Innsbruck, Imperial Hofburg Palace, 2 June 1971

Hans Köchler (at podium) delivers the welcoming address.

Hans Köchler (right) addresses the opening session of the International
Conference on the European Vocation of the Alpine Region at the Hofburg
Palace in Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria (2 June 1971). From left (first row): Dr.
Alois Lugger, Lord Mayor of Innsbruck; Dr. Lujo Tončić-Sorinj, Secretary-General
of the Council of Europe; Mr. Eduard Wallnöfer, Governor of Tyrol; Dr. Philipp
Held, Minister of Justice of Bavaria (Germany); Austrian Archduke Dr. Otto von Habsburg;
Dr. Fritz Prior, Deputy Governor of Tyrol; Professor Emerich Coreth SJ, Rector of
the University of Innsbruck; Dr. Rudolf Kathrein, Head of the Office of the
Tyrolean Government. Second row (third from left): Professor Felix Ermacora of
the University of Vienna, member of the United Nations Commission on Human
Prior to the foundation of the I.P.O. in 1972, Hans Koechler initiated the transnational movement in the Alpine region
(1971), to be
followed by the establishment of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Alpenländer (Working
Group of Alpine Provinces) in 1972 and the Euregio Alpina in 1973. This
initative led to the formation of trans-border regions in Europe, an idea later
to be incorporated into the framework of the European Union under the title of
the Euro Regions. The promotion of transnational co-operation has
been one of the driving forces behind the initiatives of the founder of the

» Panelists of Session II
» Participants of Session III

» Governor's Luncheon at Hotel

» Mayoral reception at Hofburg
» Newspaper article "Innsbruck soll Zentrum der Alpenregion

» Editorial by Hans Köchler
"Die europäische Aufgabe der Alpenregion" (1972)

» Euregio Alpina (1973)
