XVIIIth International Likhachov Scientific Conference

Global Development: Challenges of Predictability and Manageability

St. Petersburg, Russia, 23-24 May 2019

Opening Session, Andrey Petrov University Concert Hall, St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Hans Köchler, President of the International Progress Organization, delivers keynote speech

"Geopolitics and the Law of Unintended Consequences"

 Text of speech: English   Russian

Gala Reception, Grand Hotel Europa, St. Petersburg

Dr. Hans Köchler, right, with Professor A. S. Zapesotsky, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rector of St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Section 1: "New Risks and Challenges of Stability"

Among the panelists, standing, from left: Dr. Hans Köchler, Professor em. of Philosophy (Austria) (2nd); Dr. A. Bebler, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) (3rd); Dr. C. Varga, Professor emeritus, Institute for Legal Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (4th); Mr. Egemen Bagis, Chief Negotiator and Minister of European Union Affairs of Turkey (2009–2013) (7th); Dr. Al. A. Gromyko, Director, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (10th); Dr. J. A. Scholte, Professor, Peace and Development Department, University of Gothenburg (Sweden) (far right); seated, from left: Dr. Valur  Ingimundarson, Professor of History, University of Iceland, Reykjavik (1st); Dr. Jerzey Wiatr, Professor of Sociology,  Minister of National Education of Poland (1996–1997), former Member of the Polish Parliament (1st); Dr. A. A. Akayev, President of the Kyrgyz Republic (1990–2005), foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (4th).

Hans Köchler

