Curriculum vitae
Herkunft aber ist
stets Zukunft »

St. Margarethen, Tyrol, 28 July 2012
Hans Köchler was born
on October 18, 1948 in the town of Schwaz, Tyrol, Austria,
and grew up in the nearby village of Sankt Margarethen
(municipality of Buch in Tirol). He graduated
at the University of Innsbruck
(Austria) with a
doctor degree in
(Dr. phil.) with
highest honours (sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae).
From 1982 until 2014 he was University Professor of Philosophy
(with special emphasis on Political Philosophy and
Philosophical Anthropology). He holds honorary doctor degrees from the Mindanao State University
(Philippines) and from the Armenian State Pedagogical
University, and an Honorary Professorship in Philosophy from
Pamukkale University (Turkey). From 1990
until 2008 he served as
Chairman of the Department of Philosophy at the University of
Innsbruck. At his University, Professor Köchler also
was Chairman of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft
und Politik (Working Group for Sciences and Politics)
from 1971 until 2014. From 1974 until 1988 he was
Member of the Board of Österreichisches College
(Austrian College Society, Vienna) and member of the Program
Committee of European Forum Alpbach.
In 1998 he was Visiting Professor at the
University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). In 2004, he was appointed as Visiting
Professorial Lecturer at the Polytechnic University of the
Philippines, Manila. Following his election as Life Fellow in
2006, he was elected as Co-President of
International Academy for Philosophy
in 2010. From 2019 to
2021 he served as Member of
the University Council of the University of Digital Science
(Berlin). In 2018, he
joined the Faculty of the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy in
Berlin, Germany.
Köchler is
the Founder and President (since 1972) of the International
Progress Organization (I.P.O.), an international
non-governmental organization (NGO) in consultative status
with the United Nations and with a membership in over 70
countries, representing all continents. He was the founder and
Secretary-General (1973-1977) of Euregio Alpina, a transnational planning
group for the Alpine region,
predecessor of the concept of the "Euro Regions" in the
framework of the European Union. In the early 1970s, Köchler
took part in the debates of the "Praxis Circle"
and reached out to philosophers in Yugoslavia and
Czechoslovakia in an early effort towards dialogue beyond political
and ideological boundaries.
During the 1970s and 1980s
he also
participated in the international phenomenological
movement and organized several conferences and colloquia on the phenomenology of the life-world.
He was the
organizer of the Eighth International Phenomenological
Conference in Salzburg (1980), and is the co-founder of the
Austrian Society of Phenomenology. During the 1970s, he
cooperated with Cardinal Karol Wojtyła of Krakow,
later to become Pope John Paul II, within
the framework of the International Society for Phenomenology. He published the
first comment articles on the future Pope’s anthropological
Since 1988 Professor
Köchler has served as Coordinator of the International
Committee for Palestinian Human Rights (ICPHR). He was
co-founder of the European Ombudsman Institute in 1988.
1991 until 2004 he was
Vice-Chairman of the Jamahir Society for Culture and
Philosophy and Chairman of the Society's Editorial Board.
From 1997 to 2000 he served as member of
the International Advisory Panel of the Center for
Civilizational Dialogue at the University of Malaya (Kuala
Lumpur). From 2006 to 2016 he was a member of the
International Co-ordinating Committee of the World
Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" (Moscow and
Vienna). From 1997 to 2004 he acted as Convenor (Austria) of the
International Movement for a Just World (JUST), since 2004 he
has been member of the movement's International Advisory
He is Coordinator of the Vienna Center for Global Dialogue
(2015), a founding member of "The Cultural Meeting of East and
West: The Occident and Islam − International Association of
Scholars" (Boston, USA, 2005), a member of the Advisory
Board of Co-existence of Civilizations (Denmark, 2006),
of the Editorial Board of the international
academic journal Hekmat va Falsafeh (Wisdom and
Philosophy), published by the Philosophy Department of Allameh
Tabatabaii University, Iran (2005), of the Advisory Board
of the Indian Yearbook for International Law and Policy
(2010), of the Advisory Committee of the Indian Journal of
Politics (1986), of the Editorial Board of Culture and
Dialogue (2010), of the Advisory Board of the Institute
for Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, 2010),
the Editorial
Board of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Bulletin on International Relations
(since 2014),
of the Editorial
Board of WISDOM: Journal of the International Research
Institute for Metaphilosophy, Transformational Logic and
Theory of Argumentation (since 2014), and of
the Editorial Advisory Board of the International
Journal of Public Diplomacy Research (since 2024). From 2000-2006 he served as member of the Doctoral Grants Committee of the
Austrian Academy of Sciences.
served in several committees and expert groups dealing with
issues of international democracy, human rights and
development such as the Research Network on Transnational
Democracy sponsored by the European Commission (1994-1996);
the Council of Europe's Expert Group on Democratic
Citizenship (1998-2000); the
of the NGO Committee on Development at the
United Nations Center in Vienna (1994-); the Council of Europe's Expert Group on
Democratic Citizenship (1998-2000); the Advisory Board
of the Center for Balanced Development, USA (1999-2002);
the International Advisory Council
of the Committee for a Democratic United Nations, Germany
(2003-2008); the Asia-Europe Foundation’s expert meeting on
Cultural, Religious and Social Conceptions of Justice in Asia
& Europe (Singapore, 2004); the International
Advisory Board of the "Youth for the Alliance of
Civilizations" Initiative, established by the Islamic
Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation (2007-);
the Award Committee of the "Global Dialogue Prize" (Denmark)
publication list contains more than 900
books, reports and scholarly articles in several languages (Albanian, Arabic,
Armenian, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Icelandic, Italian,
Japanese, Korean,
Persian, Russian, Serbo-Croat, Slovak, Spanish, Thai, Turkish).
He is the general
editor of the Studies in International Relations (Vienna). His
publications deal with issues of phenomenology, existential
philosophy, anthropology, human rights,
philosophy of law, theory of international law, international
criminal law, United Nations reform, theory of democracy,
etc. Among his major works are: "Skepsis und
Gesellschaftskritik im Denken Martin Heideggers"
(Skepticism and Social Critique in the Thought of Martin
Heidegger), 1978; "Phenomenological Realism," 1986; "Philosophie
– Recht – Politik"
(Philosophy –
Law – Politics), 1985; "The Voting Procedure in
the United Nations Security Council," 1991; "Democracy and the
International Rule of Law," 1995;
"Neue Wege der Demokratie" (New Avenues of
Democracy), 1998; "Humanitarian Intervention in the Context of Modern
Power Politics," 2001;
"Global Justice or Global Revenge? International Criminal Law
at the Crossroads," 2003. Professor Köchler
is the editor of volumes such as "The Crisis of Representative
Democracy," 1987; "Terrorism and National Liberation," 1988;
"The United Nations and International Democracy," 1995;
"Transplantationsmedizin und personale Identität"
(Transplantation Medicine and Personal Identity),
2001; "Human and Peoples' Rights – Asia and the
World," 2002; "The Iraq Crisis and the United Nations,"
2004; "The Use of Force in International Relations," 2006. He is the organizer of major
international conferences in the fields of democracy, human
rights, terrorism, and conflict resolution, among them the
"International Conference on the Question of Terrorism" in
Geneva (1987) and the "Second International Conference On A
More Democratic United Nations" (CAMDUN-2) at the Vienna
headquarters of the United Nations (1991). In 1996 he acted as
Chairman of the final session and co-ordinator of the Drafting
Committee of the "International Conference on Democracy and
Terrorism" in New Delhi. In March 2002 he delivered the
Fourteenth Centenary Lecture at the Supreme Court of the
Philippines on "The United Nations, the International Rule of
Law and Terrorism." On 1
September 2004 he delivered the Foundation Day Speech at
Mindanao State University, Islamic City of Marawi, on "The
Dialogue of Civilizations and the Future of World Order."
Through his research
and international activities, Professor Köchler
made major contributions to the debate on international
democracy and United Nations reform, in particular reform of
the Security Council. This was acknowledged by international
figures such as the German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel. In
1985, Professor Köchler organized the first major colloquium
on "Democracy in International Relations" on the occasion of
the 40th anniversary of the United Nations in New York. With
Irish Nobel Laureate Seán MacBride he initiated the Appeal by
Lawyers against Nuclear War, which set in motion an
international campaign that eventually led to a General
Assembly resolution and the issuing of an
advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice. As
President of the I.P.O., he dealt with the humanitarian issues
of the exchange of prisoners of war between Iran and Iraq and
with the issue of Kuwaiti POWs and missing people in Iraq.
Since 1972, UN Secretaries-General in their statements
subsequently acknowledged Professor Köchler’s contributions to
international peace. In April 2000, Secretary-General Kofi
Annan appointed Professor Köchler as international observer at
the Scottish Court in the Netherlands (Lockerbie Trial). In
the framework of his international activities, he co-operated
with numerous international figures such as the Founder
President of Senegal, Léopold Sédar Senghor,
and the Indian novelist Mulk Raj Anand on the issue of
civilizational dialogue; Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan
and Cardinal Franz König of Austria on
Islamic-Christian understanding; Indian President Gyani Zail
Singh on issues of international peace; and the
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, Hilario G.
Davide, Jr., on matters of international criminal justice.
Professor Köchler is
the recipient of numerous honours and awards such as the badge of honour of the Austrian College Society (Österreichisches
College); the
award "Apostle of International Understanding" (Unity
International Foundation, India);
the Honorary Medal of the International Peace Bureau (Geneva); the Honorary Medal of the
Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Manila); the Royal Datoship
of the Sultanate of Marawi (Muslim Mindanao); the Medal of
David the Invincible (Armenian Philosophical Academy); and the
Gusi Peace Prize. On 18 October 2003,
Koechler Political and Philosophical Society was
established in the Philippines. On 1 September 2004,
Hans Koechler Center for Civilizational Dialogue was
announced at Mindanao State University. On the occasion
of his 60th birthday, a celebratory volume on "Power and
Justice in International Relations: Interdisciplinary
Approaches to Global Challenges" was published in honor
of Hans Köchler.



About Hans Köchler
