Selbstverständnis und Koexistenz: Voraussetzungen für einen
fundamentalen Dialog
Cultural-philosophical Aspects of
International Cooperation
Das apriorische Moment der Subjekt-Objekt-Dialektik in der
transzendentalen Phänomenologie
Phenomenological Skepticism
Das Realitätsproblem aus
existenzial-phänomenologischer Sicht: Die Bedeutung
vorprädikativer Erfahrung für die Ontologie
Erkenntnistheorie als biologische
The Phenomenology of Karol Wojtyla: On
the Problem of the Phenomenological Foundation of Anthropology
Principles of International Law and Human Rights
Die phänomenologisch-ontologische Grundlage der Anthropologie von
Karol Wojtyła
Zur Frage der Menschenrechtskonformität
demokratischer Systeme
Das Abstimmungsverfahren im
Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen
The Voting Procedure in the United Nations Security Council
Democracy and the New World Order
Theoretical Examination of the Dichotomy between Western Democracy
and Political Reality
Demokratietheorien im Schnittpunkt von Verfassung und politischer
The Concept of the Nation and the Question of
Prinzip der Demokratie. Realität und Möglichkeit
Muslim-Christian Ties in Europe: Past, Present and Future
لعلاقة بين الإسلام والمسيحية في أوروبا
Das Verhältnis zwischen Islam und
Christentum in Europa
Philosophical Foundations of Civilizational Dialogue: The
Hermeneutics of Cultural Self-comprehension versus the Paradigm of
Civilizational Conflict
Kritische Bemerkungen zum universalen Anspruch der
evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie
bilgi teorisine eleştirel bakiş
Ethical Aspects of Sanctions in International Law: The Practice of
the Sanctions Policy and Human Rights
United Nations and International Democracy: The Quest for UN Reform
Decision-making Procedures of the European Institutions and
Democratic Legitimacy: How Can Democratic Citizenship Be Exercised
on the Transnational Level?
Procédures d'adoption des décisions dans les institutions
européennes et légitimité démocratique. Comment la citoyenneté
démocratique peut-elle s'exercer au niveau transnational?
(Council of Europe document DECS/EDU/HE
Heidegger'in Ontolojisinde Süje Kavramı
Philosophical Aspects of Globalization: Basic Theses on the
Interrelation of Economics, Politics, Morals and Metaphysics in a
Globalized World
الديمقراطية والنظام العالمي الجديد
and the New World Order / Arabic)
The Use of Force in the New International Order
Humanitarian Intervention in the Context of Modern Power Politics
Menschenrechte, Gerechtigkeit und
La democracia en el campo de tensión entre la
teoría y la realidad
The United Nations, the International Rule of Law and
September 11: Clash of Civilizations or Dialogue?
The Dialogue of Civilizations: Philosophical Basis,
Political Dimensions and the Relevance of International Sporting
Events (World Cup Roundtable 2002)
- Short version:
Dialogue. A Webzine for Promoting Intercultural Awareness
War on Terror, its Impact on the Sovereignty of States, and its
Implications for Human Rights and Civil Liberties
The Dialectic of
Power and Law: The United Nations in the "New World Order"
- -
in Icelandic
The United Nations and International Terrorism: Challenges to
Collective Security
Quo Vadis, United Nations?
The "Clash of
Civilizations": Perception and Reality in the Context of
Globalization and International Power Politics
The European
Constitution and the Imperatives of Transnational Democracy
Information and Communication in a Multipolar World: The Role of
the Asian Media
The International Rule of
Law and the United Nations
Double Standards
in International Criminal Justice: The Case of Sudan
Precarious Nature of International Law in the Absence of a Balance
of Power
Jurisdiction and International Power Politics: Ideal versus Real
Marrëdhëniet mes Islamit dhe krishtërimit në
Evropë: në të kaluarën, të tashmen dhe të ardhmen
Lidhjet muslimano krishtere në Europe: e
shkuara, e tashmja dhe e ardhmja
The United Nations Organization and Global
Power Politics: The Antagonism between Power and Law and the Future
of World Order
Can the Exercise of Universal Jurisdiction Be
Civilization as Instrument of World Order? The
Role of the Civilizational Paradigm in the Absence of a Balance of
Religion, Reason and Violence: Pope Benedict
XVI and Islam
The Philosophical Foundations of
Civilizational Dialogue
The State of Peace under the Conditions of a
Unipolar World Order
The Changing Nature of Power and the Erosion of Democracy in
of Technology: Challenges to
the Philosophy of Law in the 21st Century
Coming to Terms with the Past as a
Problem of Justice: Philosophical Reflections
روابط اسلام و مسيحيت در اروپا : گذشته،
حال ،آينده
Ties in Europe: Past, Present & Future / Persian)
Civilization and World Order: The
Relevance of the Civilizational Paradigm in Contemporary
International Law
Orient und Okzident: Dialog oder
Internationale Gerechtigkeit
Aspects of Intercultural Dialogue:
Islam and the West
Security Council Reform: A Requirement
of International Democracy
Dialogue of Civilizations: The Main
Challenge of our Time
The Global War on Terror and the
Metaphysical Enemy
Security in the Absence of a Balance of Power:
The Importance of Inter-regional
The Kashmir Problem between Law
and Realpolitik
The Role of Trust in Multinational
Financial Institutions
Wojtyła's Notion of the Irreducible in Man and the Quest for
a Just World Order
Geçiş Döneminde Küresel Düzen(sizlik)
- Gelişen Çok Kutuplu Dünya’da Türkiye’nin Rolü (Turkish)
International Justice Emerges From The Shadow Of Realpolitik
The Lockerbie Trial and the Rule of
Global Justice or Global Revenge? The
ICC and the Politicization of International Criminal Justice
Culture and Empire:
Imperial Claim to Cultural Supremacy
versus the Dialectics of Cultural Identity
The Relation between Man and World

Regionalization, Transnational Democracy and
United Nations Reform
The Philosophy and Politics of Dialogue
International Justice and the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples: The Case of the Philippines
الثقافي، الديمقراطية و دولة الحق و القاوىن في أوروبا: تحدي
القرن الىاحد و العشرين
(Multicultural Society, Democracy and the
Rule of Law in Europe)
The Shifting Balance of Power and the Future
of Sovereign States
Terrorism and Human Rights: Reflections on
the Global War on Terror
Challenges and Contradictions of World Order
The Politics of Global Powers
The Meaning and Challenges of Education in
the 21st Century
Religion und Gesellschaft
Il collasso della globalizzazione neoliberale
The New Social Media and the Reshaping of
Communication in the 21st Century
كيف يتفاعل القانون والسياسة على الصعيد الدولي؟
قراءة في كتاب 'عدالة عالمية أم انتقام شامل' لـ'هانس كوكلر
("How do law and politics relate at the
international level?" Commentary on "Global Justice or Global
Revenge?" by Mohamed Jalid)
The United Nations Organization and
International Legitimacy: Reflections on the Role of the Security
أية راهنية لفلسفة هيدجر حاليا؟
(How Relevant is Heidegger's Philosophy Today?)
Religion und Politik in Österreich und Europa
Memorandum on Security Council resolution
1973 (2011)
Memorandum zur Resolution 1973 des
- Partizipation
The Evolution of the Palestine Problem
and the Status of Jerusalem
تطوّر مشكلة فلسطين ووضع القدس: قوة
القانون أم قانون القوة؟
(The Evolution of the
Palestine Problem and the Status of Jerusalem: Force of Law or Law
of Force?)
The Humanities in a Globalized World
Weltgericht ohne Weltstaat: Strafjustiz unter
dem Diktat der Realpolitik?
Unity in Diversity: The Integrative Approach
to Intercultural Relations
Philosophy and the Meaning of Dialogue
between Religions
هيدجر و ريبة الكينونة
(Heidegger's Notion of Being)
Skepsis und Gesellschaftskritik im
Denken Martin Heideggers: Vorwort zur arabischen Ausgabe
الثقافي الذاتي و التعايش:
شروط حوار جذري بين الثقافات (Cultural
Self-comprehension and Co-existence: Preconditions of a
Fundamental Dialogue)
Fenomenologicko-ontologické východiská
antropológie Karola Wojtylu
The International Progress Organization and the Dialogue among
Civilizations and Religions (1972-2012)
Souveränität, Recht und Demokratie versus
La souveraineté, le droit et la démocratie
ou la politique de grande puissance
Das Verhältnis von Religion und Politik in
Österreich und Europa
Using History to Understand Muslim-Western
Relations and the "Arab Spring"
Sovereignty, law and democracy versus power
Self-determination in the Age of Global
The Policy of Violence and its Destructive
Impact on Social Cohesion
The Middle East in the Emerging Global
Yeni Sosyal Medyanın
Sosyal Medya ve 21. Yüzyılda İletişim: Diyalog Mümkün mü?
Новые социальные медиа: шанс или
препятствие для диалога
Force, Use of (The Oxford Companion to
International Relations)
Nové sociálne médiá: antropologické a
etické implikácie
World Order and National Interest
Normative Inconsistencies in the State
System with Special Emphasis on International Law
Stereotypes and Double Standards: The
Role and Responsibility of the Media in a Context of Geopolitical
Selbstbestimmtes Handeln als Grundlage
von Recht und Frieden
Moral Philosophy and the Coming World Order:
A Dialogue of Civilizations to Counter Global Hegemony
Philosophy and Democratic Prejudice
Justice and Realpolitik: The Predicament
of the International Criminal Court
World Order in an Age of Transition
Peace in a Multipolar World
Internationale Friedensordnung in einer
multipolaren Welt
Cultural Diplomacy in a World of
Kulturdiplomatie in einer Welt von
Sanktionen aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht
ve bir arada varoluşun anlamɩ:
felsefi bir
Culture in the Age of
Sanctions from the Perspective of
International Law
The Re-establishment of
International Law
Les sanctions au regard du droit
Carl Schmitt's "State of Exception" and
the Logic of Power Politics (Abstract)
Internationale Beziehungen in
einer multipolaren Welt
Information Technology in the
Global Age
The NATO War of 1999 and the
Impotence of International Law
Sanctions and International Law
Selbsbestimmtes Handeln im Digitalzeitalter
Geopolitics and the Law of
Unintended Consequences
The End of the Liberal World?
Санкции и международное право
La globalité à l'étude: des
altermatives éthiquement responsables à l'actuel système
économique et financier mondial
The Dual Face of Sovereignty:
Contradictions of Coercion in International Law
Co-existence of Civilizations in
the Global Era
Nation and Civilization in the
Global Age
Carl Schmitt’s Conception of
Sovereignty, the UN Security Council, and the
Instrumentalization of the “State of Exception"
Human Rights and Peaceful
Co-existence among States
The United Nations Organization and
International Legitimacy: Reflections on the Role of the Security
Droits de l'homme et coexistence
pacifique des Etats
Neutralité et politique de paix
Neutrality and the politics of
Gemeinwohl oder Staatsraison?
Gedanken zum Frieden im Globalzeitalter
Common Good or Reason of State?
Thoughts on Peace in the Global Age
Afghanistan 2021: cimetière des
puissances mondiales – la justice internationale à l’épreuve
Can the Notion of the Rule of Law Be Applied to the UN System?
Building a Just World Order
Macht und Weltordnung
Pouvoir et ordre mondial
Power and World Order
Human Rights and the Imperatives of Global Dialogue
The Struggle for World Order:
Reflections in Times of Global Realignment
Philosophie und moderne Technik
Philosophy of Co-existence and
Dialogue of Civilizations
Aufgaben der Philosophie in der
Idea and Politics of World Order
Friedenspolitik im Nuklearzeitalter
Politics of Peace in the Nuclear
War and the Deceptive Arrogance of
Great Powers
Nuclear Arms and International Law
Democracy in Times of War
Demokratie in Zeiten des Krieges
الديمقراطية في زمن الحرب
The Emerging Multipolar Balance of
Power versus the Arrogance of an Empire in Decline
Формирующийся многополярный баланс
против высокомерия
распадающейся империи
The Human Rights Industry
(book review)
إشكالية لله في ميتافيزيقا مارتن
The United Nations and the
Multipolar Order of the Future
Responsibility in International
The Dilemma of International
Criminal Justice
International Criminal Justice in
the Grey Zone between Law and Politics
Die Trivialisierung des
"Souveräne Gleichheit" im System
der Vereinten Nationen
Non-Alignment in a Multipolar