog ve Türkiye
The Statesman, New Delhi, India, 6 March 1998: UN a puppet in hands of powerful countries
The Sun, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10 August 1998: Expert: Globalisation will lead to instability
New Straits Times, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11 August 1998: Scholar: Single currency may counter speculation
Zeitschrift für Direkte Demokratie, Berlin, Germany, No. 4/1998: Souveränität ist nur global möglich
Heidegger et l'hymne du sacré by Emilio Brito, Leuven University Press, Louvain, Belgium, 1999: Peut-on parler d'un "scepticisme" heideggérien?
The Times, London, UK, 9 April 2001: Expert criticises Lockerbie trial
Al-Ahram Hebdo, Cairo, Egypt, 11-18 April 2001: Lockerbie : Le verdict est le résultat d'influences politiques
Left Coast, antiwar.com, USA, 20 April 2001: Foreign Devil
الأهرام [Al Ahram], Cairo, Egypt, 28 May 2001: مسئول دولي: حكم محكمة لوكربي جاء نتيجة لضغوط سياسية!
Junge Welt, Berlin, Germany, 30 June/1 July 2001: Ist die Milosevic-Auslieferung ein Sieg für das Völkerrecht?
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 4 February 2002: Ein eigentümliches Verfahren
Manila Bulletin, Manila, Philippines, 17 March 2002: Defining terrorism
Al-Ahram Weekly, Cairo, Egypt, 21-27 March 2002: A spectacular miscarriage
Gulf News, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 16 July 2002: Arab League flays double standards in anti-terror war
الرياض الرئيسي [Riyadh Daily Newspaper], Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 22 July 2002: كوشلر: مشكلة اللاجئين الفلسطينيين تعود إلى انعدام السلطة الدولية
Inter Press Service News Agency, Rome, Italy, 23 July 2002: U.N. viewed as irrelevant in region's crisis
Fóruns do Publico, Lisbon, Portugal, 8 November 2002: Aspectos éticos das sanções económicas
Radio Free Europe · Radio Liberty, Prague/Washington D.C., USA, 3 December 2002: Does A Defense Of Preemptive Strikes Open A Global Pandora's Box?
WAM -- Emirates News Agency, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 9 December 2002: President of International Progress Organization speaks at ZCCF
Reformatorisch Dagblad, Apeldoorn, Netherlands, 14 June 2003: Recht en realisme. Internationale vervolging oorlogsmisdrijven botst met politieke belangen
ISN International Relations and Security Network, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 18 July 2003: Russian Embassy in Baghdad not recognized by US
CDI Center for Defense Information, CDI Russia Weekly, Washington D.C., USA, July 2003: Russia: Vershbow's Comments Raise Hackles in Moscow
Radio Free Europe · Radio Liberty, Prague/Washington DC, USA, 7 August 2003: Deposed Dictators Live Out Years In Comfortable Exile, With Few Regrets
Morgunblađiđ, Reykjavík, Iceland, 18 August 2003: Fyrirlestur um samspil valds og laga í alÞjóđastjórnmálum
Executive Intelligence Review, Washington D.C., USA, 29 August 2003: Bombing of UN, Shows The U.S. Must Withdraw
Afriqia al-jadidah, Tripoli, Libya, September 2003: نائب رئيس جمعية الجماهير للثقافة والفلسفة هانز كشلر :كيف يمكن للديمقراطية أن تتحقق في ظل نظام أحادي القطبية ؟!
Egypt Today, Cairo, Egypt, October 2003: The Lockerbie Precedent
Azatlıq Radiosı (RFE-RL Tatar-Bashkir Service), Qazan, Tatarstan, 19 December 2003: Saddam totılğannan soñ uylanular: diktator belən diktator arasında nindi ayırma bar?
Postimees, Tallinn, Estonia, 21 December 2003: Õigusemõistmise ees pole eksdiktaatorid võrdsed
ISN International Relations and Security Network, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 22 December 2003: Double standards in prosecuting former dictators
Türkkaya Ataöv, University of Ankara, Turkey, January 2004 (book review): A worthy guide for a cured international legal order
Women's Research & Studies Center, Qum, Islamic Republic of Iran, February 2004: يك مقام سازمان ملل: ممنوعيت حجاب با حقوق بشر مغاير است
Frontline. India's National Magazine, New Delhi, India, Vol. 21, Issue 05, Feb. 28 - March 12, 2004: Rendering criminal justice globally
Cumhuriyet, Istanbul, Turkey, 29 April 2004: Prof. Dr. Hans Köchler yol gösteriyor -- Küresel adalete açılan kapı
Pilipino Star, Manila, Philippines, 19 June 2004: Editoryal - Pinakamabagal na canvassing sa mundo
Kilusan.Net, Quezon City, Philippines, June 27 - July 3, 2004: UN Expert Sees Political Instability
PRWeb, USA / Committee for a Democratic U.N., Germany, 8 July 2004: No Veto Right for New Members, Says Committee
China Central Television (CCTV International), Beijing, P. R. China, 2 August 2004: Trial of Saddam Hussein
Der Standard, Vienna, Austria, 23 September 2004: Initiative für ein Weltparlament
Manila Bulletin, Manila, Philippines, 28 September 2004: MSU confers award on Austrian Professor
The Moro Islamic Liberation Front Website, Manila, Philippines, 9 September 2004: The Two Faces of the Terrorist: The State and Non-State Actors
Manila Bulletin, Manila, Philippines, 23 November 2004: Society for Promotion of Global Understanding and Peace ... launched
UEF News, Union of European Federalists, Brussels, Belgium, 1 December 2004: The EU and the Reform of the UN
PBS Public Broadcasting System (USA), Frontline, Teacher Center, 25 January 2005: Al Qaeda's New Front -- Additional Lesson Ideas
Revista VEJA, São Paulo, Brazil, 30 March 2005: Com trinta anos de atraso: Finalmente a ONU decide encarar o terrorismo pelo que ele é: um crime contra a humanidade
Global Policy Forum, New York, USA, 2 April 2005: Sudan: Double Standards in International Criminal Justice
Sustainable Developments, IISD, Ottawa, New York, Geneva, 10 May 2005: International Conference on Environment, Peace, and the Dialogue among Civilizations and Cultures
University of Hong Kong, Centre for Comparative and Public Law, Hong Kong, P. R. China, 23 May 2005: International Power Politics and the Question of United Nations Reform
Yonhap News Agency, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 26 May 2005: European NGO chief expects Japan to win permanent UNSC seat
Korea Plus, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1 June 2005:
International Progress Organization, Information Service, Vienna, Austria, 23 June 2005: The Use of Force in International Relations − Challenges to Collective Security
اوروكنت.إنفو / uruknet.info, Rome, Italy, 27 June 2005: The Doctrine of Humanitarian Intervention & the Neo-Colonial Implications of its Revival in Our Unipolar World (by Jim Harding, Canada)
IDEA International Debate Education Association / Youth Educational Forum, Macedonia, 23 July − 5 August 2005: 11th IDEA Youth Forum 2005
Vientiane Times, Vientiane, Laos, 10 August 2005: LJA assumes vice presidency of CAJ
Manila Bulletin, Manila, Philippines, 27 September 2005: New evidence disputes Libyan responsibility in PanAm flight 103 blast
Case Research Paper Series in Legal Studies, No. 05-33, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, September 2005: The Role of Fair Trial Observers
Philippine Daily Inquirer, Manila, Philippines, 9 October 2005: What is a terrorist?
Radio Liberty / Radio Free Iraq, Washington DC / Prague, 20 October 2005: تقارير خاصة : محاكمة صدام
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Washington DC / Prague, 17 November 2005: World: Nuremberg Trial Hopes Unfulfilled After 60 Years
Azatlıq Radiosı (RFE-RL Tatar-Bashkir Service), Qazan, Tatarstan, 17 November 2005: Nürenberg məxkəməse başlanuğa 60 yıl - andıy mxəkəməgə ixtiac bügen də zur
Serbia and Montenegro News, Belgrade, Serbia, 23 November 2005: Nuremberg Trial Hopes Unfulfilled After 60 Years
Manila Bulletin, Manila, Philippines, 4 December 2005: Human rights cases discussed in forum
The Hindu. India's National Newspaper, Chennai, India, 10 January 2006: When power subverts the law
Tygodnik "Wprost", www.wprost.pl, Warsaw, Poland, No. 1207, 29 January 2006: Klub przyjaciół dyktatorów
Sonhaber, Eskişehir, Turkey, 17 February 2006: Prof. Dr. Hans Köchler: "Uluslararası Mahkemelerde güçlünün adaleti geçer
Eskişehir Osmangazi Haber, Eskişehir, Turkey, No. 60, February 2006: Prof. Dr. Köchler Uluslararası Güç Politikasını anlattı
The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 5 March 2006: UN law expert joins calls for McKie probe
Anlayış Dergisi, Istanbul Turkey, March 2006: Batı yanlış yapıyor
Turkish Daily News, Ankara, Turkey, 13 March 2006: A victory for women
Justice Initiatives: The Extraordinary Chambers. New York: Open Society Justice Initiative, Spring 2006: The Importance of Monitoring the Trials at the Extraordinary Chambers by Richard J. Rogers (excerpt) Khmer version
Hindustan Times, New Delhi, India, 21 July 2006: Time ripe for Islamic awakening
Future Islam, New Delhi, India, September/October 2006: Lead article: Religion, Reason and Violence: Pope Benedict XVI and Islam
The Saudi Gazette, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 18 September 2006: The Impact of Muslim Civilization on Europe
Libération, Casablanca, Morocco, 19 September 2006: Un philosophe autrichien répond au Pape Print version
بازٺب / BAZTAB Professional News Site, Tehran, Iran, 19 September 2006: دانشمند بزرگ مسيحي و افشاي اشتباهات فاحش سخنان جنجالي پاپ
Anlayiş, Istanbul, Turkey, No. 41, October 2006: Papa'nın derdi ne?
Anlayiş, Istanbul, Turkey, No. 41, October 2006: Papa ve İslam
La Liberté, Geneva, Switzerland, 3 November 2006: Benoît XVI et l'islam: les pièges de l'ethnocentrisme
/e-politik.de/ politik, gesellschaft & politikwissenschaft, Berlin, Germany, 8 November 2006: Umfassende Sicherheit
СтандАрт / Standart News, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 January 2007: Сестрите станаха жертва на “Локърби”
my.bLAWg, Web Log, Bandung, Indonesia, 30 January 2007: Yurisdiksi universal: Kepentingan politis versus keadilan internasional
Web Log by Haroon Baloch, Australia, 2 February 2007: Meaning of Jihad
Bulgaria in EU Press Center, Sofia, Bulgaria, 14 February 2007: European Union: double standards in criminal justice?
BİA Haber Merkezi, Istanbul, Turkey, 26 February 2007: "Cezalandırıcı Adalet Mağduriyeti Gidermez"
ipoint, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 2 April 2007: Studienexkursion nach Singapur und Malaysia zum Thema "Religion und Gewalt"
Asia-Europe Foundation, Singapore, April 2007: ASEF 10 Years and Beyond
Vorarlberger Nachrichten, Bregenz, Austria, 3 May 2007: Orient und Okzident: Dialog oder Krieg?
ﺍﻷﺣﺪﺍﺙ ﺍﻠﻤﻐﺮﺒﻴﺔ (Al Ahdat al-Maghribiya), Casablanca, Morocco, 17 May 2007:
Libération, Casablanca, Morocco, 18 May 2007: Orient et Occident, dialogue ou guerre? Print version
Chinese Journal of International Law, Oxford, Vol. 6/2, 10 June 2007: The Great Power Balance, the United Nations and What the Framers Intended: In Partial Response to Hans Köchler
Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 26 June 2007: Unterwegs zu einem Völkerrecht der gemeinsamen Fortschrittlichkeit?
JURIST Legal News & Research, University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh, USA, 28 June 2007: Scotland commission sends Lockerbie bombing case to high court for review
The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 7 July 2007: UN Lockerbie trial observer urges independent inquiry into the case
The Observer, London, UK, 8 July 2007: UN observer calls for fresh Lockerbie probe
جريدة المستقبل (Al-Mustaqbal Newspaper), Beirut, Lebanon, No. 2668, p. 14, 9 July 2007: لأمم المتحدة تطالب بتحقيق جديد مستقل بقضية لوكربي
Sanders Research Associates Ltd., Dublin, Ireland, 23 July 2007: Letter from Rwanda
Vision IAS [Indian Administrative Services], Delhi, India, August 2007: IAS ESSAY: The Clash of Civilizations
The Sunday Times, London, UK, 7 October 2007: UN observer says Scots law is flawed
iPoint, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 29 October 2007: Kopf der Woche: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Köchler
Turkish Daily News, Ankara, Turkey, 3 November 2007: Alliance Youth movement to establish crisis response team
Tempus Fugit, web log, Sweden, 23 December 2007: Dialog, krig, terror och fenomenologi
Jornal de Notícias, Porto, Portugal, 11 January 2008: Civilizações aliadas
THE AGE, Melbourne, Australia, 12 February 2008: Truth is the big loser in the chase for a sensational headline
American Buddhist Net (ABN), St. Louis, MO, USA, 2 March 2008: The "Global War on Terror" and its Implications for Muslim-Western Relations
Darpan - The Mirror, Team Work Productions, Auckland, New Zealand, 2 March 2008: TV interview on the "global war on terror"
911 Blogger.com, USA, 2 March 2008: Dr. Hans Koechler's Observations on the "War on Terror"
Libération, Casablanca, Morocco, 17-18 May 2008: Interview avec le philosophe autrichien Hans Koechler
Maghreb Canada Express, Montreal, Canada, June 2008: Colloque: "Islam et Occident: Guerre ou dialogue?"
ﺍﻷﺣﺪﺍﺙ ﺍﻠﻤﻐﺮﺒﻴﺔ (Al Ahdath al-Maghribiya), Casablanca, Morocco, 6 June 2008: Exclusive interview (Arabic)
The New Nation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 20 June 2008: A culture of peace
The Federalist Debate, Turin, Italy, Year XXI, No. 2, July 2008: Interview (Giovanni Finizio)
Saatchi Gallery / ArtSway, London, June/July 2008: Forthcoming Exhibitions - Just world order
iPoint, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 18 August 2008: Internationale Auszeichnungen für Innsbrucker Philosophen
The Firm - The Independent Law Journal, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, September 2008: Man on a Mission for Justice
inksters -- Forward Thinking Law, inksters.com, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 18 Septermber 2008: Law Awards of Scotland 2008
Sunday Express, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 28 September 2008: In the terrorist's corner
العرب (Al-Arab Daily Newspaper), Doha, Qatar, 28 September 2008: المراجعات الفقهية بين مثقفي الغرب وفقهاء الشرق
The Firm magazine, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, October 2008: No limits on Skye as academics aim for new way ahead
Star Gazete, Istanbul, Turkey, 16 October 2008: Pamukkale Üniversitesi'nden büyük jest
Cihan Haber Ajansı, Istanbul, Turkey, 16 October 2008: Prof. Dr. Köchler: "Türkiye Yakın Gelecekte Bölgesel Bir Siyaset Oyuncusu Olacak"
Manila Bulletin, Manila, Philippines, 16 January 2009: Human rights violations vs indigenous folk noted
Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı, Istanbul, Turkey, Bülten 68/2009: İslâm Karşıtlığı ve Avrupa Çok Kültürlülüğünün Çıkmazı (Islamophobia and the Contradictions in Europe’s Multicultural Society)
Le Matin, Casablanca, Morocco, 11 February 2009: Hans Kochler présente «Les Musulmans et l'Occident»
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Prague / Washington DC, 12 February 2009: International Justice Emerges From The Shadow Of Realpolitik
مركز الشرق العربي (The Arab Orient Center for Strategic and Civilization Studies), London, UK: 19 March 2009: فليسوف نمساوي يرصد «سوء الفهم» بين أوروبا والإسلام
The Firm - The Independent Law Journal, Glasgow, Scotland, 18 June 2009: International honour for Professor Hans Kochler
iPoint, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 22 June 2009: Die Macht des Arguments
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Vienna / Moscow, 23 June 2009: Grand Medal of David the Invincible
القدس العربی (Al-Quds Al-Arabi), London, UK, 24 June 2009: هانس كوكلر
The Firm magazine, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 9 July 2009: Kochler's perspective on global power and politics
Deutsche Welle, Bonn, Germany, 13 July 2009: Non-Aligned Movement struggles for relevancy in post-Cold War world
Al Jazeera English, Doha, Qatar, 15 July 2009, Programme "Inside Story": The Non-Aligned Movement
iPoint, "Spotlight," University of Innsbruck, Austria, 24 July 2009: Innsbrucker Philosoph ausgezeichnet
Sunday Express, Edinburgh, UK, 9 August 2009: Scots complicit in Lockerbie lie
Astronomy and Civilization Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 13 August 2009: The Relation between Man and World
Daily Mail, London, UK, 23 August 2009: The West has sold its soul for a barrel of oil
Radio Basics, York University, Toronto, Canada, 24 August 2009: Global Revenge: revisiting the U.S. and U.K. show trial of Libyan al-Megrahi
Association of European Journalists / Greek Section, Athens, Greece, 7 October 2009: World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations"
iPoint, "Buchtipp," University of Innsbruck, Austria, 15 October 2009: Weltordnung, Macht, Gerechtigkeit - Schriften zu Ehren von Köchler
Raiffeisenzeitung, Vienna, Austria, 29 October 2009: Müssen die Vielfalt der Kulturen mehr berücksichtigen
PressWire, Glostrup, Denmark, 3 November 2009: Den verdenskendte filosof Hans Köchler taler ved konference i Århus om interkulturel dialog
Global Dialogue Conference 2009 / University of Aarhus, Denmark, 3 November 2009: Leading philosopher Hans Köchler explains intercultural dialogue
RNA Rwanda News Agency, Kigali, Rwanda, 17 November 2009: Defence lawyers against ICTR archives coming to Rwanda
iPoint, "Spotlight," University of Innsbruck, Austria, 14 December 2009: Power, Justice and World Order
Millî Gazete, Istanbul, Turkey, 18 December 2009: AB, Mardin'de tartışıldı
UNSW Law Society Court of Conscience, Sydney, Australia, 2009: And the world just walks on by ... Max G. Dalton investigates our Responsibility to Protect
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia, 9 March 2010: Ганс Кёхлер осуждает этническое насилие в Нигерии и призывает покончить с безнаказанностью
الوسط اليوم , Palestine, 17 March 2010: التعدد الثقافي، الديمقراطية و دولة الحق و القاوىن في أوروبا
African Arguments, London, 2 April 2010: Sudan: On Confusion
R & R / Rattansi and Ridley, Sky 515 TV, London, UK, 3 April 2010: Web Extra: Prof. Hans Kochler
الرأي العام, Khartoum, Sudan, 7 April 2010: فيلسوف نمساوي ينتقد أوكامبو
Philippine Daily Inquirer, Manila, Philippines, 28 May 2010: Clueless (Editorial)
Mainstream Weekly, New Delhi, India, Vol. XLVIII, No. 25, 12 June 2010: Scholarly Critique of Unipolar World Order
Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, China, 13 July 2010: Dialogue of Civilizations and Requirements of a Just World Order
BBC News, London, UK, 22 July 2010: UN observer: Lockerbie truth "may not not be uncovered"
TREND News Agency, Baku, Azerbaijan, 22 October 2010: Beynəlxalq təşkilatlar Azərbaycan-Ermənistan danışıqları üçün əlavə çərçivələr təqdim edə bilərlər - ekspert
АЗЕРТАДЖ / AZERTAC, Baku, Azerbaijan, 22 October 2010: В Баку состоялся «круглый стол» на тему «Глобальные вызовы в региональном контексте»
525-ci Gazet, Baku, Azerbaijan, 23 October 2010: SAM-da “Regional kontekstdə qlobal çağırışlar”a dair dəyirmi masa keçirilib
Servus TV, "Talk im Hangar-7," Salzburg, Austria, 10 February 2011: Einfluss auf Justitia - Wer urteilt wirklich?
Al Jazeera English, Doha, Qatar, 21 February 2011, Programme "Inside Story": Libya: Ready for civil war?
Bilim ve Sanat Vakfι, Istanbul, Turkey, 26 February 2011: Hans Köchler: "Kudüs meselesi Filistin meselesinden ayrɩ düşünülemez"
The Herald, Harare, Zimbabwe, 9 March 2011: Ethical significance of anti-sanctions petition
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia, 28 March 2011: All Necessary Means
The Philippine Star, Manila, Philippines, 31 March 2011: Postscript by Federico D. Pascual Jr.
BusinessWorld, Manila, Philippines, 31 March 2011: US-NATO: Might is not right
Freidenker, Offenbach, Germany, April 2011: "Alle notwendigen Mittel"
ﺍﻷﺣﺪﺍﺙ ﺍﻠﻤﻐﺮﺒﻴﺔ (Al Ahdath al Maghribiya), Casablanca, Morocco, 4 April 2011 :
Junge Welt, Berlin, Germany, 11 April 2011: Memorandum: Humanitäre Intervention oder Kolonialkrieg?
Daily Graphic, Accra, Ghana, 18 April 2011: Stop Murderous Madness In North Africa
Fəlsəfə dünyası, Baku, Azerbaijan, 18 April 2011: Ünlü Filozoflar “Felsefe Dünyası”nda “Bilimselliğin kriterleri”ni müzakürü ettiler
Libération, Casablanca, Morocco, 19 April 2011: Le philosophe autrichien Hans Kochler : “Les puissances occidentales guettent les révolutions arabes”
Nachrichten Heute, Berne, Switzerland, 24 April 2011: UN-Resolution zu Libyen unvereinbar mit internationalem Recht
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, No. 19, 11 May 2011: Memorandum zur Resolution des Sicherheitsrates 1973 (2011)
Son Peygamber, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2011: İslamofobi Masum Bir Korku Değildir
Voltairenet.org, France, 27 May 2011: La Résolution 1973 et l'intervention en Libye sont-elles légales?
Cultural Diplomacy News, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany, May 2011: Interview with Dr. Hans Köchler
iPoint, "Spotlight," University of Innsbruck, Austria, 3 June 2011: Religion und Gesellschaft in der Türkei
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, No. 27, 4 July 2011: Den Grundsatz von der Würde des Subjekts ernst nehmen
"Another World Is Possible," USA, 15 July 2011: The Libya war and the necessary reform of the United Nations
Oxygène - Portail île de la Réunion, Ste Clotilde, Réunion, 16 July 2011: Prenons au sérieux le principe de dignité de l'individu
EURASIA - Rivista di Studi Geopolitici, Rome, Italy, 4 September 2011: Il collasso della globalizzazione neoliberale
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 6 September 2011: Президент Международной организации за прогресс (Австрия) Ганс Кехлер на факультете политологии МГУ
Radio Študent FM89.3, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9 September 2011: Abrahamovske Težave neuvrščenih in uvrščena Slovenija
Examiner.com, USA, 26 October 2011: Doha Inter-Faith Dialogue: Religious leaders assess impact of social media
Al-Quds Al-Arabi, London, 31 October 2011: عدالة عالمية أم انتقام شامل؟
ﺍﻷﺣﺪﺍﺙ ﺍﻠﻤﻐﺮﺒﻴﺔ (Al Ahdath al Maghribiya), Casablanca, Morocco, 4 November 2011: العدالة الجنائية الدولية في مفترق الطرق
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia, 4 November 2011: The New Social Media and the Reshaping of Communication in the 21st Century
ZAMAN Österreich, Vienna, Austria, 8 November 2011: "Integration ist keine Polizeiangelegenheit"
ﺍﻷﺣﺪﺍﺙ ﺍﻠﻤﻐﺮﺒﻴﺔ (Al Ahdath al Maghribiya), Casablanca, Morocco, 25 November 2011: الحوار يفترض التواصل ويبطن صراع المعاني والقيم
Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı, Istanbul, Turkey, Bülten 76/2011: "Türkiye'de Din, Devlet ve Toplum" Seminerleri
iPoint, "Spotlight," University of Innsbruck, Austria, 3 June 2011: Hans Köchler: Die arabische Zivilisation und Europa
Institut de la Démocratie et de la Coopération, Paris, France, 8 December 2011: Круглый стол «Ливийский конфликт и международное право»
The Statesman, Calcutta, India, 3 January 2012: Special Article: Judgment of dissent: The Abiding Importance Of Radha Binod Pal
رباط الكتب , Rabat, Morocco, 9 January 2012: كيف يتفاعل القانون والسياسة على الصعيد الدولي؟
BERGAAG / L'actualité Marocaine et internationale, Casablanca, Morocco, 16 February 2012: La justice internationale: une consécration du principe d'équité ou vae victis?
ZAMAN Österreich, Vienna, Austria, 20 March 2012: "Man soll sich nicht von außen militärisch einmischen"
Zaman Avusturya, Vienna, Austria, 27 March 2012: "Suriye, geleceği Paris ya da Londra'da yuvarlak masa toplantιlarιyla belirlenebilecek herhangi küçük bir Körfez ülkesi değil"
Aksiyon, Istanbul, Turkey, 2 April 2012: Suriye'de çözüm çok uzun sürer
Türkisch Islamische Union in Österreich (ATIB), Vienna, 2 April 2012: Ülke Bilgilendirme Seminerine Katılan Din Görevlilerine Sertifikaları Verildi
Peoples Daily, Lagos, Nigeria, 6 April 2012: Moving to a new experience
Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU), Yerevan, Armenia, 15 April 2012: Հ. Կոխլեր. «Իրական և վիրտուալ աշարհների միջև հստակ սահման այժմ չունենք»
AZG Daily, Yerevan, Armenia, 21 April 2012: ՎԻՐՏՈՒԱԼԻ ԵՎ ԻՐԱԿԱՆԻ ՄԻՋԵՎ ("The Virtual and the Real")
iPoint, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 15 May 2012: Ehrendoktorat für Hans Köchler
جريدة الوطن (Al-Watan), Casablanca, Morocco, May 2012:دكتوراه شرفية ثانية للفيلسوف النمساوي هانس كوكلر
Current Concerns, Zurich, Switzerland, No. 26, 25 June 2012: Problems are to be resolved in negotiations
Mail & Guardian, Johannesburg, South Africa, 4 July 2012: Justice? That's rich, coming from the ICC
New African, London, 27 July 2002: Is Africa On Trial? The Role of the ICC Examined
ZAMAN Österreich, Vienna, Austria, 7 August 2012: Weltgericht ohne Weltstaat: Strafjustiz unter dem Diktat der Realpolitik?
Edinburgh Reporter, Edinburgh, UK, 12 August 2012: Edinburgh International Book Festival - Hans Köchler
The Times, London, UK, 13 August 2012: Has Scotland really swallowed this crazy conspiracy?
Manila Standard Today, Manila, Philippines, 15 August 2012: The UN, our only bet
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia, 23 August 2012: Statement by Professor Hans Köchler on the Syrian crisis
Schweizer Radio DRS, Bern, Switzerland, 26 August 2012: Blockfreie Staaten spalten Weltmeinung
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia, 14 September 2012: Clash of Civilizations: an Unintended Consequence of "Humanitarian Intervention"?
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, 26 September 2012: Verhandlungen ohne Einmischung ausländischer Mächte
Discoroso Libero, Zurich, Switzerland, No. 3, September 2012: I problemi si devono regolare al tavolo delle trattative
Signum, Uppsala, Sweden, 27 September 2012: FN och EU: Vad menas med "respekt för religion"?
Horizons et débats, Zurich, Switzerland, No 41, 1 October 2012: Négociations sans ingérence de puissances extérieures
Rhodes Forum, Rhodes, Greece, 4 October 2012: Transformations of Dialogue
Raiffeisenzeitung, Vienna, Austria, 18 October 2012: Waffenlieferungen an Syrien sind kontraproduktiv
TRT Türk, Ankara, Turkey, 6 December 2012: Köchler: BM Güvenlik Konseyi'nin acil revizyona ihtiyacı var
Tasnim News Agency, Tehran, Iran, 24 December 2012: کوچلر: مسائل علوم انسانی نباید در حوزه غرب منحصر شود
Shabestan News Agency, Tehran, Iran, 24 December 2012: فلسفه و دین نه تنها متضاد نبوده بلکه مکمل یکدیگرن
radio4all: The A-Infos Radio Project, USA, 26 December 2012: 9-11 Wake-Up Call: Professor Hans Kochler presents at Kulala Lumpur Conference
Libération, Casablanca, Morocco, 19 January 2013: Hans Köchler : Tant qu’on ne les mélange pas, la philosophie et la religion ne s’opposent guère
Al Akhbar, Casablanca, Morocco, 23 January 2013:
مجلة الربيع الثقافي / Cultural Spring Magazine, Morocco, 7 February 2013: تغطية لمحاضر "هيدجر وريبة الكينونة"
TIMETURK, Istanbul, Turkey, 8 February 2013: Hans Köchler: Avrupa'nın istikrarı Türkiye'nin istikrarına bağlı
HABER 3, Istanbul, Turkey, 8 February 2013: 28. Abant Platformu - Innsbruck Üniversitesi'nden Prof. Dr. Köchler: "Arap baharı, Türkiye'nin bölgesel sorunların en büyüğünden biri, Türkiye, eski kültürel ve İslami bağlarına ulaşma adına bölgedeki kilit ülkelerden biri konumunda"
euronews, Brussels, 9 February 2013: Türkiye Ortadoğu’da bölgesel aktör olmak için ne yapmalı?
Yeni Şafak, Istanbul, Turkey, 9 February 2013: Bölgenin kilit ülkesi Türkiye
Türkiye, Istanbul, Turkey, 10 February 2013: AB dürüst davranmıyor
Paradigm Times /بارادايم تايمز, Stockholm, Sweden, 11 February 2013: هانس كوشلر:" الفهم الذاتي هو السبيل لفهم الآخر وتحقيق التعايش
Today's Zaman, Istanbul, Turkey, 12 February 2013: European countries against Turkey's EU accession for economic reasons
Southeast European Times / SES Türkiye, 21 February 2013: Scholars call for EU negotiations, domestic reform
ERONET-TV, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 21 February 2013: Intelektualci pozivaju na pregovore s EU i unutarnje reforme
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia, 2 March 2013: Vienna Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
MAP News, Casablanca, Morocco, 3 April 2013: Siel de Casablanca: Retour sur la pensée et la vie du penseur feu Abdelhadi Boutaleb
Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Tufts University, USA, 1 May 2013: Using History to Understand Muslim-Western Relations and the “Arab Spring”
دبي الثقافية, Dubai, UAE, 9th Year, Issue No. 96, May 2013: للفيلسوف النمساوي هانس كوكلر
PALITRA Daily Newspaper, Baku, Azerbaijan, 4 June 2013: Professor Hans Köxler: “Azərbaycanda multikulturalizm mühiti daha yaxşı formalaşıb”
ORF - Radio Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria, 12 June 2013: Brennpunkt Naher Osten
eRazvitie.org, Moscow, Russia, 21 June 2013: Quo Vadis?
الفجر , Abu Dhabi, UAE, 11 August 2013: الشك في فكر مارتين هيدغر)... في نقد الحضارة التقنية)
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia, 18 October 2013: 65th Anniversary
A9 TV, Istanbul, Turkey, 19 October 2013: Interview for Building Bridges Gateway
Zaman Österreich, Vienna, Austria, 30 October 2013: Die Machtkonstellation hat sich geändert, die ständige Mitgliedschaft muß sich auf regionale Organisationen beziehen
AKSİYON, Istanbul, Turkey, 11 November 2013: Süper güçler değişti, Güvenlik Konseyi de değişmeli
Prix Europa 2014, Berlin, November 2013: ZDF / TV Current Affairs: Death in the Skies. The Assault of Lockerbie and its Mysteries
The Scotsman, Edinburgh, UK, 28 November 2013: Lockerbie lies
SRF 1 / Swiss Television, Berne, Switzerland, 11 December 2013: Todesflug Pan Am 103 - Das Rätsel von Lockerbie
e-International Relations, UK, 13 December 2013: Humanitarian Intervention in Libya: Not Clash of Civilizations
Deutsche Welle, Berlin, Germany, 21 December 2013: Lockerbie mystery still raises questions after 25 years
The Morung Express, Dimapur, Nagaland, India, 31 January 2014: Editorial: Human Rights; A response to conflicts
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia, 11 February 2014: The Policy of Violence and its Destructive Impact on Social Cohesion
Real Talk, USA, 26 February 2014: "Mankind Can't Survive Without Indigenous Cultures"
مجلة سياسات عربية / Siyasat Arabiya, Doha, Qatar, March 2023: تصدّع معمار العدالة الجنائية الدولية عدالة عالمية أم انتقام شامل؟
International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria, 22 May 2014: "War in the 21st Century -- I.P.O. President speaks at National Defense Academy of Austria
هوية بريس, Morocco, 24 May 2014: العدالة» الدولية في الميزان»
Institut für Religion und Frieden, Vienna, Austria, 28 May 2014: "Krieg im 21. Jahrhundert" -- Vortrag von Prof. Hans Köchler an der Landesverteidigungsakademie
kathweb, Katholische Presseagentur Österreich, Vienna, 14 June 2014: 1914-Gedenken: Friede braucht Begegnung der Religionen
Katholische Militärseelsorge, Vienna, Austria, June 2014: Krieg im 21. Jahrhundert
American Corner Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 14 June 2014: Symposium in Honor of Hans Köchler
iPoint, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 20 June 2014: Verabschiedung von Prof. Hans Köchler
أنفاس نت, Morocco, 21 June 2014: الشك و نقد المجتمع في فكر مارتين هيدجر لهانس كوكلر ـ ترجمة حميد لشهب
Libération, Casablanca, Morocco, 22 July 2014: Un livre... une question : Islam et Occident entre conflits et dialogue
БелТА / Belarus News Agency, Minsk, Belarus, 23 July 2014: Австрийский ученый считает первостепенной заслугу самих белорусов в высокой позиции страны в Social Progress Index
Die Zeit, Hamburg, Germany, 23 July 2014: Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie
RIA Novosti, Moscow, Russia, 29 July 2014: UN Observer Says Justice Subordinated to "Power Politics" During Lockerbie Bombing Trial
RIA Novosti, Moscow, Russia, 28 September 2014: Смена режимов – идеологическая ловушка, считает Родосский форум
Famagusta Gazette, Famagusta, Cyprus, 29 September 2014: New foundation for development of humankind needed, say experts
Slovenské Národné Noviny, Bratislava, Slovakia, 30 September 2014: Ruský oligarcha ostro kritizuje USA: Svet potrebuje novú rovnováhu síl
Российская Федерация сегодня, Journal No. 19, Moscow, Russia, October 2014: В тупике санкций
Helsinki Times, Helsinki, Finland, 9 October 2014: "Dialogue of Civilizations" at Rhodes Forum
Huffington Post (Italy), 13 October 2014: Dialogo di civiltà: il XII Forum di Rodi
LA FINANZA sul Web, Rome, Italy, 21 October 2014: Il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e il Regime Change
International Progress Organization, Manila/Vienna, 22 October 2014: Gusi Peace Prize to be awarded to Professor Hans Köchler
Le Centre pour le Destin Commun, Nouméa, New Caledonia, 11 November 2014: A Common Destiny in New Caledonia: Dialogue is not possible
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia, 11 November 2014: Hans Koechler at the 12th Rhodes Forum
БДМ - Банки и Деловой Мир, Moscow, Russia, November 2014: Вместо порядка — хаос и паника
Alochonaa (Dialogue), Brisbane, Australia, 23 November 2014: The Decline of Sovereignty and the Rise of Human Rights
iPoint, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 10 December 2014: Gusi-Preis für Hans Köchler
pcdn peace & collaborative development network, USA, 6 February 2015: Charlie Hebdo, Philosophy, and the Rights to Freedom of Speech, Expression, and Press: From the Perspectives of Xenophobia, Multiculturalism, Laïcité, Atheism, Voltaire, and Rousseau
MintPress News, Minneapolis, USA, 9 February 2015: Race Against Justice: Israel Pushes Back Against The ICC
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia, 12 February 2015: Statement by Dr. Hans Köchler, President of the International Progress Organization, on Ukraine peace talks in Minsk
Horizons et débats, Zurich, No. 4, 24 February 2015: "Un signe encourageant"
Russia Direct, Moscow, Russia, 17 March 2015: What globalization and sovereignty mean for Russia today
Sputnik News, Moscow, Russia, 26 March 2016: Saudi Assault on Yemen 'Clear-Cut' Breach of International Law - Expert
Green Report, Livorno, Italy, 27 March 2015: Yemen, l'invasione saudita vista dall'Iran
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, No. 11, 14 April 2015: Krieg im Jemen: Blockade von Nothilfe ist ein Kriegsverbrechen
Russia Direct, Moscow, Russia, 15 April 2015: For Europe, relationship with Russia is of vital importance
International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria, 17 April 2015: Security Council Resolution on War in Yemen not Conducive to Peace
A2 Kulturní tranáctideník, Prague, Czech Republic, 5 August 2015: Je nutné zůstat nezúčastněný: S Hansem Köchlerem o konceptu neutrality a studené válce
The Rwandan, Kigali, Rwanda, 6 September 2015: Deep Delusions, Bitter Truth
Mainstream Weekly, New Delhi, India, Vol. LIII, No. 39, 19 September 2015: Valuable Contribution to a Multilateral World Order
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia, 22 September 2015: Mass Migration and State Failure: Europe and the Geopolitics of Interventionism
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, No. 25, 29 September 2015: Demokratie und ihre Praxis
The State Journal, West Virginia, USA, 10 October 2015: Vladimir Yakunin Opens 13th Annual Rhodes Forum and Announces Launch of Think Tank
Sudan Vision, Khartoum, Sudan, 13 October 2015: Justice Denied: The Reality of the International Criminal Court
Комсомольская правда / Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, Russia, 16 October 2015: Идёт война гибридная, глобальная война
الاقتصادية, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 18 October 2015:هانس كوكلر .. شيخ القانون الدولي وتاريخ مشرف ضد تهويد القدس
Kyiv University of Law, Kiev, Ukraine, November 2015: Колектив КУП НАНУ дякує доктору Х. Кьохлеру за подаровані книги
International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria, 14 December 2015: Culture and World Order: President of I.P.O. delivers keynote address at International Conference on Cultural Diplomacy
Hürriyet, Istanbul, Turkey, 22 January 2016: Kartal’daki Demokrasi Konferansına Yoğun İlgi
الشرق الأوسط / Al-Sharq al-Awsat, London, 28 January 2016: هانز كوكلر يحلل غطرسة الغرب بحثًا عن حوار حقيقي
Konrad & Partners, Vienna, Austria, 4 February 2016: Philosophical dinner with Prof. Köchler
Apotheosis International, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, UK, 12 February 2016: Normative Contradictions in the State System
Magyar Hírlap, Budapest, Hungary, 24 February 2016: Egy "jóindulatú" amerikai hegemónia
Mainstream Weekly, Vol. LIV, No. 10, New Delhi, India, 27 February 2016: Grave Threat to Rule of Law and Constitutional Democracy
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow, Russia, 16 March 2016: Prohibition of the Use of Force in International Law
JENAPOLIS, Jena, Germany, 5 April 2016: Religiöse Bilder im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
STAR, Istanbul, Turkey, 30 April 2016: Oryantalizmden İslamofobyaya: Doğu/İslam karşıtlığının sürekliliği
Milliyet, Istanbul, Turkey, 16 May 2016: PROF. DR. HANS KOCHLER: “AVRUPA, İSLAM’LA BÜTÜNLEŞMELİ”
Radiotelevision Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, 24 May 2016: Выборы в парламент Беларуси - центральная тема совещания у Президента
الدستور, Amman, Jordan, 29 June 2016: !! مقاعد يملؤها الغياب
Arrêt sur Info, Lausanne, Switzerland, 21 September 2016: Afflux migratoire et délitement de l’Etat
Русский мир, Moscow, Russia, 29 September 2016: Массмедиа без двойных стандартов
Extra plus, Bratislava, Slovakia, 3 October 2016: MEDZINÁRODNÁ KONFERENCIA O ŽURNALIZME
Newswatch Report / Independent News, USA, 24 October 2016: South Africa Dumps the International Criminal Court
Пятый канал / Channel 5 (National TV), St. Petersburg, Russia, 13 November 2016: Черный лебедь Дональд
Hayastany Hanrapetutyun, Yerevan, Armenia, 23 November 2016: Ունենք մեր փիլիսոփայական դպրոցը
Sputnik International / The World in Focus, Edinburgh, UK, 29 November 2016: Yemen’s Houthi rebels announce “national salvation” government / interview
Sputnik International / The World in Focus, Edinburgh, UK, 2 December 2016: Prosecution of Rwanda genocide / interview
Belarus National TV, Minsk, Belarus, 4 December 2016: Сегодня важнейшие политические решения принимают жители Европы
Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Cologne, Germany, 22 December 2016: Aus Fehlern lernen -- vom Gruppen-Syndrom befreien
The Nation, Lahore, Pakistan, 28 March 2017: Religion-based extremism, discrimination, anti-human ideologies
Foreign Policy News, USA, 5 April 2017: Confererence Report: Islam and Modernity in an Age of Transition
World in Focus, Sputnik Radio, UK, 7 April 2017: Interview on US air attack on Syria and international law
DOC Research Institute, Berlin, Germany, 21 April 2017: Austria's chairmanship of the OSCE
Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), New York, USA, 15 May 2017: Roundtable on Strategies to Strengthen the United Nations by Increasing Democratic Representation
GDI - Trend News, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, Zurich, Switzerland, 29 May 2017: GDI analysis: Has democracy lost its persuasive power?
UNPA Kampagne, Berlin, Germany, 28 June 2017: Den Haag: Austausch über eine Verbesserung der demokratischen Repräsentation bei den Vereinten Nationen
EJIL:Talk! - Blog of the European Journal of International Law, 26 July 2017: Why the ICC won’t get it right – The Legal Nature of UN Security Council Referrals and Al-Bashir Immunities
Horizons et débats, Zurich, Switzerland, 7 August 2017: "Une véritable violation du droit international"
Center for Global Studies, BISAV, Istanbul, 26 August 2017: The United Nations in an Age of Transition
Radio Sputnik UK / The World in Focus, Edinburgh, UK, 1 September 2017: Interview on Korean nuclear crisis
Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, Linz, Austria, 17 September 2017: Religion und Moderne: Drei Tage vielfältige Diskussion
Sans a priori: L'actualité sans idées préconçues, France, 27 September 2017: Analyse de la crise nucléaire sur la péninsule coréenne
Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute, Berlin, Germany, 26 October 2017: Years of negotiations are better than war
UNPA Campaign, Berlin, 30 October 2017: Need for "reinvention" of the UN highlighted at Global Forum of Young Diplomats
The New Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey, 9 November 2017: The United Nations in an Age of Transition
BBC Русская служба, London, UK, 22 November 2017: Приговор Младичу правосудие торжествует, но примирения пока нет
GlobalResearch, Montreal, Canada, 24 December 2017: Cultural Diplomacy in a World of Conflict: The Relationship between Culture and Empire
Sputnik International, Edinburgh, UK, 8 February 2018: New Global Disarmament Initiative 'Will Unavoidably Remain Vague' - NGO Chief
POLEMICS: The Magazine of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Austria, 9 March 2018: United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres: A Year in Review
قناة افاق الفضائية, Baghdad, Iraq, 13 March 2018: الكفيشي لابواكي
Sputnik International, Edinburgh, UK, 12 April 2018: US Strikes on Syria Would Be a Violation of UN Charter -- Analyst
Marquis Who's Who, USA, 24 April 2018: Hans Köchler, Ph.D., Honored for Contributions to Philosophy and Education
Èglises & écologies, Paris, France, 14 May 2018: CREATIONNISME -- Dans le détroit, on bosse fort ?
Lao News Agency, Vientiane, Laos, 17 May 2018: Pan-European Peace Forum Advocates European Leaders' Support For Peace In Korea
Al-Destour, Amman, Jordan, 17 May 2018: خبراء اوروبيون ونشطاء سلام يدعون الى إعادة التوحيد السلمي بين الكوريتي
Nigerian Tribune, Lagos, Nigeria, 17 May 2018: HWPL Chairman Canvasses World Peace
Al-Raya, Doha, Qatar, 19 May 2018: حصار قطر غير شرعي ويخالف القانون الدولي
The eSeoul Post, Seoul, South Korea, 27 May 2018: Peace Initiative on Korean Reunification with Support of Europe
Sans Apriori, France, 30 May 2018: Le sanctions au regard du droit international
The New American, Appleton, Wisconsin, USA, 18 June 2018: Philosopher Explores Monotheism and Coexistence
Neue Solidarität, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2 August 2018: Die Wiederherstellung des Völkerrechts
Veterans Today, USA, 7 August 2018: Sanctions from the perspective of international law
ایران اینترنشنال / Iran International, Tehran, Iran, 5 October 2018: تروریسم و بحران تعاریف؛ یک رویکرد حقوقی
МК в Волгограде, Volgograd, Russia, 31 October 2018: В ответе за мир: Волгоград принимает важный международный форум
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, 19 December 2018: "Dialog an der Wolga: Frieden nund Verständigung im 21. Jahrhundert"
Sans a priori, France, 27 December 2018: "Dialogue au bord de la Volga ... paix et entente au XXIe siècle"
Политика / POLITIKA, Belgrade, Serbia, 22 March 2019: Бомбардовање показало немоћ међународног права
The New Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey, 28 March 2019: The End of the Liberal World?
H8 / News Info & Portal, USA, 5 April 2019: The NATO War of 1999 and the Impotence of International Law
CounterPunch, Petrolia, California, USA, 3 May 2019: Gaddafi, Existentialist
tirto.id, Jakarta, Idonesia, 6 May 2019: Ramadan 2019: Sejarah Puasa dalam Tradii Masyarakat Arab Pra-Islam
Beijing Review, Beijing, China, 17 May 2019: A Timely Act: Dialogue of Asian civilizations encourages inclusiveness to counteract clashes
Lacivert Dergi, Istanbul, Turkey, 25 May 2019: Kendine Düşmanlık Sarmalında İslamofobi
Одбрана, Belgrade, Serbia, No. 324, June 2019: СТАРЕ ИГРЕ МОЋИ
公民真理 / Citizen Truth, United States, 28 June 2019: 不要期待帝国刑事法院的正义
salon, San Francisco / New York, USA, 30 June 2019: Don't expect justice from the Imperial Criminal Court
aise agenzia internazionale stampa estero, Rome, Italy, 18 July 2019: “Global Civilizations, Identities and Violence”: A Venezia la tavola rotonda di "globus et locus"
La Voce di New York, New York, USA, 22 July 2019: Tavola rotonda sul glocalismo: un dibatto su civilizzazioni globali e nuove identità
Current Concerns, Zurich, Switzerland, 7 August 2019: "Swiss Lectures - Texts on international law and world order"
Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Cologne, Germany, 4 September 2019: Vereint in Frieden, Freiheit und Solidarität - Plädoyer für eine menschliche Völkergemeinschaft
Daily News, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 5 September 2019: Mervyn de Silva: The exceptional sensibility and intellect of a journalist
GENIUS, Vienna, Austria, 27 September 2019: Völkerrecht und Machtpolitik
Aljazeera Centre for Studies, Doha, Qatar, 29 September 2019: The Aging of Empire and Future of the Inter-Civilization Dialogue
Aljazeera Centre for Studies, Doha, Qatar, 23 October 2019: "Dialogue of Civilizations: Healing the Past, Moving Towards Shared Path"
MKRU, Volgograd, Russia, 1 November 2019: Начало «Диалога»: в Волгограде стартовал международный форум дипломатии
Magyar Hírlap, Budapest, Hungary, 13 February 2020: Van más út, mint a világözön? (1.)
John Cabot University, Rome, Italy, 3 March 2020: The United Nations and International Democracy: A Talk by Hans Koechler
Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, Milan, Italy, No. 1, 2020: Geopolitics and Glocalism / Editorial
Veterans Today, USA, 29 June 2020: International Criminal Court Asserts Jurisdiction Over US Actions in Afghanistan
Eurasia Review, Albany, Oregon, USA, 8 July 2020: On New Philippine Anti-Terrorism Law And ‘Quest For Holy Grail’: Towards A Legal Definition Of Terrorism – Analysis
Ri RESEAU INTERNATIONAL, nl.reseauinternational.net, Netherlands, 9 July 2020: Het Internationaal Strafhof zit in de val van machtspolitiek
La Tribune Diplomatique Internationale, Algiers, 14 July 2020: La Cour pénale internationale prise au piège des politiques de pouvoir
Pražský DEN, Prague, Czechia, 18 August 2020: Demokracie v krizi. Cestu ven budou hledat přední odborníci na symposiu v Obecním domě
International Progress Organization, Information Service, Vienna, 2 November 2020: World Order in a Time of Transition
kadrun.id - Kalam Damai Rahmatan lil Alamin untuk Negeri, Jakarta, Indonesia, 12 November 2020: Perlunya Dialog Antar Agama
Springer Professional, Wiesbaden, Germany, 17 November 2020: Beschäftigte zwischen Digitalisierungsfreud und -leid
Gazeta Wyborcza, Warsaw, Poland, 22 November 2020: Brytyjski rząd broni się przed wyjaśnieniem największego zamachu w historii kraju
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, 1 December 2020: "Dialog an der Wolga"
sans apriori: L'actualité sans idées préconçues, France, 3 January 2021: La paix exige l'égalité des droits et de la justice pour tous - y compris en Palestine
Club Alpbach Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria, January 2021: Das EFA im Wandel der Zeit
Telegraph, Belfast, UK, 25 January 2021: Lockerbie case an insult to dead
Al Mayadeen, Beirut, Lebanon, 26 January 2021: المسلمون والغرب في فكر الفيلسوف النمساوي هانس كوكلر
Horizonts et débats, Zurich, 2 February 2021: Les sanctions extraterritoriales violent le droit international
Peace Hawks, Canada, 17 February 2021: The Fogs of War and Peace
SANS APRIORI, France, 21 February 2021: Les sanctions extraterritoriales violent le droit international
Wings Over Scotland, UK, 25 February 2021: Heavy Is The Crown
UZ DAILY, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 10 April 2021: Китай провел международную конференцию, посвященную КПК и прогрессу КНР в области прав человека
ESQUERDA, Portugal, 15 April 2021: Memórias: Jean Genet
CİNS, Istanbul, Turkey, 20 April 2021: Ben bu filmi daha önce gördüm
Al Akhbar, Casablanca, Morocco, 22 April 2021:
مجلة حكمة, Beirut, Lebanon, 25 April 2021: هانس كوكلر - حوار خاص مع الفيلسوف النمساوي
ﺍﻷﺣﺪﺍﺙ ﺍﻠﻤﻐﺮﺒﻴﺔ, Casablanca, Morocco, 5 May 2021:
EIR Executive Intelligence Review, Wiesbaden, Germany, 14 May 2021: Unilateral Sanctions: Immorality and Arrogance of Great Powers
il DOMANI d'Italia, Rome, Italy, 25 May 2021: Virus e rivoluzione digitale hanno accelerato il tramonto dello Stato-Nazione. Nell’era della nuova globalizzazione non abbiamo imparato a divorziare dal passato
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2021: The Swiss Lectures - World Order and the Rule of Law
الشروق, Cairo, Egypt, 14 June 2021: تحالف الديمقراطيات
المساء, Casablanca, Morocco, 18 June 2021:
رأي اليوم , London, UK, June 2021: د. حميد لشهب : الحوار الثقافي عند الفيلسوف النمساوي هانس كوكلر
Al-Ahdath al-Maghribiya, Casablanca, Morocco, 20-22 July 2021: كتاب جديد.. هيدجر وريبة الكينونة
Al-Ittihad, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 6 August 2021: رحيل المفكر.. بقاء الفكرة
International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria, 22 September 2021: Afghanistan 2021: Friedhof der Weltmächte --Testfall für globale Gerchtigkeit
Al-Ahdath al-Maghribiya, Casablanca, Morocco, 27 October 2021: هانس كوكلر يفكك ريبة الكينونة عند هيدجر
Al-Wasat Today, Palestine, 28 October 2021: نشر ترجمة "هيدجر وريبة الكينونة" للفيلسوف النمساوي هانس كوكلر
人权/ Chinese Human Rights Journal, Beijing, China, October 2021: 人权与国家间的和平共处:普遍性、多样性与对话
eTN / Global Travel Industry News, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 30 October 2021: Peace Through Tourism Now -- Though Not Only
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جريدة الصباح, Casablanca, Morocco, 4 November 2021: لشهب ينقل كوكلر إلى العربية
الإتحاد الإشتراكي, Casablanca, Morocco, 5 November 2021: » هيدجر وريبة الكينونة «
Strategic Culture Foundation, Russia, 18 November 2021: Phoney 'Tribunals' Perpetuate Historical Fictions
The Times, London, UK, 22 December 2021: Doubts over witness led to fears Lockerbie trial would collapse
الوسط, Libya, 23 December 2021: مخاوف من انهيار محاكمة لوكيربي بسبب مصداقية الشاهد املالطيا
المساء, Casablanca, Morocco, 3-21 January 2022:
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, 8 February 2022: Die Feindbildpropaganda gegen Russland wird immer unerträglicher
الوسط اليوم, Palestine, February 16, 2022: الرحلة وسؤال الكينونة
Telepolis, Munich, Germany, 27 February 2022: Blaupausen für die Ukraine
Al-Destour, Amman, Jordan, 5 March 2022:«الشك ونقد المجتمع في فكر مارتين هيدجر» كتاب جديد عن «خطوط وظلال»
International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria, 10 March 2022: Blueprint for peace in Ukraine
LATIN AMERICA in movement, Quito, Ecuador, 21 March 2022: Guerra en Ucrania: El fin de una época
RT International, Moscow, Russia, 3 April 2022: Neutral, not neutered?
Panorama, Istanbul, Turkey, 4 April 2022: Yasallık Ve Meşruiyet İkilemi Açısından Rusya’nın Ukrayna Müdahalesi Üzerine Notlar
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, 19 April 2022: Auf dem Weg zum kollektiven Selbstmord Europas?
The Republic: A Journal of Nigerian Affairs, Lagos, Nigeria, 22 April 2022: "'Politics Is Not Moral Charity'"
ATTIKA NEA, Athens, Greece, 27 April 2022: Προς μια συλλογική αυτοκτονία της Ευρώπης;
بيان اليوم, Casablanca, Morocco, 19 May 2022: بيان اليوم” تحاور الفيلسوف النمساوي هانس كوكلر قبل قيامه بجولة فلسفية في جامعات مغربية ”
Afrigate News, Libya, 27 May 2022: النمساوي هانس كوكلر في جولة فلسفية بالمغرب
alghad24.com, 27 May 2022, Casablanca, Morocco: سلسلة ندوات في الرباط وفاس والقنيطرة بحضور الفيلسوف النمساوي الكبير هانس كوكلر
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L'ODJ - A l'ordre du jour, Casablanca, Morocco, 2 June 2022: Ainsi parlait le philosophe autrichien Hans Köchler
أنباء إكسبريس , Rabat, Morocco, 3 June 2022 : مع هانز كوكلر.. في ملتقى الفلسفة والتقنية
Al Bayane, Casablanca, Morocco, 6 June 2022: "Deux poids, deux mesures sont la résultante directe et inevitable de politiques de pouvoir débridées"
جريدة جسر التواصل, Casablanca, Morocco, 7 June 2022: في حضرة الدكاترة ” للكاتب والشاعرمحمد كمل
أنباء إكسبريس, Morocco, June 2022: الفيلسوف هانز كوكلر يكرم النخبة الثقافية المغربية
جريدة تنوير, Casablanca, Morocco, 11 June 2022 :مداخلة الدكتور عبد الواحد حمزة في ندوة ” ما للتنوير الغربي وما عليه: من أجل إعادة بناء تصور موضوعي للغرب عندنا”بفاس
Al-Ittihad, Casablanca, Morocco, 13 June 2022: «هكذا تكلم كوكلر» عن تحولات الفكر والسياسة
Látószög, Budapest, Hungary, 16 June 2022:India és az orosz-ukrán konfliktus
هسبريس جريدة إلكترونية مغربية, Rabat, Morocco, 23 June 2022:عدنان يقدم كتاب "هكذا تكلم كوكلر" .. حوار متشعب في الفلسفة والثقافات
Al-Ayam, Casablanca, Morocco, 23-29 June 2022: ناصَر فلسطين وشجب هيمنة الغرب
لأسبوع الصحفي, Casablanca, Morocco, 28 June 2022: تحليل إخباري | استمرار صراع الغرب وروسيا يضع المغرب في قلب حسابات معقدة
2000 جريدة الشمال, Morocco, 28 July 2022: محور اللقاء الأكاديمي بجامعة ابن طفيل مع الفيلسوف النمساوي البروفيسور هانس كوكل : أية مهام للفلسفة في العصر الراهن؟
ARTE TV, Strasbourg, France, August 2022: "Bienvenue en Géozarbie" -- Zeist: Tribunal en exil
ARTE TV, Strasbourg, France, August 2022: "Crazy Borders" -- Erstaunlicher Prozess
Junge Welt, Berlin, Germany, 13-14 August 2022: Nichts blieb außer der Hölle
BBC News Serbia, Belgrade/London, 31 August 2022: Југославија и историја: Корчуланска летња школа - кад је острво на Јадрану било светски центар филозофије
Metro News, Moscow/St. Petersburg, Russia, 6 September 2022: Знаменитости 1 сентября вели лекции в СПбГУП
Комсомольская Правда, St. Petersburg, Russia, 7 September 2022: День знаний в СПбГУП: В роли педагогов - академики, послы и депутаты
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, 20 September 2022: Kultureller Austausch - ein Mittel gegen Ausgrenzung, Hass und Krieg
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, New York/Berlin, 23 September 2022: Grave Escalation in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict -- 5 Questions to Professor Hans Köchler
UncommonThought, Portland, USA, 1 October 2022: Idea and Politics of World Order
Point de vue Suisse, Switzerland, 10 October 2022: Grave escalade dans le conflit Russie-Ukraine De la «diplomatie céréalière» à la guerre totale
RIAC / Russian International Affairs Council, Moscow, Russia, 18 October 2022: New Stage of EU Sanctions Policy: Extraterritorial Measures
Literaturkreis Ottobeuren, Ottobeuren, Germany, November 2022: Jean Genet - Ein radikaler und extremistischer Außenseiter
The Rule of Law in Retreat, Lexington Books, London, UK, 2022: Corruption of the Rule of Law and the United Nations
بوابة الوسط, Libya, 16 December 2022: استباح جديد
Rai al-Youm, London, UK, 26 January 2023: لا يحمي القانون حرق المصحف
Unser Mitteleuropa, Kraków, Poland, 22 February 2023: Globale Herausforderungen und existentielle Fragen in Zeiten des Krieges
Ri / RESEAU INTERNATIONAL, France, 11 April 2023: Qui cherche à ce que Carl Schmitt attire la Russie et la Chine vers leur perte ?
SANS A PRIORI, France, 25 April 2023: Défis pour l'humanité ...
Al-Ittihad, Rabat, Morocco, 28 April 2023: الديمقراطية في زمن الحرب
The Herald, Glasgow, UK, 9 May 2023: Camp Zeist should stand as a warning for our justice system
TItel kulturmagazin, Würzburg, Germany, 14 May 2023: War Gaddafi Existentialist?
Internationalist 360º, Libya, 7 July 2023: The Future of International Criminal Law
The Munsif Daily, Hyderabad, India, 15 July 2023: Islamic Renaissance -- Need of the Hour
Zeit-Fragen / IPHG - Institut für personale Humanwissenschaften, Savognin, Switzerland, July 2023: Recht oder Rache? Strafjustiz als Spielball der Machtpolitik
Politics for India, Pune, India, 31 July 2023: India's Non-alignment with Non-Aligned Movement
Nouveau Monde, Montreal, Canada, 9 August 2023: L'industrie des droits de l'homme
Voice of Europe, Prague, Czech Republic, 11 August 2023: President of the "International Progress Organization" opposes interference in Niger
POLITICS FOR INDIA, Pune, India, 11 October 2023: Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) and India
FRIEDENSWENDE23, Leipzig, Germany, 11 October 2023: Friedenskonzept von Hans Köchler (Rede)
Bayan al-Youm, Casablanca, Morocco,11 December 2023: النمساوي هانس كوكلر في حوار مع بيان اليوم l البروفيسور
TYGODNIK, Warsaw, Poland, 15 December 2023:Samolot rozpadł się na cztery miliony kawałków
Al-Ittihad, Casablanca, Morocco, 15 December 2023: الفيلسوف النمساوي هانس كوكلر لـ«الملحق الثقافي»: الغرب يتبنى منذ أكثر من نصف قرن، معايير مزدوجة بشأن فلسطين
رأي اليوم / Rai al-Youm, London, UK, 19 December 2023: د. حميد لشهب: الفيلسوف النمساوي هانس كوكلر.. لا يمكن أن تمر الإبادة الجماعية الممنهجة في فلسطين بصمت القوى الإستعمارية
Horizons et débats, Switzerland, 19 December 2023: Le droit humanitaire doit être respecté en toutes circonstances
الوسط اليوم, Amman, Jordan, 3 January 2024: خطاب البروفيسور النمساوي د. هانس كوكلر، بمناسبة اليوم الدولي للتضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني، بمقر مكتب الأمم المتحدة، بفيينا، يوم 5 ديسمبر 2023
TELEPOLIS, Hannover, Germany, 13 January 2024: Wirtschaftssanktionen: Ein fragwürdiges Mittel, das Leben kostet
Al-Alam, Rabat, Morocco, 16-18 February 2024: الفيلسوف النمساوي هانس كوكلر يفكك أسس طغيان الغر ب ويدافع عن العدالة / No. 2: 23-29 February 2024
Current Concerns, Zurich, Switzerland, 12 March 2024: The United Nations and global power politics
Scheerpost, New York, USA, 9 April 2024: Patrick Lawrence: "Automated Murder": Israel's "AI" in Gaza
Times of India, New Delhi, 9 July 2024: 'Those having Nehruphobia should recall Nehru's role in Austria': Jairam Ramesh's dig at PM Modi
The Indian Express, New Delhi, India, 11 July 2024: How Jawaharlal Nehru facilitated the emergence of a 'neutral' Austria
The Wire, New Delhi, India, 16 July 2024: Ingnored by Modi, Nehru's Global Statesmanship Was Celebrated by Austrian Leaders at His Vienna Visit
Institut de recherche sur la Résolution Non-violente des Conflits (IRNC), Montreuil, France, 21 August 2024: Penseurs et acteurs d'un changement sociétal
Schweizer Standpunkt, Frauenfeld, Switzerland, 24 August 2024: Wie Jawaharlal Nehru die Entstehung eines "neutralen" Österreichs ermöglichte
Consortium News, USA, 19 September 2024: Defending Humanity
Zanzibar Freedom of Speech / Substack, 20 September 2024: Défendre l'humanité
Al Ittihad, Casablanca, Morocco, 7 October 2024: محاضرات حول «التقنية، الديمقراطية، حوار الثقافات» .. الحوار كمطلب أخلاقي في السياسة العالمية
TCE News, Lefkoşe, Cyprus, 9 October 2024: The Betrayal of Promises
Junge Welt, Berlin, Germany, 17 October 2024: Unter Kuratel gestellt: "Arsenal des Faustrechts". Über Wirtschaftsblockaden, Menschenrechte und den Widerstand des Südens
Vietnam Writers Association, Hanoi, Vietnam, 29 November 2024: Lý luận – phê bình văn nghệ Việt Nam từ ngày Đổi mới: Thành tựu và hạn chế
One Voyce of the World, Toronto, Canada, 29 November 2024: Dr. Hans Köchler's Speech Regarding Support For The Palestinian People
Lava Magazine, Belgium, 24 January 2025: Placé sous tutelle
HESPRESS, Rabat, Morocco, 18 February 2025: كوكاس يستعرض تفوق عالم المال والتكنولوجيا على الفكر السياسي التقليدي
LVSL, Sarreguemines, France, 21 February 2025: Sanctions américaines : des effets dévastateurs pour les peuoples, mais pas pour les régimes