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Extracurricular activities



Hans Köchler in conversation with Yang Rui, anchor of the DIALOGUE show of CCTV News, in Beijing on 2 August 2004

Extracurricular activities

I. Editorial positions

II. Organizational activities / interviews / functions / honours

III. Organization of international conferences

IV. Innsbruck Lectures

         I. Editorial positions

  • Editor, Veröffentlichungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik an der Universität Innsbruck (1972-)

  • Editor, Studies in International Relations (International Progress Organization, Vienna) (1978-)  

  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Phenomenology Information Bulletin (World Institute of Phenomenology, Belmont/USA) (1978-1981)

  • Member of the Advisory Committee, Indian Journal of Politics (1986-) 

  • Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy, Vienna (1995-2004)

  • Member of the Editorial Board, Series Nouvelles voies de la démocratie – Neue Wege der Demokratie (Luxemburg) (2000-)

  • Member of the Editorial Board of Hekmat va Falsafeh (Wisdom and Philosophy), Academic Journal of the Philosophy Department of Allameh Tabatabaii University, Tehran, Iran  (2005-)

  • Member of the Advisory Board, journal Horizons of Islamic Thought and Civilization (2007-)

  • Member of the Editorial Board, News and Views. The Journal of the International Academy for Philosophy (2009-)

  • Member of the Advisory Board, Indian Yearbook of International Law and Policy (2010-)

  • Member of the Editorial Board, Culture and Dialogue (2010-)

  • Member of the Scientific Committee, Geopolitica: Rivista dell' Istituto di Alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Ausiliarie  (2012-)

  • Member of the Advisory Board, Beder Journal of Humanities (2012-)

  • Member of the International Advisory Board, Beder University Journal of Educational Sciences (2013-)

  • Member of the Editorial Board, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Bulletin on International Relations  ("PFUR Bulletin") (2014-)

  • Member of the Editorial Board, WISDOM: Journal of the Department of Philosophy and Logic, Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan (2014-)

  • Member of the Editorial Board, Vestnik: Journal of Lomonosov Moscow State University - Political Science Series (2015-)

  • Member of the Advisory Board, Open Philosophy journal, de Gruyter (2017-)

  • Member of the Editorial Advisory Committee, Manak Journal of Development and Political Studies (India) (2017-)

  • Member of the Editorial Board, Perspektívy / Perspectives -- Journal on Economic Issues, Slovakia (2017-)

  • Member of the Direction Committee /Editorial Board, GLOCALISM: Journal of culture, politics and innovation (2020-)

  • Member of the Advisory Council, Serbian Yearbook of International Law (2021-)

  • Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Public Diplomacy Research (2024-)

II. Organizational activities / interviews / functions / honours

  • Head of the Scientific Seminar, "Österreichisches College - Akademische Gemeinschaft zum Studium universale," University of Innsbruck, Austria (1968-1971)

  • Organizer of the interdisciplinary seminar "Martin Heidegger: Zur Diagnose unserer Zeit" (Martin Heidegger − Diagnosis of Our Time): Österreichisches College (Austrian College Society) at the University of Innsbruck/Austria (winter semester 1968/1969)

  • Organizer of the interdisciplinary seminar "Metaphysik und Wissenschaft" (Metaphysics and Science): Österreichisches College (Austrian College Society) at the University of Innsbruck/Austria (summer semester 1969)

  • Organizer of the interdisciplinary seminar "Philosophie und Einzelwissenschaften" (Philosophy and the Positive Sciences): Österreichisches College (Austrian College Society) at the University of Innsbruck/Austria (academic year 1969/1970)

  • Organizer of the interdisciplinary seminar "Wissenschaft und Besinnung – Theorie und Praxis" (Science and Reflection – Theory and Practice) held at the University of Innsbruck under the patronage of the Federal President of Austria, Franz Jonas (academic year 1970/1971)

  • Interview for ORF / Austrian Television ("Kultur aktuell") on the relationship between science and politics (24 October 1970)

  • Chairman, "Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik an der Universität Innsbruck" (Working Group for Sciences and Politics) (1971-2014) 

  • Organizer of the interdisciplinary seminar "Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft" (Science and Society): Österreichisches College and Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik at the University of Innsbruck, Austria (academic year 1971/72)

  • Organizer and chairman of the International Symposion "Die europäische Aufgabe der Alpenregion" (The European Mission of the Alpine Region), held under the patronage of the Governor of Tyrol, Eduard Wallnöfer, at the Hofburg Palace in Innsbruck, 2-3 June 1971

  • Moderator of the interdisciplinary seminar "Grenzfragen zwischen Philosophie und Psychologie" (Borderline Questions between Philosophy and Psychology), Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik / Working Group for Sciences and Politics, University of Innsbruck, Austria (summer semester 1971)

  • Member of the Board of the Austrian College Society ("Österreichisches College"), Vienna, Austria (1971-1989)

  • Chairman of Collegemeinschaft Innsbruck (Innsbruck Branch of Österreichisches College) (1971-1989)

  • Member of the Program Committee of Europäisches Forum Alpbach / European Forum Alpbach (1971-1989)

  • Book launching / press conference ("Die europäische Aufgabe der Alpenregion") with the Governor of Tyrol, Eduard Wallnöfer, Government House, Innsbruck, Austria (2 February 1972)

  • Organizer of the European Symposion "Österreich und die EWG" (Austria and the European Economic Community), Innsbruck, 2-3 June 1972

  • Constituent member, "TT-Forum Planen - Bauen - Wohnen," Tiroler Tageszeitung, Innsbruck (13 June 1972)

  • Film interview for the cinema news show "Tiroler Monatsschau" (Monthly Tyrolean Review) on the contribution of the International Progress Organization to inter-cultural dialogue and peace, Innsbruck, Austria  (10 August 1973)

  • "Catholic Church and Modern Education": position paper for Cardinal Franz König of Vienna (July 1973)

  • Chairman, Commission Européenne de travail sur les regions alpines  / Comunità Europea di lavoro della regione alpina  / Europäische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Alpenregion (1972)

  • Founder and President, International Progress Organization (I.P.O.), an international non-governmental organization in consultative status with the United Nations (1972-)

  • Participant in the annual meeting of the Korčula Summer School on "The Essence and Limits of Civil Society" on the island of Korčula, Yugoslavia (21-22 August 1973)

  • Organizer of the international meeting of experts on "Arbeitskräftefluktuation im Alpenraum" (Manpower Turnover in the Alpine region) : Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik, Innsbruck, October 1973

  • Founder and Secretary-General, "Euregio Alpina – Study Group for the Alpine Region" (1973-1977)

  • Co-founder and Member of the Board of "Schutzverband" (Association for the Protection of the Environment), Innsbruck (1973-1978)

  • Interview for Austrian Television on questions of the Alpine region (1 March 1974)

  • Interviews for Al-Ahram and Al-Gounhouria newspapers, Cairo, Egypt, 13 March 1974

  • Interviews for Kuwaiti newspapers Al-Qabas, Daily News and Al-Ra'i al-'am, Kuwait, 16 March 1974

  • Interview for Times of India, Bombay, 22 March 1974

  • Interview for The Hindu newspaper on issues of cultural dialogue (New Delhi, India, 26 March 1974)

  • Interview for Bangladesh Radio and People newspaper, Dacca, Bangladesh, 27 March 1974

  • Interview for Bangkok Post, Bangkok, Thailand, 2 April 1974

  • Interview for Canberra Times, Canberra, Australia, 9 April 1974

  • Interview for O Globo newspaper, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24 April 1974

  • Interview for newspaper Le Soleil, Dakar, Senegal, 26 April 1974

  • Interview for Abendzeitung, Munich, Germany, on inter-cultural dialogue (10 July 1974)

  • Interview for Austrian Radio / Studio Tirol on the Alpine region (16 July 1974)

  • Interview for Austrian Radio (ORF) on the international symposion about the "Cultural Self-comprehension of Nations" in Innsbruck, Austria (26 July 1974)

  • Organizer of the International Conference on "The Cultural Self-comprehension of Nations" held under the patronage of Austrian President Rudolf Kirchschläger and Senegalese President Léopold Sédar Senghor: International Progress Organization in co-operation with UNESCO, Innsbruck, 27-29 July 1974

  • Interview for Austrian TV, Channel 1, on the international symposion about the "Cultural Self-comprehension of Nations" in Innsbruck, Austria (29 July 1974)

  • Interview for Iraqi media: Baghdad Observer; Iraqi News Agency (INA), 2, 8 March 1975

  • Interviews for Kuwaiti newspapers Times of Kuwait, Al-Qabas (10, 14 March 1975)

  • Interview for UAE newspaper Al-Wahda, Abu Dhabi, 12 March 1975

  • Interviews for Lebanese newspapers Al Moharrer, L'Orient-Le Jour, An Nahar, Beirut, 19, 21, 22 March 1975

  • Participation in the founding assembly of the Austrian branch of Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) (Innsbruck, Austria, 8 May 1975)

  • Interview for Austrian Radio (ORF) on questions of the Alpine region (8 May 1975)

  • Fact-finding visit to the Kurdish region of Iraq (26-28 July 1975)

  • Participation, on behalf of Euregio Alpina, in the 2nd European Symposium on Frontier Regions, organized by the Council of Europe, Innsbruck, Austria, 11-13 September 1975

  • Executive Secretary, Philosophische Gesellschaft Innsbruck (Innsbruck Philosophical Society) (1975-1982)

  • Interview for tz (Tageszeitung) daily newspaper, Munich, Germany, on water resources in the Alpine region (15 October 1975)

  • Co-moderator (with Prof. Peter Pernthaler) of working group of Österreichisches College / Austrian College Society on "Theorie der praktischen Demokratie," University of Innsbruck, Austria, academic year 1975/1976

  • Member of "Kreis für innere Formung," Europäisches Forum Alpbach, Austria (1976-1983)

  • Co-founder, Club Alpbach für europäische Kultur - Club Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (1976)

  • Session Chairman, "Project Life 2000," International Conference on Environment Protection (Salzburg, Austria, 9 September 1976)

  • Recipient of the Honorary Medal of the Austrian College Society (Ehrenzeichen des Österreichischen College) in recognition of the contribution to the realization of the aims and ideals of the Austrian College Society, and in particular the European Forum Alpbach, 10 August 1977

  • Interviews for Baghdad Observer and Iraq Today / Irak aujourd'hui (Baghdad, 11 and 14 December 1978)

  • Interviews for Lebanese daily newspapers As-Safir and An-Nahar on developments of the Palestine question (Beirut, 21 and 22 December 1978)

  • Organizer of the International Meeting of Experts on "The New International Economic Order – Philosophical and Socio-cultural Implications": Vienna, 2-3 April 1979

  • Interview for Radio Amman (Jordan) on legal aspects of the Palestine problem (UN headquarters, New York, 5 July 1979)

  • Co-founder and Secretary-General , "Österreichische Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie" (Austrian Society of Phenomenology), Vienna (1980-1983)

  • Interview for U.A.E. News Agency, Abu Dhabi, 17 February 1980

  • Interview for Gulf News, Doha, 18 February 1980

  • Interview for Falestine Ath-Thawra, 29 February 1980

  • Participation in the philosophical seminar "Wissenschaft -  Ethik - Politik" (Baden bei Wien, Austria, 21-22 March 1980)

  • Session moderator, "Wissenschaftlich-technische Entwicklung – Fortschritt oder Sackgasse?" (Scientific and technological development – Progress or deadlock?), International Symposion "Fortschritt ohne Maß? Eine Ortsbestimmung der wissenschaftlich-technischen Zivilisation," organized by CIVITAS (Rottach-Egern, Germany, 31 May 1980)

  • Organizer of the VIIIth International Phenomenological Conference (Salzburg, 15-19 August 1980) 

  • Organizer of the International Conference on "The Legal Aspects of the Palestine Problem with Special Regard to the Question of Jerusalem" held in Vienna/Austria under the patronage of Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, 5-7 November 1980

  • Full Member, Interdisziplinäres Forschungszentrum (IFZ) / Interdisciplinary Research Center, Vienna, Austria (1980-1984)

  • Member of the Academic Council / Professeur-Conseiller, "Institut de Documentation et d'Études Europénnes" (Brussels) (1981-1985)

  • Session Chairman, Xth International Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (Mexico City, 4 August 1981) 

  • Interviews for the Yugoslav News Agency TANJUG on the Non-aligned Movement (Petrovaradin, 29 August 1981; Belgrade, 18 September 1981)

  • Chairman of the International Symposion on the Concept of Monotheism in Islam and Christianity (Rome, 17-19 November 1981) 

  • Co-moderator (with Prof. Peter Pernthaler) of working group of Österreichisches College / Austrian College Society on "Representation," University of Innsbruck, Austria, academic year 1981/1982

  • Honorary Member of the Academic Council, "Institut des hautes études économiques et sociales" (Brussels) (1981-1985)

  • Interview for Al Dustour newspaper, Jordan (13 February 1982)

  • Interview for Al Qabas newspaper, Kuwait (17 February 1982)

  • Interview for United Arab Emirates News Agency WAM (21 February 1982)

  • Interview for daily newspaper  جريدة الرياض / Alriyadh, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (23 February 1982)

  • Interview for the newspaper Arab News, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (25 February 1982)

  • Interview for the daily newspaper  الندوة  / Al Nadwa, Mecca, Saudi Arabia (25 February 1982)

  • Interview for Gulf Times, Doha, Qatar (27 February 1982)

  • Organizer of the International Conference on "The Principles of Non-alignment – The Non-aligned Countries in the Eighties – Results and Perspectives," Baghdad, 4-6 May 1982

  • Observer of the International Progress Organization, United Nations Conference on Succession of States in Respect of State Property, Archives and Debts (Vienna, Austria, 1 March - 8 April 1983)

  • Session Chairman at the International Conference on "Evolution und Freiheit" (Evolution and Freedom) (Munich, May 1983) 

  • Session Chairman at the International Symposion on the Green Book (La Valletta/Malta, August 1983)

  • Interview for Central Korean News Agency (KCNA) on the question of the reunification of Korea (Pyongyang, DPRK, 12 September 1983)

  • Organizer of the documentary exhibition on Palestine and host of the inaugural ceremony with Jean Genet: International Progress Organization, Vienna (6 December 1983)

  • Diplôme de reconnaissance / Médaille d'or, Institut de rélations diplomatiques, Brussels (1983)

  • Conseiller Délégué of the Institut de rélations diplomatiques to the international organizations in Vienna (1983-1989)

  • Organizer of the International Panel of Jurists on "The Reagan Administration's Foreign Policy – Facts and Judgment," Brussels/Belgium, 28-30 September 1984

  • Organizer of the International Research Seminar on "The New International Information and Communication Order – Basis for Cultural Dialogue and Peaceful Coexistence among Nations," held in Nicosia/Cyprus under the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Spyros Kyprianou, 26 October 1984

  • Expert for the Grants Commission of Österreichische Nationalbank (Austrian National Bank)  (1985-)

  • Vice-President, "Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie und kritische Anthropologie" (Vienna) (1985-1990, 1996-2003

  • Supervisor (in co-operation with Prof. J. d'Hondt, University of Poitiers, France) of the research project "Untersuchungen zu einigen Grundfragen der Begriffslogik Hegels," Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) / Austrian Science Fund (1985-1986) 

  • Member of the Presidium and Treasurer, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Philosophie / Austrian Society for Philosophy (1985-1987)

  • Member of the Board/Treasurer of the Austrian Society of Philosophy (1985-1988) 

  • Co-moderator, with William W. Bartley III and Gerard Radnitzky, of the working group on problems of evolutionary epistemology at the 1985 European Forum Alpbach on "Evolution and the Future of Mankind" (August 1985)

  • Convenor of the International Colloquium "Democracy in International Relations" organized on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the United Nations (New York, October 1985) 

  • Chairman of the International Symposion on the Crisis of Representative Democracy (Geneva, November 1985) 

  • Supporter of the London Nuclear Warfare Tribunal (1985)

  • Co-moderator (with Prof. Peter Pernthaler) of working group of Österreichisches College / Austrian College Society on "Autonomy," University of Innsbruck, Austria, academic year 1985/1986

  • Chairman of the Drafting Committee, International Conference on Peace in the Mediterranean, La Valletta, Malta, 5-6 July 1986

  • Listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World (1986ff)

  • Director, International Institute of the Juche Idea, Tokyo, Japan (1986-1988)

  • Listing in "Who is Who in the World?," 1986/87, 1988/89, 1990, 1995 editions 

  • Chairman of the International Conference on the Question of Terrorism (Geneva, March 1987) 

  • Initiator, with Nobel Laureate Seán MacBride, of the Appeal of Lawyers against Nuclear War (March 1987)

  • Interview for Bulgarian News Agency (22 March 1987)

  • Interview for daily newspaper  Al-Thawra, Sana'a, Republic of Yemen (8 June 1987)

  • Supporter of an international campaign for an Advisory Opinion, to be requested from the United Nations General Assembly, on the question of the legality of nuclear arms (1987-1988)

  • Member of the Mediterranean Peace Committee, Malta (1987-1994)

  • Member of the Presidium, International Symposium on Terrorism, Tripoli, Libya (13-15 April 1988)

  • Interview for the newspaper Sabah al-khair, Tripoli, Libya, 7 September 1988

  • Moderator at the "Civitas-Symposion" "Expertenwissen und Politik" (Hannover, October 1988) 

  • Co-founder and Member of the Board of the European Ombudsman Institute (1988-1992)

  • Chairman of "Studienkommission Philosophie, Pädagogik und Psychologie (Lehramt an höheren Schulen)" at the University of Innsbruck (1988-1992) 

  • Participation in the live talkshow of Channel 4 TV on the Waldheim case (London, UK, 21 February 1988)

  • Interviews for Iraqi National Radio and Television on peace efforts between Iran and Iraq (Baghdad, 26 and 27 May 1988)

  • Speechwriter for the Federal President of Austria ("X. Österreichischer Juristentag," September 1988) 

  • Session Chairman, Annual Conference of Gesellschaft CIVITAS, Hannover, Germany, 27-30 October 1988

  • Luncheon with the Dire ctor-General of Antiquities of Iraq, Baghdad (6 March 1989)

  • Fact-finding visit to "Camp 7" for Iranian Prisoners of War in Ramadi, Iraq (8 March 1989)

  • Interview for INA / Iraqi News Agency, Baghdad, 22 April 1989

  • Chairman of the International Meeting of Experts on the Exchange of the Prisoners of War between Iran and Iraq (Geneva, May 1989) 

  • Member of the Promotion (Habilitation) Committee (Associate Professorship) at the Department of Political Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria (1989)

  • Chairman of the International Meeting of Experts on the Reunification of Korea -- Aspects of Constitutional and International Law (Vienna, June 1989) 

  • Participation in the panel discussion "Wissenschaft und Wertfreiheit" (University Club Innsbruck, January 1990) 

  • Laudatio in honour of Gerhard Frey (Universität Innsbruck, Department of Philosophy, January 1990) 

  • Interview for Indian newspaper Mid Day (21 February 1990)

  • Interview for Indian weekly newspaper Blitz (24 February 1990)

  • Participation in the panel discussion "Europagespräch -- Wissenschaft und Bildung als Bestandteil einer künftigen Europapolitik," (Fiecht/Tirol, June 1990)

  • Interview for "Tiroler Wissenschaftsfunk," ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation), program "Tirutopia" on "Demokratie − Parlamentarismus − Menschenrechte" (broadcast in June 1990)

  • Recipient of the Award "Messenger of International Understanding" (Unity International Foundation, New Delhi) (1990)

  • Chairman of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Innsbruck, Austria (1990-) 

  • Moderator at the "Husserl-Schütz-Symposion Gelehrtenrepublik und Lebenswelt" (Austrian National Library, Vienna, 15-16 November 1990) 

  • Member of the International Steering Committee, International Conferences on a More Democratic United Nations (CAMDUN) (1990-1992) 

  • Member, Study and Research Council on Mediterranean Affairs, Malta (1990-1992) 

  • Interview for Austrian Radio ORF on the Gulf conflict (8 May 1991)

  • Participation in roundtable discussion on indigenous peoples' rights, Libyan Television, Tripoli (9 June 1991)

  • Chairman of the Second International Conference on a More Democratic United Nations (CAMDUN-2) (United Nations, Vienna, September 1991)

  • Co-signatory, with Robert Spaemann and others, of the "Kinsauer Manifest" against euthanasia (1991)

  • President, "Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie und kritische Anthropologie" (1991-1995) 

  • Co-founder and Vice-Chairman of the Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy," Vienna (1991-2004

  • Interview for Sächsische Zeitung, Drseden, Germany, on "The United Nations between Military and Civilian World Order" (3 January 1992)

  • Participation in the session of the Mediterranean Peace Committee (Malta) in Damascus, Syria (18-19 January 1992)

  • Exclusive interview for the Syrian newspaper Tishreen, Damascus (19 January 1992)

  • Peace Award (Peace Medal) of the International Peace Bureau, Geneva (on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its foundation) (1992) 

  • Chairman of the Green Dialogue for an Alternative World Order, Sirte, June 1992 

  • Guest at the radio talkshow "Crossfire," Mexico City, 10 November 1992

  • Supervisor of the research project "Expertenwissen und Gutachtertätigkeit," Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) / Austrian Science Fund (1992-1993) 

  • Interview for Iraqi News Agency INA on the aftermath of the Gulf conflict (7 January 1993)

  • Interview for the Jordanian daily newspaper Al-Destour, Amman (6 February 1993)

  • Chairman of the international roundtable meeting on "Democracy and an Alternative World Order", Tripoli, March 1993 

  • Remarks on the Present International Constellation and an Alternative World Order: Statement for Romanian newspapers (International Progress Organization, 7 April 1993)

  • Head of the delegation of the International Progress Organization to the United Nations "World Conference on Human Rights" in Vienna (June 1993) 

  • Initiator of the panel discussion "Ethische Probleme des Tötens" (Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie und kritische Anthropologie, Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, June 1993) 

  • Interview for "Journal Panorama" (Ö1 / Austrian Radio, Channel 1) on the democratization of the United Nations (21 September 1993) 

  • Interview for Radio Fórmula, Mexico, D. F. (22 October 1993)

  • Chairman of the international roundtable meeting "Islam and the West – The Conflict in Bosnia‑Herzegovina and the New World Order" (Vienna, November 1993)

  • Member of the international research group (European Research Network, 1994-1996): "The Political Theory of Transnational Democracy. Citizens, Peoples and Minorities in Europe"

  • Interview for Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) / Iran (10 March 1994)

  • Member of the co-ordinating committee, Conference of International Parliamentarians against Genocide in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brussels, Belgium, 28-29 April 1994; delivery of official message from the Foreign Minister of Austria, Dr. Alois Mock

  • Chairman of the international roundtable meeting "Democracy after the End of the East-West-Conflict" (Department of Philosophy of the University of Innsbruck/Centre universitaire de Luxembourg), Innsbruck, May 1994

  • Chairman of the international roundtable meeting "The United Nations and International Democracy" (Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy/International Progress Organization, Geneva, July 1994)

  • Chairman of the Plenary Session, International Conference on Direct Democracy, Tripoli, Libya (31 October 1994)

  • Interviews for Voice of the Arab Nation radio (31 October 1994) and the newspapers Zahaf al-Akhdar and Al-Jamahiriya (Libya) (2 November 1994) on direct democracy

  • Interview for New Straits Times (Malaysia) on the United Nations and the New World Order (18 November 1994)

  • Interview for New Straits Times (Malaysia) on "Re-thinking Human Rights" and the position of Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohammad (Kuala Lumpur, 7 December 1994)

  • Co-ordinator for Austria, "International Parliamentarians Against Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina" (IPGB), Washington, DC ( 1994-1995)

  • Member of the Board of Trustees, Center for Development Analysis, Pretoria/South Africa ( 1994-1995)

  • Chairman of the International Meeting of Legal Experts on U.N. Sanctions against Libya (New York, December 1994)

  • Member of the Executive Committee of "North-South XXI," Geneva (1994-1996)

  • Member of the Board of the NGO-Committee for Development (United Nations, Vienna) ( 1994- )

  • Convenor for Austria, International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Malaysia (1995-2004) 

  • Chairman, Working Session IV, European Research Network on Transnational Democracy, Rome, Italy, 1 April 1995

  • Session Chairman on "Palestinian Perspectives" at the meeting of experts on "New Developments in Conflict Resolution" (UNESCO/ University of Ulster, Dublin, 24 September 1995)

  • Interview for Malaysian TV on the image of Islam in the West (Penang, Malaysia, 8 October 1995)

  • Member of the "Comité d'initiative" for a "University North-South XXI" (1995-1996)

  • Chairman of the opening session of the Green Dialogue for an Alternative World Order (Tripoli, November 1995)

  • Interview for Sudanese Radio and TV and Al-Sudan newspaper, Khartoum, Sudan, 3 January 1996

  • Listing in "Who's Who in Austria" (1996)

  • Interview for Südtiroler Illustrierte, Bozen, South Tyrol on direct democracy (13 May 1996)

  • Chairman of the Editorial Board, Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy (1996-2004)

  • Member of the international commission of inquiry on the situation of political prisoners in South Korea (1996-) 

  • Participation in the international experts' meeting, "Lockerbie: Where Now?," London, 9 September 1996

  • Interview for Voice of America, Washington DC, USA, 21 September 1996

  • Session Chairman/Co-ordinator of the drafting committee at the international symposion "Democracy and Terrorism" (International Institute for Non-aligned Studies, New Delhi, 25 -26 July 1996)

  • Chairman of the Promotion (Habilitation) Committee (Associate Professorship) at the Department of American Studies, University of Innsbruck, Austria (1996/97)

  • Member, International Advisory Council, Just World Trust, Malaysia (1996-1998) 

  • Interview / morning talkshow guest at Radio Fórmula, Mexico City, 25 October 1996

  • Chairman of the international roundtable meeting on "Sanctions and their Impact on Development" (NGO Committee on Development, United Nations, Vienna, 28 November 1996) 

  • Head of the observer delegation of the International Progress Organization to the parliamentary elections in Pakistan (February 1997)

  • Chairman of Workshop III: "Asian Regional Conference on Globalization and its Impact on Religions and Cultures," Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (5 July 1997)

  • Member of the International Advisory Panel, Centre for Civilizational Dialogue, University of Malaya (1997-2000) 

  • Member of the expert group of the Council of Europe and the European Science Foundation: "European Studies for Democratic Citizenship" (1998-2000) 

  • Moderator of the plenary session on "Human Rights Challenges in the 21st Century" at the International Conference on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Human Rights Declaration, New Delhi, India, March 1998

  • Chairman of the international roundtable meeting „Civilizations: Conflict or Dialogue?“: University of Innsbruck, June 1998 

  • "External Assessor" at the Centre for Civilisational Dialogue of the University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur) (1998-2000) 

  • Visiting professor at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (August 1998)

  • Member of the Advisory Board of the World Federalist Movement Germany (1998-2000) 

  • Chairman of the NGO-Seminar on Globalization (North-South XXI, Tripoli, 29 August 1998) 

  • Participant in the international meeting of experts on "Islam and the Global Economy" at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (Ditchley Park/Oxford, U.K., September 1998) 

  • Chairman of the international roundtable meeting on "The Challenges of Globalization" (University of Munich, March 1999)

  • Co-initiator, "Initiative Äquidistanz" concerning the war in Kosovo (April 1999)

  • Interview for Radio Fórmula, Mexico D.F., 21 May 1999

  • Member of the International Advisory Board of the Center for Balanced Development (USA) (1999-2002)

  • Member of the International Advisory Panel, International Movement for a Just World, Malaysia (1999-2004)

  • Member of the "Expert Group on Democratic Citizenship," Council of Europe, Strasbourg (1999-2000)

  • Member of the Presidium, "Comité international de juristes pour la démocratie et les droits de l'homme en Corée du Sud" (International Committee of Jurists in Support of Democracy and Human Rights in South Korea) (1999-) 

  • Interview for the weekly magazine Zur Zeit, Vienna, Austria, on developments in the Arab world and Austria's Near East policy (August 1999)

  • Signatory, Charter 99: A Charter for Global Democracy (launched on United Nations Day, 24 October 1999)

  • Member of the editorial board of the series "Neue Wege der Demokratie" (2000-)

  • Organizer of the international roundtable meeting on "Transplantation Medicine and Personal Identity" (University of Innsbruck, 15 March 2000) 

  • Appointment by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, on the basis of UN Security Council resolution 1192 (1998), as international observer at the Lockerbie Trial in the Netherlands (April 2000-March 2002)

  • Co-author of the "Draft Statement on European Studies" as member of the Expert Group on Democratic Citizenship of the Council of Europe (2000)

  • Chairman of Plenary Session, International Symposium on "Globalization and Culture," organized by North-South XXI, Tripoli, Libya (30-31 August 2000)

  • International electoral observer of the International Progress Organization at the parliamentary elections in Belarus (October 2000)

  • Initiator and programme co-ordinator of the international roundtable meeting, "¿Como democratizar la democracia?" (How to democratize democracy?) (Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy, Caracas, November 2000)

  • Member of the Doctoral Grants Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) (2000-2006)

  • Listing in THE EUROPE 500 und THE GLOBAL 500, Barons Who's Who (2000/2001)

  • Keynote speech on behalf of the international NGOs at the solemn meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People: United Nations, Vienna, November 2000

  • Member of the Advisory Board, International Trust Fund for Promoting Remedies for Injuries Caused by Economic Coercion (PRICE), London (2001-)

  • Interview for Interfax News Agency, Belarus (10 September 2001)

  • Interview for Bayerischer Rundfunk BR / Bavarian Radio (Germany) on the Lockerbie case (26 April 2001)

  • Interview for the Libyan daily Zahaf al-Akhdar on the Lockerbie case (26 May 2001)

  • Interview for the Libyan daily newspaper Al-Shams on the Lockerbie case (26 May 2001)

  • International electoral observer of the International Progress Organization at the presidential elections in Belarus (September 2001)

  • Interview for Interfax News Agency, Belarus, on the presidential elections (10 September 2001)

  • Programme co-ordinator of the international roundtable meeting on "Human and Peoples' Rights in International Relations" (Myongji University, Seoul, October 2001)

  • Member of the selection committee for the professorship of philosophy at the Dept. of Philosophy and Group Dynamics, University of Klagenfurt/Austria (October 2001-2002)

  • Exclusive interview for Dutch Public Television, "KRO netwerk," NCRV, Hilversum, on the legal aspects of the Lockerbie Trial (23 January 2002)

  • Interview for Deutschlandfunk (German Radio) on legitimacy of international war crimes tribunals (10 February 2002)

  • Plaque of Appreciation awarded by the Office of the Presidential Adviser for the Peace Process (Manila, Philippines, 11 March 2002)

  • Centenary Lecture Series Plaque of Appreciation awarded by the Supreme Court of the Philippines and the Philippine Judicial Academy (12 March 2002)

  • Television interview "30 Minutes with Waldy Carbonell," TV station: ANC-ABS-CBN, Manila, Cable Channel 21, Philippines & United States (11 March 2002)

  • "International citizen par excellence": Introduction of the Centenary Lecturer (Fourteenth Centenary Lecture) by Justice Artemio V. Panganiban, Supreme Court of the Philippines, Manila, 12 March 2002

  • Plaque of Appreciation awarded by the National Police Commission of the Philippines (12 March 2002)

  • Interview for British Broadcasting Corporation BBC and Dutch Television on the Lockerbie appeal decision (14 March 2002)

  • Advisor, Environmental Law Centre (UK) (2002-)

  • Guest of honour, Opening Ceremony, FIFA World Cup 2002, Seoul, Korea, 31 May 2002

  • Interview for Sunday Herald, Glasgow, Scotland on the Lockerbie case (25 August 2002)

  • Keynote speech on behalf of the international non-governmental organizations at the solemn meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People: United Nations, Vienna, 29 November 2002

  • Interview for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty on preventive war, the right to self-defense and eventual amendments to the United Nations Charter (2 December 2002)

  • Listing in "2000 Outstanding Scholars of the 21st Century," First Edition, 2002 (International Biographical Centre, Cambridge)

  • Interview for Südtirol-Journal, Radio Media International (RMI) (Italy) on the concept of just war, the threat of war in Iraq and the role of the United Nations Security Council (6 March 2003)

  • Position paper for the Anti-militarization Project of Citizens International (Malaysia) (April 2003)

  • Member of the Advisory Council, Komitee für eine demokratische UNO (KDUN) (Committee for a Democratic United Nations), Germany (2003-)

  • Vice-Chairman, Österreichische Schutzgemeinschaft für Nichtraucher (Austrian Association for the Protection of the Rights of Non-smokers) (2003-2008, 2012-)

  • Interview on issues of international law related to the situation in Iraq (16 July 2003) (published by RFE/RL, Prague, 17 July 2003; ISN - International Relations and Security Network, Zurich, 18 July 2003; Center for Defense Information, Washington DC/ CDI Russia Weekly, July 2003)

  • Interview for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty on issues of international criminal justice and the International Criminal Court (30 July 2003)

  • Interview for Icelandic Radio, Reykjavik, 19 August 2003

  • Interview for Deutsche Welle (DW) on the Lockerbie case (22 August 2003)

  • Founding declaration of the H. Koechler Political and Philosophical Society (Manila, Philippines, 18 October 2003)

  • Alternate member of the Academic Senate of the University of Innsbruck, Austria (2003-)

  • Participation as resource person for United Nations, international law and human rights issues in the Rutgers University Model United Nations -- RUMUN 2003 (New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 20-23 November 2003)

  • Interview for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty on double standards in criminal prosecution of "former dictators" (17 December 2003)

  • Promotor, Graduation Day Ceremony of the University of Innsbruck, Austria, 30 January 2004

  • Interview for Radio Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria, "Tirol Thema": "Islam and Terrorism" (16 March 2004)

  • Visiting Professorial Lecturer, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila (2004-)

  • Book presentation / book signing "Global Justice or Global Revenge?" at East-West University, Chicago (4 June 2004)

  • Book launching "Global Justice or Global Revenge?" at the University of the Philippines, Asian Center, Quezon City, Metro Manila (14 June 2004)

  • Recipient of Plaque of Appreciation from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (22 June 2004)

  • Recipient of the Medallion of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines on the occasion of the Centenary celebration (2004)

  • Interview for Philippine Public Television, NBN, Channel 4, on the Iraq crisis (June 2004)

  • Special guest at the morning talk show of ABS-CBN (ANC) Television, Manila (23 June 2004)

  • Review publication on "Global Justice or Global Revenge? International Criminal Justice at the Crossroads." Quezon City, Metro Manila: H. Koechler Political and Philosophical Society, 2004

  • Interview for China Central Television (CCTV International) on international criminal justice (Beijing, 2 August 2004)

  • Announcement of the Hans Koechler Center for Civilizational Dialogue at Mindanao State University (31 August 2004)

  • Recipient of the title Doctor of Humanities honoris causa, Mindanao State University, Marawi City (1 September 2004)

  • Conferment of the honour of Royal Datoship by the Sultan of Marawi, Chair of the Grand Council, Sultanates Legislative Assembly, Muslim Mindanao (1 September 2004)

  • Plaque of Appreciation by Mindanao State University, Philippines (September 2004)

  • Listing in: PROFILES IN EXCELLENCE: 500 Biographies of Inspiration, Dedication and Accomplishment. BWW Society/IAPGS (Bibliotheque: World Wide), 2004.

  • Interview for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (Washington DC, Prague) on questions of preemptive self-defense in international law (15 September 2004)

  • Participant, ASEF "Talks on the Hill": Cross-Examining Justice: Cultural, Religious and Social Conceptions of Justice in Asia & Europe, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), Cultures & Civilisations Dialogue, Singapore (17-19 October 2004)

  • Interview for the Magazine VEJA, São Paulo (Brazil), on the definition of terrorism and proposals for the reform of the United Nations Security Council (22 March 2005)

  • Statement on double standards in international criminal justice: the case of Sudan (International Progress Organization, News Release, 2 April 2005)

  • Interviews for Korea Plus magazine, Korean Television and Yonhap News Agency on issues of international democracy (Seoul, 26 May 2005)

  • Member of the Founding Committee, The Cultural Meeting of East and West: The Occident and Islam, International Association of Scholars, renamed The Center for the Enhancement of Cross-cultural Understanding  (2005-)

  • Award of Appreciation, Central Executive Board, Indonesian Journalists Association, Jakarta (2005)

  • Interview for BBC TV, Newsnight Scotland, on the judicial review of the Lockerbie case and a possible retrial (1 September 2005)

  • Moderator of Final Plenary Session, European Security Congress Innsbruck (ESCI), University of Innsbruck, Austria, 11 September 2005

  • Interview for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty / Radio Free Iraq (Washington DC, Prague) on the trial of Saddam Hussein by the "Iraqi Special Tribunal" or "Iraq High Criminal Court" (18 October 2005)

  • World Federalist Movement (WFM) / Union of European Federalists (UEF): preparation of statement / working paper for the roundtable discussion on "How can regional unions contribute to the strengthening and democratization of the UN?" (Brussels, 4 November 2005)

  • Interview for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (Washington DC, Prague) on the legacy of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg (16 November 2005)

  • Member of the Curriculum Commission of the Academic Senate (Faculty of Humanities I), University of Innsbruck, Austria (2005-)

  • Member of the Board (coopted), Austrian Association of University Professors − University of Innsbruck (2005-)

  • Peer reviewer for the International Academic Journal Hekmat va Falsafeh (Wisdom and Philosophy), Tehran, Iran  (2005-)

  • Interview for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (Washington DC, Prague) on the allegations against the Interior Minister of Uzbekistan and the prosecution of crimes against humanity under German law (20 December 2005)

  • Life Fellow of the International Academy for Philosophy (Yerevan-Athens-Berkeley) (2006)

  • Plaque of Appreciation "Meritorious Contribution to Rational Thought and Righteous Activism,"Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey (13 February 2006)

  •  Interview on the occasion of the launching of the Turkish edition of "Global Justice or Global Revenge?" for Avrasya TV, Ankara, Turkey (17 February 2006)

  • Peer reviewer for international journals such as Ethics and International Affairs (2006-)

  • Promotor, Graduation Day Ceremony of the University of Innsbruck, Austria, 22 April 2006

  • External Assessor for the Appointment Commission for the Chair of International Law (University Tengfei Professor), Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China (2006)

  • Interview for the program "People and Power" of Al-Jazeera International, Doha, Qatar (7 June 2006)

  • Member of the Advisory Board, Co-existence of Civilizations / Co-existence Expedition, Copenhagen, Denmark (2006-)

  • Participation in "The Copenhagen Lab of Co-existence," Copenhagen, Denmark, 5-6 September 2006

  • Co-ordinator of the working group on research and education: Conference "ASEM@10 -- Connecting Civil Societies of Asia and Europe," Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), Helsinki, Finland, 7-8 September 2006

  • Member of the International Co-ordinating Committee, World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Vienna/Moscow (2006-2016)

  • Chairman of the First Working Session of the Second Annual Session of the International Academy for Philosophy, Athens, 25 November 2006

  • Chairman of the appointment commission for the chair of Philosophy of Religion at the University of Innsbruck (2006-2007)

  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, "Crisis Management in the European Union," Project of the Working Group for Crisis Management, Endowed Centre for European Security Studies, University of Innsbruck, Austria (2007-)

  • Course Director, Research Seminar on "Religion & Violence" with Lecture and Study Visit to Malaysia and Singapore (January 2007)

  • Inclusion of "The 'Clash of Civilizations': Perception and Reality in the Context of Globalization and International Power Politics" as reference article for Vision IAS: "IAS ESSAY: The Clash of Civilizations" (Indian Administrative Service / General Studies / Main 2007)

  • Chairman of the Final Session, International Symposium "Democracy in the 21st Century: Thirty Years since the Announcement of the Establishment of People's Authority," Sebha, Libya, 1 March 2007

  • External referee, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) (2007)

  • Supporter of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal, Rome (Italy) / Session on the Philippines, The Hague (March 2007)

  • Chairman of the First Session, Second International Forum "Globalization and Dialogue between Civilizations," held under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Georgia and the Director-General of UNESCO, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, 24 May 2007

  • Interview for The Federalist Debate (Centre for the Study of Federalism /CSF, Turin) on democracy in the international context (8 June 2007)

  • Member of the International Advisory Board, "Youth for the Alliance of Civilizations" Initiative, Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation, Istanbul, Turkey (2007-)

  • Interview for Channel 4 TV, London, UK, on the referral of the Lockerbie case to the appeal court (28 June 2007)

  • Interview for Capital Weekly, Sofia, Bulgaria, on the Lockerbie case (28 June 2007)

  • Interview for Bayern2Radio (Bavarian Radio, Channel 2), Munich, Germany, on the referral of the Lockerbie case to the appeal court (28 June 2007)

  • Interview for the Scottish Sunday Express, Glasgow, Scotland, on the referral of the Lockerbie case to the appeal court (28 June 2007)

  • Interview for the Deutsche Welle / German Radio, Berlin, Germany, on the referral of the Lockerbie case to the appeal court (28 June 2007)

  • Interview for the The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, on the referral of the Lockerbie case to the appeal court (28 June 2007)

  • Interview for ABC Australian Broadcasting Corporation on the Lockerbie case (15 August 2007)

  • Interview for BBC TV / Newsnight Scotland on the Lockerbie case (2 October 2007)

  • Moderator, Panel 1: "Traditions and innovations in building civilizational space," World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," 5th Annual Session, Rhodes, Greece ( 11-12 October 2007)

  • Medal of David the Invincible awarded by the Armenian Philosophical Academy (8 November 2007)

  • Background interview: Mr. Guy Smith, producer of the BBC series "Conspiracy Files," for the documentary on the Lockerbie case, Vienna, 7 December 2007

  • Press for The Straits Times (Kuala Lumpur) and other Malaysian media on the global war on terror (Penang, Malaysia, 13 December 2007)

  • Moderator of the plenary discussion "The new generation of national élites on the way towards integration into the global processes" and of working group 2 ("From a regional to a global system of security, from inter-block co-operation to stable peace"): International Conference "Countries of the Caucasus and the Middle East - possible partners in the process of formation of a regional system of security," Yerevan, Armenia (7 February 2008)

  • Interview for the magazine Global Change, Peace & Security, La Trobe University, Australia (14 February 2008)

  • Interview for Radio 95bFM, "The Tuesday Wire with Kim," University of Auckland, New Zealand, on the global war on terror: "When is war not a war?" (19 February 2008)

  • Interview for DARPAN - THE MIRROR TV, Team Work Procuctions, Auckland, New Zealand, on the "global war on terror" (20 February 2008)

  • Interview for Waatea 603am / Urban Maori Radio, Auckland, New Zealand, on the global war on terror (22 February 2008)

  • Interview for report on behalf of RFTE -- Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung (Council for Research and Technology Development, Austria) on "Struktur der Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften in Österreich" (March 2008)

  • Chairman of the appointment commission for the chair of Ethics and Philosophical Methodology at the University of Innsbruck (2008-)

  • Exclusive interview for the daily newspaper Libération, Casablanca, Morocco, on Muslim-Western relations (17 May 2008)

  • Medal of Honour and Plaque of Appreciation by the Moroccan Association in  German-speaking Countries (22 May 2008)

  • Co-initiator and signatory, with a group of Austrian scholars, of "Manifest für ein demokratisches Europa" / Manifesto for a Democratic Europe (July 2008)

  • Interview for the daily newspaper Al Ahdat al-Maghribiya, Casablanca, Morocco, on Muslim-Western relations (6 June 2008)

  • Honorary Member, Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie und kritische Anthropologie, Austria (2008)

  • External Assessor (Doctoral Grants Committee), Austrian Academy of Sciences (2008)

  • Honorary Professor of Philosophy, Pamukkale University, Turkey (2008)

  • Interview for ITV (London) on the Lockerbie case (8 August 2008)

  • Educational partner, Erste School of Banking and Finance, ERSTE Group, Vienna, Austria (2008-)

  • Interview for Cuillin FM, Isle of Skye, Scotland, on the Lockerbie case and the meeting of the Lockerbie Justice Group (14 September 2008)

  • Interview for the BBC (Glasgow) on the Lockerbie appeal (17 September 2008)

  • Exclusive interview for a documentary of ARTE TV on the Lockerbie case (18 September 2008)

  • Exclusive interview for the Scottish Sunday Express on the political ramifications of the Lockerbie case (24 September 2008)

  • Alternate member of the Faculty Staff Council (Betriebsrat 1) of the University of Innsbruck, Austria (2008)

  • Exclusive interview for the Scottish Sunday Times on the Lockerbie appeal and the right to a fair trial (3 October 2008)

  • Participation in the Sixth General Meeting of the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" (Rhodes, Greece, 10-12 October 2008)

  • Interview for Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Radio, Munich, Germany) on the Lockerbie case (12 October 2008)

  • Interview for Bavarian Radio (Munich, Germany) on the Lockerbie case (12 November 2008)

  • Interview for Syrian Television, Damascus, on issues of international conflict resolution and civilizational dialogue (24 November 2008)

  • Interview for the daily newspaper Al-Thawra, Damascus, Syria, 24 November 2008

  • Interview for Deutschlandfunk (German Radio, Cologne, Germany) on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the explosion of PanAm flight 103 (20 December 2008)

  • Interview for the daily Libération (Casablanca, Morocco) (January 2009)

  • Peer reviewer, Oxford University Press (2009)

  • Op-ed article for Radio Free Europe on the International Criminal Court (February 2009)

  • Interview for Sudanese TV on the International Criminal Court (5 April 2009)

  • Interview for the Sunday Times of Malta on the Lockerbie case (17 May 2009)

  • Recipient of the Grand Medal of David the Invincible (International Academy for Philosophy and Armenian Philosophical Academy, 29 May 2009)

  • Moderator of Panel Session 1 on "Dialogue of Cultures: View from the Heart of Eurasia": International Conference on "The Role of Historical and Cultural Heritage in the Dialogue of Civilizations," organized by the Institute of Cultural Policy and Art Studies (Kazakhstan) and World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Almaty, Kazakhstan (9-10 June 2009)

  • Interview for Deutsche Welle Radio on the Non-aligned Movement on the occasion of the summit conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt (13 July 2009)

  • Interview for South African Radio (South African Broadcasting Corporation / SABC) on the future prospects of the Non-Aligned Movement (15 July 2009)

  • Talk show guest at the program "Inside Story," Al Jazeera English, Doha, Qatar (15 July 2009)

  • Interview for Radio Student FM89.3, Ljubljana, Slovenia, on the Non-Aligned Movement (17 July 2009)

  • Interview for BBC 2, Newsnight program, London, UK, on Lockerbie prisoner release (5 August 2009)

  • Member of the Scientific Organizing Committee of the International Conference "Astronomy and Civilization," held on the occasion of the International Year of Astronomy, Budapest, Hungary (10-13 August 2009)

  • Interview Al Jazeera English, London/Doha, on Lockerbie prisoner release (20 August 2009)

  • Interviews for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio Scotland on United Nations investigation of the Lockerbie case (21 August 2009)

  • Interview for St. Galler Tagblatt, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland (21 August 2009)

  • Interview for Radio Basics, York University, Toronto, Canada, on the Lockerbie case and international power politics (24 August 2009)

  • Interview for WLS-AM / Talk Radio Network, Chicago, USA, on the release of the Lockerbie prisoner (24 August 2009)

  • Interview for ABC Radio National, Sydney, Australia, on the release of the Lockerbie prisoner (26 August 2009)

  • Interviews for CBC / Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Le Temps (Geneva) on the Lockerbie case (28 August 2009)

  • Interview for RTÉ - Radio & Television Ireland (Dublin) on the Lockerbie case (4 September 2009)

  • Interview for Time Magazine (USA) on the Lockerbie case (7 September 2009)

  • Interview for BBC Radio Scotland on the Lockerbie appeal (8 September 2009)

  • Moderator of Panel Session 3 (Intercultural cooperation) at the international conference on "The Wider Europe: West-East Dialogue," Odessa, Ukraine, (18-19 September 2009)

  • Press conference on the Rhodes Forum 2009: Union of Journalists of Greek Daily Newspapers (ESIEA), Athens, Greece, 7 October 2009

  • Member of the Award Committee for the Global Dialogue Prize (MINT Global Dialogue Community / Global Dialogue Project, University of Aarhus, Denmark) (2009)

  • Interview for Raiffeisenzeitung (Austria) on the dialogue of civilizations (10 October 2009)

  • Press conference for Danish media on the Global Dialogue Prize 2009: Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 5 November 2009

  • Interview for Русский журнал / Russian Journal, Moscow (23 November 2009)

  • Co-President, International Academy for Philosophy (2010-)

  • United Nations Meeting of Civil Society in Support of the Palestinian People, Moderator of the special session: "The importance of upholding international law, including with respect to the International Court of Justice's Advisory Opinion regarding the wall," United Nations Office at Vienna (26 March 2010)

  • Interview for Press TV, Iran,  and Sky TV, London, on the International Criminal Court and Sudan (31 March 2010)

  • Member of the Continuation Committee, Peace for Life - A People's Forum and Movement for Global Justice and Peace, Manila, Philippines (2010-)

  • Speaker at the Panel Discussion "Interpreting and Understanding Culture: Past, Present and Future," International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2010, Berlin, Germany (24 May 2010)

  • Speaker at the Panel Discussion "Religion and Modernity; Examining the Link," International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2010, Berlin, Germany (25 May 2010)

  • Member of International Research Group for Culture and Dialogue (2010-)

  • Speaker at the Panel Discussion "A Clash of Civilizations?," International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2010, Berlin, Germany (25 May 2010)

  • Senior Advisory Council Member, Peng Elite Club, Beijing, China (2010-)

  • Member of the Advisory Board, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD), Berlin (2010-)

  • Interview for BBC Newsnight Scotland  on the Lockerbie case (21 July 2010)

  • Talk show guest at the program "Inside Story," Al Jazeera English, Doha, Qatar (22 July 2010)

  • Interview for The Independent, London, on the Lockerbie case (28 July 2010)

  • Co-chairman, Panel "Theory and Practice of the International Rule of Law," International Conference on Global Governance and International Rule of Law, Jilin University, Changchun, China (30 July 2010)

  • Member of the International Organizing Committee, 10th Annual Conference of the Globalization for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI): "Globalization for the Common Good and the Dialogue of Civilizations," Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt, June 2011 [cancelled due to political events]

  • Member of the Advisory Board, Globalization for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI), UK (2011-)

  • Moderator of the Plenary Session on "The Civilizational Paradigm of Human Evolution," Rhodes Forum 2010, World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Rhodes, Greece, 8 October 2010

  • Moderator of Panel 1 ("Global Challenges in a Regional Context"), First Annual Symposium of International Relations Scholars on "The South Caucasus in a Changing World," Center for Strategic Studies, Baku, Azerbaijan, 22 October 2010

  • Member of the Scientific Committee, International Democracy Watch (IDW) (2010-)

  • Panelist, "Talk im Hangar-7: Einfluss auf Justitia - Wer urteilt wirklich?" Servus TV, Salzburg Airport, Austria (8 February 2011)

  • Talk show guest, "Inside Story": "Libya: Ready for civil war?," Al Jazeera English, Doha, Qatar (21 February 2011)

  • Interview for Moroccan newspapers on the Arab uprising (March 2011)

  • Interview for the Azerbaijani news agency News.Az on the situation in the South Caucasus (7 April 2011)

  • Interview for Muslim web portal Lastprophet.info (Turkey): "Are We Aware of Anti-Islamism?" (7 May 2011)

  • Moderator, Panel discussion "'Moving Towards Smart Power': Smart Power in Domestic and International Politics," International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011, Berlin, Germany (15 May 2011)

  • Interview for CD-News / Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, on new challenges to world order (15 May 2011)

  • Interview for Russian Journal, Moscow, on the notion of political evil today (26 May 2011)

  • Interview for The Independent, London, on a possible retrial of the second Lockerbie suspect (14 June 2011)

  • Moderator, panel discussion "Islam in Austria," Dept. of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (21 June 2011)

  • Interview for the Swiss newspaper Zeit-Fragen (Zurich) on the United Nations Organization in the contemporary world order (22 June 2011)

  • Fulbright Advisor, research project on international criminal justice and the role of the International Criminal Court, Fulbright Program (USA) / University of Innsbruck, academic year 2011/2012

  • Advisor for research projects/dissertations at Beijing Normal University (China), University of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), University of Peshawar (Pakistan) (2011)

  • Interview for Austrian Radio (ORF1 - Radiokolleg) on ethical aspects of tobacco prevention and smoking legislation (Vienna, Austria, 2 August 2011)

  • Interview for Radio Student, Ljubljana, Slovenia, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Non-aligned Movement (9 September 2011)

  • Moderator of the Panel Discussion on "The Dialogue Model of International Relations," Rhodes Forum - IXth Annual Session, Rhodes, Greece (8-9 October 2011)

  • Interview for the German edition of the Turkish daily newspaper Zaman (2 November 2011)

  • Invited Nominator, Okinawa Peace Prize, Japan (2011-)

  • Interdisciplinary colloquium on the philosophy of Hans Köchler: La philosophie et le dialogue des cultures: Hans Köchler comme exemple (University of Moulay Ismaïl, Faculty of Humanities, Meknès, Morocco, 16 November 2011)

  • Member of the International Advisory Council, Initiative on Shared Wisdom (ISW), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2011-)

  • Peer reviewer, Journal of Cold War Studies, Harvard University (2011)

  • Visiting Professor, Center for Cultural Diploamacy Studies (CCDS), Berlin (2012-)

  • Interview for the Austrian edition of the Turkish newspaper Zaman on the Syrian crisis (20 March 2012)

  • Chairman of Section 3: "Issues of Metaphilosophy and Theory of Argumentation," International Conference on "Theoretical and Practical Issues of Transforming Societies," Yerevan, Armenia (16-17 April 2012)

  • Recipient of the title (honoris causa) Doctor of Education, Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan (17 April 2012)I

  • Interview for AP / Associated Press (Beirut Bureau) on the United Nations observer mission in Syria (21 April 2012)

  • Interview for Colourful Radio, London, on the Lockerbie case (22 May 2012)

  • Interview for the magazine Dubai Al-Thaqafiya, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (June 2012)

  • Interview for the magazine WANN & WO: Die junge Zeitung, Bregenz, Vorarlberg, Austria, on the Libya war (8 June 2012)

  • Republication of the interview for the Turkish weekly Zaman (Vienna) on the Syrian crisis in the Swiss weekly Zeit-Fragen ("Probleme gehören an den Verhandlungstisch," Zurich, 18 June 2012)

  • Commentary for Think Africa Press, London, on the International Criminal Court (21 June 2012)

  • Interview for the Kurdish newspaper Awene (Iraq) (26 June 2012)

  • Co-chairman, Thematic Plenary Session 1: "Global Peace and Justice," Rhodes Forum - 10th Anniversary Session, Rhodes, Greece (4 October 2012)

  • Interview for the Serbian National News Agency Tanjug on the Kosovo issue (5 October 2012

  • Interview for Raiffeisenzeitung (Austria) on the Syrian crisis (6 October 2012)

  • Member of the Advisory Board for the II. International Conference on Humanities, Beder University, Tirana, Albania (2013)

  • Interview for Belarus Television (Minsk) / Interview Series "Dialogue of Civilizations" (1 December 2012)

  • Interview for Turkish Television International (TRT Türk) / documentary series İhlal (Breach) on international criminal justice and the international criminal court (2 December 2012)

  • Member of the drafting committee, Istanbul Declaration on the Middle East and the Mediterranean (December 2013)

  • Interview for the BBC Scotland's Good Morning Scotland on the Lockerbie case (22 December 2012)

  • Interview for Anadolu Ajansı / Anadolu Agency (Turkey) on Turkey's international role (8 February 2013)

  • Exclusive interview for the daily newspaper Türkiye (Turkey) on Turkey and the European Union (8 February 2013)

  • Moderator of Session 2 on "Turkey's Regional Role and Foreign Policy," Abant Platform / 28th Meeting: "Diverse Perspectives on Turkey," Abant, Turkey (8 February 2013)

  • Interview for Rota Haber (Turkey) on Turkey and the Arab uprising (9 February 2013)

  • Interview for the daily newspaper Today's Zaman (Turkey) on Turkey's foreign policy (9 February 2013)

  • Member of the drafting committee, Final Declaration of the 28th Meeting of the Abant Platform, Turkish Journalists and Writers Foundation, Abant, Turkey, 10 February 2013

  • Member of External Evaluation Group, Public Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (PAAHE) at the Ministry of Education and Science, Albania (2013)

  • Delegate of the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" at the Fifth Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations in Vienna, Austria (26-28 February 2013)

  • Interview for NHK WORLD (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Global Debate WISDOM, on the Algerian hostage crisis (16 March 2013)

  • Live interview for TRT Türk on Islamophobia in Europe (Ankara, 12 April 2013)

  • Exclusive interview for newspaper PALITRA, Azerbaijan (4 June 2013)

  • Live interview for ORF - Radio Tirol (Innsbruck, Austria) on developments in Turkey and Syria (12 June 2013)

  • Exclusive interview for ORF - Radio Tirol (Innsbruck, Austria), interview series "Nahaufnahme" (15 August 2013)

  • Interview for A9 TV (Turkey) on intercultural dialogue and peace (12 September 2013)

  • Interview for Al Ekhbariya Television (Saudi Arabia) on the situation in the Middle East (12 September 2013)

  • Honorary Advisor and Mentor, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University, Thailand (2013)

  • Interview for Belarus Television (Minsk) / Interview Series "DIALOGUE" (3 October 2013)

  • Moderator of the Plenary Session on "Alternative Visions of the World - Geopolitics," Rhodes Forum 2013, Rhodes, Greece (5 October 2013)

  • President of the Inaugural Session of the 13th Anniversary Celebrations of Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust in Chennai, India (12 October 2013)

  • Recipient of the Best Book of the Year Award (2013) of the Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust, India (for: "World Order: Vision and Reality")

  • Exclusive interview for ZDF German Television and ARTE TV on the Lockerbie case, 25 years after the explosion on Pan Am Flight 103 (18 October 2013)

  • Interview for Turkish newspaper ZAMAN on the United Nations Security Council and the Syrian crisis (19 October 2013)

  • Interview for the "Building Bridges" talkshow of A9 TV (Turkey) on peaceful co-existence among nations and the role of Islam (19 October 2013)

  • Interview for Turkish magazine AKSİYON on Security Council reform and Turkish policy in Syria (11 November 2013)

  • Interview for the Turkish-Austrian newspaper Yeni Vatan / Neue Heimat (12 December 2013)

  • Interview for DW Deutsche Welle / German Radio International on the Lockerbie case - 25 years after the explosion of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie (16 December 2013)

  • Interview for The Independent newspaper (London) on the 25th anniversary of the  Lockerbie bombing (21 December 2013)

  • Member of the International Advisory Panel, Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust, India (2014-)

  • Inclusion of quote from "The Voting Procedure in the United Nations Security Council," Examination Papers, Cambridge International Examinations (University of Cambridge) (2014)

  • Interview for World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" on  the philosophy and politics of dialogue (19 February 2014)

  • Advisor of the African Union on issues of international criminal justice (2014-)

  • Listed in "Leading Professionals of the World" (2014) (International Biographical Centre)

  • Listed in "Encyclopedia Intelligentsia" (2014)

  • Listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World  (2014, 2015) (continuously since 1986)

  • Member of the Program Committee of the Rhodes Forum 2014 (World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations")

  • Recipient of the Gusi Peace Prize 2014 (Philippines)

  • Exclusive live interview for the "Voice of the People" talkshow, TV Sonce / Sun TV, Macedonia (2 April 2014)

  • Invitation by Swiss Radio and TV (SRF), Bern, as expert for a special broadcast on the future of democracy (May 2014)

  • Listing in Top 100 Educators - 2014, International Biographical Centre, UK

  • Interview for the Russian TV station Пятый канал / Channel Five, Saint Petersburg, Russia (15 May 2014)

  • Interview for Bilim va Sanat Vakfı / Foundation for Sciences and Arts (Istanbul) on the Arab Spring (7 June 2014)

  • Interview for research study on Albania's role in international relations, Wirtschaftsmittelschule Aarau, Switzerland (June 2014)

  • Interview for news agency RIA Novosti (Moscow) on the Lockerbie case (29 July 2014)

  • Exclusive interview for Belarus Television, Channel 1 (Minsk) (18 September 2014)

  • Plaque of Appreciation, World Alliance of Religions for Peace (Republic of Korea) (18 September 2014)

  • Interview for Belarus Television, Channel 1 (Minsk) / Interview Series "DIALOGUE" (26 September 2014)

  • Moderator, Plenary Meeting "World Order and the Politics of Regime Change," Rhodes Forum 2014, Rhodes, Greece (26 September 2017)

  • Interview for Roma UNO TV and FINANZA magazine, Italy  (27 September 2014)

  • Interview for Serbian News Agency TANJUG (27 September 2014)

  • TV interview for World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Rhodes, Greece (28 September 2014)

  • Ad hoc referee for the National Endowment for Democracy, Washington DC, USA (2014)

  • Interview for Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education, Tokyo, Japan (17 November 2014)

  • Signatory, Appel pour la vérité et la justice dans la région des Grands Lacs (November 2014)

  • International press conference, National Press Club, Manila, Philippines (25 November 2014)

  • Foreign Member, Armenian Philosophical Academy (2015-)

  • Peer reviewer, Journal Religion (Taylor & Francis) (2015)

  • Member (in charge of international affairs), International Committee of the Gusi Peace Prize Foundation, Manila, Philippines (2015-2016)

  • Member of the Council of Experts, International Centre of Peoples without a State (ICPS), Brussels (2015-)

  • Member, Peace Advisory Council, "Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light" (HWPL), Seoul, Korea (2015-)

  • Interview on globalization and world order for Russia Direct / Rossiyskaya Gazeta (6 March 2015)

  • Interview for RIA Novosti news agency (Moscow) on foreign military intervention in Yemen (26 March 2015)

  • Coordinator, Vienna Center for Global Dialogue (2015-)

  • Member, Council for Cultural Diplomacy Studies, Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS), Berlin, Germany (2015-)

  • Interview for the Czech bi-weekly magazine A2 (Prague) on history and relevance of the Non-aligned Movement (22 May 2015)

  • Austrian coordinator, #Enough!: A campaign to abolish war, Afghan Peace Volunteers, Kabul, Afghanistan (September 2015)

  • Moderator, Plenary Session "The New Threat: Hybrid Wars as a Tool of Subversion," Rhodes Forum 2015, Rhodes, Greece (10 October 2015)

  • Interview for World Public Forum documentary on the idea of dialogue, Rhodes (11 October 2015)

  • Interview for Belarus Television, Channel 1 (Minsk) / Interview Series "DIALOGUE" (11 October 2015)

  • Book Launching: Hans Köchler, ed. David Armstrong, "Force or Dialogue: Conflicting Paradigms of World Order," Rhodes Forum 2015, Rhodes, Greece (11 October 2015)

  • Honorary Member, Atatürkçü Düşünce Derneği / Atatürkist Thought Association, Ankara, Turkey (2015-)

  • Academic Mentor, DIAVERSITY: Life-long Dialogue Learning Platform, World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations," Moscow (2015-)

  • Moderator, Panel Discussion: "Building Bridges of Peace and Reconciliation in Times of Greater Global Insecurity," Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2015, Institute for Cultural Diploamcy (ICD), Berlin, Germany (11 December 2015)

  • Moderator, Panel Discussion: "Promoting a Culture of Peace: The Political, Educational, Legal and Cultural Dimensions," Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2015, Institute for Cultural Diploamcy (ICD), Berlin, Germany (12 December 2015)

  • Member of the Board of Advisors, The Public Sphere: Philosophy Salons, London (2016-)

  • Live interview on the migration crisis in Europe, Glasot Na Narodot / Voice of the People talkshow, TV Sonce / Sun TV, Skopje, Macedonia (21 March 2016) 

  • Member of the Scientific Committee, IXth Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference, "The Legacy of John Paul II," Poprad, Slovakia (21-22 April 2016)

  • Moderator, International Symposion on "Civilizational Heritage  -- 'Common Past, Common Future'," Session IV: "Modern Civilizations and its Problems," 8th Kocaeli Book Fair, Kocaeli, Turkey (15 May 2016)

  • Interview for Kocaeli TV, Turkey (15 May 2016)

  • Member of the Expert Community, Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute, Berlin, Germany (2016-)

  • Expert for intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria (2016-)

  • Listed in: Penseurs et acteurs d'un changement sociétal (de 1940 à 1949) (Institut de recherche sur la Résolution Non-violente des Conflits, 3 July 2016)

  • TV interview for World Alliance of Religions for Peace, Seoul, Korea (19 September 2016)

  • Interview for International Affairs - A Russian Journal of World Politics, Diplomacy and International Relations, on the international role of the media (29 September 2016)

  • Interview for Russian National TV, Channel 5 (St. Petersburg) on European Union and Russia (11 November 2016)

  • Patron of the Institute of Apotheosis International (2016-)

  • Chairman, Guest Lectures, Department of Philosophy and Logic, Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Armenia (21 November 2016)

  • Co-Chair, International Conference Devoted to Academician Georg Brutian's 90th Anniversary, Section 1: "Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness and Philosophy," Yerevan, Armenia (22 November 2016)

  • Interview for Radio Sputnik UK / World in Focus on the conflict in Yemen (29 November 2016)

  • Interview for Russia Direct on Austrian presidential elections (1 December 2016)

  • Interview for Radio Sputnik UK / World in Focus on criminal investigation of genocide in Rwanda (2 December 2016)

  • Interview for Belarus National TV / Channel 1 on Austrian presidential elections and European Union (2 December 2016)

  • Referee, Gates Cambridge Scholarship (2016)

  • Global Thought Leaders 2016 / Toplist German

  • Advisor / interviewee, dissertation project "Syria and the Clash of Civilizations," Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge (2016/2017)

  • Interview for Dialogue of Civiliziations (DOC) TV on the Syrian conflict and inter-religious tensions, Berlin, 28 February 2017

  • Interview for Radio Sputnik UK / World in Focus on the conflict in Syria (3 March 2017)

  • Interview for Radio Sputnik UK / World in Focus on the escalation of the war Syria (7 April 2017)

  • Member of the Abolition 2000 working group on the 2018 UN High Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament (UNHLC) (2017-)

  • Interview for Radio Sputnik UK / World in Focus on civilian casualties in the war on ISIS and international humanitarian law (9 June 2017)

  • Founding participant, Berlin University of Digital Sciences / Humboldt School AG (2017)

  • External Evaluator, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2017-)

  • Interview for newspaper Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, on US sanctions against Russia (2 August 2017)

  • Selected for the 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award (Marquis Who's Who)

  • Guest of Adnan Oktar at talkshow of A9 TV on Islam and world affairs, Istanbul, Turkey, 24 August 2017

  • Interview for A9 TV, Turkey, on world order and a policy of peace (24 August 2017)

  • Interview for Radio Sputnik UK / World in Focus on the Korean nuclear crisis (1 September 2017)

  • Interview for Belarus National TV / Channel 1 (7 October 2017)

  • Interview for Radio Sputnik UK on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen (22 November 2017)

  • Interview fur NTV Russia / Новости (News), Moscow, on the legacy of the Yugoslavia Tribunal (20 December 2017)

  • Moderator, Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy, "Promoting Global Collaboration, Unity & Peace through Cultural Diplomacy," Final Session, Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany (21 December 2017)

  • Interview for Community TV of University Center of Brasilia, on global order and United Nations (23 January 2018)

  • Invitation to join the Faculty of the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin (2018)

  • Interview for Sputnik International Radio, UK, on nuclear disarmament (8 February 2018)

  • Interview for Sputnik International, UK, on Syria and the United Nations (11 April 2018)

  • Interview for The New American magazine (USA) on questions of peace and world order (28 April 2018)

  • Interview for A9 TV, Istanbul, Turkey (28 April 2018)

  • Exclusive interview for Al-Rayah daily, Doha (9 May 2018)

  • Interview for Sputnik International, UK, on violence along the Israel-Gaza border area and the threat of a major confrontation (30 May 2018)

  • Member of the Faculty, Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin (2018-)

  • Press conference / interview for ORF / Austrian Television on tobacco control in Austria (Vienna, 24 September 2018)

  • Interview for Sechuan TV, Chengdu, P.R. China (23 November 2018)

  • Interview for The New American on the Lockerbie case and the United Nations (5 December 2018)

  • Press conference, Austrian Society for the Protection of Non-smokers, on tobacco control in Austria (Vienna, 5 March 2019)

  • Member of the University Council, University of Digital Science (UDS Berlin) (2019-)

  • Exclusive interview for Магазин ОДБРАНА / Odbrana Magazine, Belgrade (March 2019)

  • Co-moderator, International Conference, "The 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Wall," Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany (9 November 2019)

  • Interview for Kronenzeitung (Vienna, Austria) on the Lockerbie Trial (25 November 2019)

  • Peer reviewer, MGIMO Review of International Relations, Moscow (2020)

  • Moderator, "Dialogue on the Volga," International Forum of People's Diplomacy on "International Relations in Times of Change," Volgograd, Russia (teleconference) (31 October 2020)

  • "Global Reach: UN at 75" -- Interview with Bill Boerum (Chairman Emeritus, Sister Cities International, USA) on United Nations Reform (20 November 2020)

  • Interview for Curve Media, London, on the Lockerbie case (3 February 2021)

  • Exclusive interview for  مجلة حكمة  (Magazine Hekmah), Beirut, Lebanon, on global and Arab affairs  (April 2021)

  • Interview for the daily newspaper Al Akhbar, Morocco, on the state of the Arab world (10 April 2021)

  • Interview for Società Dante Alighieri, Berlin, on cultural identity (28 May 2021)

  • Consultant, United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA) Long Beach, USA (2021-)

  • Member of the Reviewing Board, Europe in Changes: The old continent at a new crossroads. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, 2021

  • Advisor and endorser, Nomination of the Archives of the First Summit Meeting of the Non-aligned Movement for inclusion in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register (November 2021)

  • Dialogue series of 16 interviews on life and work for the newspaper المساء (Al-Massae), Casablanca, Morocco (3-21 January 2022)

  • Member of the Scientific Board, Bandung-Belgrade-Havana Conference 2022

  • Guest of Oksana Boyko at "Worlds Apart" talk show on Russia-Ukraine conflict, RT International, Moscow, Russia (29 March 2022)

  • Exclusive interview for the daily newspaper Al-Bayane, Casablanca, Morocco (June 2022)

  • Interview for CBC (Caspian Broadcasting Company), International TV, Shusha, Karabakh Region, Azerbaijan, 20 May 2022

  • Interview for daily newspaper Bayan Al-Youm, Casablanca, Morocco, 22 May 2022

  • Interview for L'Opinion, Casablanca, Morocco (28&29 May 2022)

  • Interview for Al-Ahdath Al-Maghribiya, Casablanca, Morocco, June 2022

  • Exclusive interview for Al-Ayam (weekly newspaper), Casablanca, Morocco, 4 June 2022

  • Interview for Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, 27 July 2022

  • Conference Moderator, World Forum on Democracy & Peace, Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany, 27-30 July 2022

  • Interview for BBC Serbia on the history of the "Praxis Circle," 23 August 2022

  • Interview for Campus TV, St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1 September 2022

  • Interview for the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) (Berlin/New York) on the escalation of the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine (23 September 2022)

  • Conference moderator, Forum on Democracy & Peace 2023, Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, Germany, 15-18 February 2023

  • Invited Speaker, Cambridge Union, Thursday night debate: "This House Believes Humanity Is Able To Construct An International System Without War," University of Cambridge, UK, Lent term 2023

  • Interview for Moroccan media (Bayan al-Youm / Al-Ittihad / Maghribona) on the Gaza War 2023 (7 December 2023)

  • Interview for  رأي اليوم   (Raay Al Youm), London, on the Gaza War 2023 (December 2023)

  • Online interview for the readers of Mominoun Without Borders, Abu Dhabi, UAE (30 April 2024)

  • Interview for Al Araby TV (Doha) on the Lockerbie case (8 May 2024)

  • Biographical interview re. Seán MacBride (28 May 2024)

    III. Organization of international conferences
  • Philosophie und Einzelwissenschaften [Philosophy and the positive sciences] / Interdisciplinary Seminar
    Österreichisches College
    (Austrian College Society)
    University of Innsbruck, Austria, academic year 1969/1970

  • Wissenschaft und Besinnung – Theorie und Praxis [Science and Reflection – Theory and Practice] / Interdisciplinary Seminar
    Österreichisches College
    (Austrian College Society)
    University of Innsbruck, Austria, academic year 1970/1971

  • Die europäische Aufgabe der Alpenregion [The European Vocation of the Alpine Region]
    Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik
    Innsbruck, Austria, 2-3 June 1971

  • Österreich und die EWG [Austria and the European Economic Community]
    Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik
     Innsbruck, Austria, 2-3 June 1972

  • Arbeitskräftefluktuation im Alpenraum [Manpower Turnover in the Alpine Region]
    Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik
    Innsbruck, Austria, 12 October 1973

  • Inaugural session of Euregio Alpina – Study Group for the Alpine Region
    Euregio Alpina
    Innsbruck, Austria, 22 September 1973

  • The Cultural Self-comprehension of Nations
    International Progress Organization in co-operation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
    Innsbruck, Austria, 27-29 July 1974

  • [co-organizer] Neurophysiologische und klinische Aspekte der Meditation [Neurophysiological and Clinical Aspects of Meditation]
    Austrian College Society and Department of Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Innsbruck
    Innsbruck, Austria, 14 October 1977

  • The New International Economic Order – Philosophical and Socio-cultural Implications
    International Progress Organization
    Vienna, Austria, 2-3 April 1979

  • Eighth International Phenomenology Congress
    World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Research and Learning
    Salzburg, Austria, 10-15 August 1980

  • The Legal Aspects of the Palestine Problem with Special Regard to the Question of Jerusalem
    International Progress Organization
    Vienna, Austria, 5-7 November 1980

  • The Concept of Monotheism in Islam and Christianity
    International Progress Organization
    Rome, Italy, 17-19 November 1981

  • The Principles of Non-alignment – The Non-aligned Countries in the Eighties: Results and Perspectives
    International Progress Organization
    Baghdad, Iraq, 4-6 May 1982

  • Israel as Occupying Power – Eyewitness Reports and Legal Analysis
    International Progress Organization
    Vienna, Austria, 2-3 May 1984

  • The United States’ Administration’s Foreign Policy – Facts and Judgment
    International Progress Organization
    Brussels, Belgium, 28-30 September 1984

  • The New International Information and Communication Order – Basis for Cultural Dialogue and Peaceful Co-existence among Nations
    International Progress Organization in co-operation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
    Nicosia, Cyprus, 26-27 October 1984

  • Democracy in International Relations
    (On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the United Nations Organization)
    International Progress Organization
    On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the United Nations Organization
    New York City, USA, 31 October 1985

  • The Crisis of Representative Democracy
    International Progress Organization
    Geneva, Switzerland, 15-17 November 1985

  • The Question of Terrorism
    International Progress Organization
    Geneva, Switzerland, 19-21 March 1987

  • The Exchange of Prisoners of War between Iran and Iraq as a Requirement of International Law and Human Rights
    International Progress Organization
    Geneva, Switzerland, 29-30 May 1989

  • International Seminar on the Reunification of Korea through Confederation
    International Progress Organization
    Vienna, Austria, 23 June 1989

  • Second International Conference On A More Democratic United Nations (CAMDUN-2)
    Convened by Hans Köchler at the United Nations Office at Vienna
    Vienna, Austria, 17-19 September 1991

  • The Sanctions Policy of the United Nations Security Council
    International Progress Organization
    Geneva, Switzerland, 23 May 1992

  • Democracy and an Alternative World Order
    Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy
    Tripoli, Libya, 13-14 March 1993

  • Ethische Probleme des Tötens – Zur aktuellen Lebenswertdebatte [Taking Life: Ethical Problems – On the Current Debate over the Value of Life]
    Department of Philosophy at the University of Innsbruck in co-operation with Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie und kritische Anthropologie
    Innsbruck, Austria, 22 June 1993

  • Islam and the West - The Conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina and its Implications for a New World Order
    International Progress Organization
    Vienna, Austria, 25 November 1993

  • Democracy after the End of the East-West Conflict
    Department of Philosophy at the University of Innsbruck in co-operation with University Center Luxemburg
    Innsbruck, Austria, 27 May 1994

  • The United Nations and International Democracy
    Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy in co-operation with International Progress Organization
    Geneva, Switzerland, 1-2 July 1994

  • Meeting of Legal Experts on UN Sanctions against Libya
    New York, N.Y., USA, 1 December 1994

  • Economic Sanctions and their Impact on Development
    NGO Committee on Development
    United Nations Office at Vienna
    Vienna, Austria, 28 November 1996

  • Civilizations: Conflict or Dialogue?
    International Progress Organization in co-operation with the Departments of Philosophy and American Studies at the University of Innsbruck
    Innsbruck, Austria, 8 June 1998

  • The Challenges of Globalization
    International Progress Organization in co-operation with Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Munich
    Munich, Germany, 18-19 March 1999

  • Transplantationsmedizin und personale Identität [Transplantation Medicine and Personal Identity]
    Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik in co-operation with the Department of Philosophy at the University of Innsbruck
    Innsbruck, Austria, 15 March 2000

  • ¿Cómo democratizar la democracia? [How to Democratize Democracy?]
    Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy in co-operation with Simón Bolívar University
    Caracas, Venezuela, 7-8 November 2000

  • Human and Peoples’ Rights in International Relations
    Jamahir Society for Culture and Philosophy in co-operation with Myongji University
    Seoul, Republic of Korea, 25 October 2001

  • The United Nations and International Power Politics: The Future of World Order
    International Progress Organization in co-operation with the the International Human Rights Association of American Minorities and East-West University
    Chicago, Il., USA, 5 June 2004

  • The Use of Force in International Relations – Challenges to Collective Security
    International Progress Organization in co-operation with the Department of Philosophy at the University of Innsbruck
    Innsbruck, Austria, 22 June 2005

  • The 'Global War on Terror' and its Implications for Muslim-Western Relations
    International Progress Organization in co-operation with the Center for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS) at Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia Science University)
    Penang, Malaysia, 13-14 December 2007

  • Religion, State and Society in Turkey
    Seminar series co-sponsored by the International Progress Organization in co-operation with Foundation for Sciences and Arts (BISAV), Inter-Cultural Dialogue Platform (KADIP), Artuklu University, and Hacettepe University
    Istanbul, Mardin, Ankara, Turkey, 6-12 May 2011

  • World Order and the Politics of Régime Change
    Plenary Session, World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations"
    Rhodes, Greece, 26 September 2014

  • The New Threat: Hybrid Wars as a Tool of Subversion
    Plenary Session, World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations"
    Rhodes, Greece, 10 October 2015

  • Responsibility in International Relations
    The Imperial Roundtable, International Progress Organization
    Vienna, Austria, 21 September 2023