Österreichisches College, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik an
der Universität Innsbruck
College Society, Working Group for Sciences and Politics at the University of
The Austrian College Society (Österreichisches
College) was the organizer of the annual European Forum Alpbach
(since 1945). The Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und
Politik (Working Group for Sciences and Politics) served as the
Innsbruck branch (College-Gemeinschaft Innsbruck) of
Österreichisches College.
Innsbruck Lectures
organized by Hans Köchler

Lecture series I: "Martin Heidegger −
Zur Diagnose unserer Zeit" [Martin Heidegger − Diagnosis of Our Time] (Winter
Semester 1968/69)

Lecture Series II: "Metaphysik und
Wissenschaft" [Metaphysics and Science] (Summer Semester
Lecture Series III: "Philosophie und
Einzelwissenschaften" [Philosophy and the Positive Sciences] (1969/70)

Lecture Series IV: "Wissenschaft und
Besinnung − Theorie und Praxis" [Science and Reflection − Theory and
Practice] (1970/71)

-- under the auspices of the President of the
Republic of Austria, Dr. h.c. Franz Jonas --
Lecture Series V: "Wissenschaft und
Gesellschaft" [Science and Society] (1971/72)

Interdisciplinary Seminar:
"Grenzfragen zwischen Philosophie und Psychologie"
[Borderline Questions between Philosophy and
Psychology] (Summer Semester 1971)

on European integration (1971-1973):
"Die europäische Aufgabe der Alpenregion" [The European
Vocation of the Alpine Region] (2-3 June 1971)

"Österreich und die EWG" [Austria and the European Economic
Community] (2-3 June 1972)

"Arbeitskräftefluktuation im Alpenraum" [Manpower Turnover
in the Alpine Region] (12 October 1973)

Seminars on political philosophy

"Theorie der praktischen Demokratie" [Theory of Practical
Democracy ] (academic year 1975/1976)
"Repräsentation" [Representation] (academic year 1981/1982)

"Autonomie" [Autonomy] (academic year 1985/1986)

Selected papers of lecture series IV have been
published in: Hans Köchler (ed.), Philosophie und Politik:
Dokumentation eines interdisziplinären Seminars. Veröffentlichungen der
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik, III. Innsbruck: AWP, 1973. The
papers of the conference "Die europäische Aufgabe der Alpenregion" have been
published in Volume I of that series (Innsbruck: AWP, 1972).

Seminar Co-ordinator, Austrian College Society, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Martin Heidegger und die Seinsgeschichte
Heidegger and the History of Being]
20 January 1969 |
Seminar Co-ordinator, Austrian College Society, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die Besinnung auf die Technik im
Denken Martin Heideggers
on Technology in Martin Heidegger's Thought]
3 February 1969 |
Prof. DDr. Emerich CORETH, SJ,
Chair, Department of Christian Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Das Gottesproblem bei Martin
[God in the Thought of
Martin Heidegger]
February 1969 |
Associate Prof. Dr. Reinhard
Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die Problematik existentieller
Metaphysik aus wissenschaftskritischer Sicht
Problem of Existential Metaphysics as Seen from Critical Science]
17 February 1969 |
Prof. Dr. Otto MUCK, SJ,
Department of Christian Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die Bedeutung der
transzendentalen Methode in der Grundlegung der Metaphysik
Relevance of the Transcendental Method for the Foundation of Metaphysics]
19 May 1969 |
Associate Prof. Dr. Rudolf
Chairman of the Innsbruck Branch of the Austrian College Society, Innsbruck, Austria
Metaphysik und Wissenschaft −
Problem einer Synthese
and Science − The Problem of a Synthesis]
26 May 1969 |
DDr. Walter
Scheier, University Assistant, Department of Christian Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die daseinsanalytische Forschungsrichtung
in der Psychiatrie
[Existential Analysis in Psychiatric Research]
2 June 1969 |
Prof. DDr. Emerich CORETH, SJ,
Chair, Department of Christian Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die Grundlegungsproblematik der
Metaphysik − Der metaphysische Charakter der Reflexion über Metaphysik
Problems of Metaphysics − The Metaphysical Aspect of Reflection on
9 June 1969 |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard FREY,
Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die erkenntnistheoretische
Relevanz des Vorwissens: Konsequenzen für die Theorie der
[The Epistemological Relevance of Pre-knowledge:
Implications for the Theory of Natural Science]
16 June 1969 |
Assistant Prof.
Marie-Luise NÄTH, Department of Chinese and East Asian Studies, Freie
Universität Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
China wohin? Die politische Situation in
[Whither China? The Political Situation in
East Asia]
17 June 1969 |
Prof. Dr. Franz SCHUPP, SJ,
Department of Fundamental Theology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Existenzielles Denken und
kritische Theologie
Thought and Critical Theology]
23 June 1969 |
Prof. Dr. Ivo KOHLER,
Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Metaphysische Implikationen
psychologischer Forschung: Die Problematik des "Vorbegriffes" des
Implications of Psychological Research: The Problem of a Prenotion of
Mental Structures]
30 June 1969 |
Prof. Dr. Simon MOSER,
Co-founder and First Vice-President of the Austrian College Society, Department of
Philosophy, University of Technology, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of
Was ist Philosophie?
Is Philosophy?]
31 October 1969 |
Associate Prof. Dr. Roman LIEDL,
Department of Mathematics, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Macht die Mathematik
Mathematics Make Statements about Reality?]
6 November 1969 |
Prof. Dr. Heribert BERGER,
Director, Children's Hospital, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Medizin und Anthropologie
(aufgezeigt an Beispielen)
[Medicine and Anthropology (with
Practical Examples)]
13 November 1969 |
Prof. Dr. Erich HEINTEL,
Chair, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
Philosophie und
[Philosophy and Theory of Science]
November 1969 |
Associate Professor Dr. Rudolf
Chairman, Innsbruck Branch of the Austrian College Society, Austria
Kriterien der
Wissenschaftlichkeit in Philosophie und Einzelwissenschaften
[Criteria of the Scientific Method
in Philosophy and the Positive Sciences]
November 1969
Prof. Dr. Gerhard FREY,
Chair, Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Philosophie und
[Philosophy and
4 December 1969 |
Prof. Dr. Franz SCHUPP, SJ,
Chair, Department of Fundamental Theology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Kritisches Denken und Theologie
Thinking and Theology]
11 December 1969 |
Associate Professor Dr. Hans
Department of Moral Theology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Philosophische und theologische
[Philosophical and
Theological Ethics]
18 December 1969 |
Prof. Dr. Clemens-August ANDREAE,
Chair, Department of Financial Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Wirtschaft und Ethik
[Economy and Ethics]
January 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Franz HAMPL, Chair,
Department of Ancient History, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Hermeneutik aus der kritischen
Sicht des Historikers
[Hermeneutics in the Critical Evaluation of the Historian]
22 January 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Eugen THURNHER, Chair,
Department of German Literature, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die Relevanz der
Literaturwissenschaft für eine Universalphilosophie
[The Relevance of Literary Science for Universal Philosophy]
29 January 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Heinz JANETSCHEK,
Chair, Department of Zoology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Kausalität und Finalität in der
[Causality and
Finality in Biology]
2 February 1970 |
Prof. Dr. René MARCIC, Chair, Department
of Philosophy of Law and State, University of Salzburg, Austria
Philosophische Begründung des
Rechts bei Hegel und Heidegger
Foundations of Law in Hegel and Heidegger]
February 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg GADAMER,
Department of Philosophy, University of Heidelberg, Federal Republic of
Die Wahrheitsfrage in der
[The Question of Truth in
February 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Margret DIETRICH,
Department of Theater, University of Vienna, Austria
Theoretische Relationen zwischen
Theaterwissenschaft und Philosophie
Relations between Theater Science and Philosophy]
February 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Otto MUCK, SJ,
Department of Christian Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die Bedeutung der
naturwissenschaftlichen Methodik für die Philosophie
[The Relevance of
the Methodology of Natural Science for Philosophy]
2 April 1970 |
Associate Prof. Dr. Reinhard
Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die Bedeutung der Logik für die
philosophische Forschung
Relevance of Logic for Philosophical Research]
9 April 1970 |
Associate Prof. Dr. Günther BUCK, University of
Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany
Die philosophische Grundlegung
der Pädagogik
[The Philosophical Foundation of Educational Science]
16 April 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Zdzislaw KOCHANSKI,
Department of Philosophy, University of Cracow, Poland
Zur Wissenschaftstheorie der
Questions of Biology]
23 April 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Ferdinand CAP,
Chair, Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Das Wesen der Naturgesetze
Essence of Natural Laws]
30 April 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Emerich CORETH, SJ,
Chair, Department of Christian Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Hermeneutik als philosophisches
[Hermeneutics as a Problem of
7 May
1970 |
Prof. Dr. Josef KOLB, Chair, Department
of Experimental Physics, Dean, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Grundsätzliches zu
physikalischen Methoden
Remarks on the Methods of Physics]
14 May
1970 |
Prof. Dr. Ivo KOHLER,
Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
21 May
1970 |
Prof. Dr. Friedrich NOWAKOWSKI,
Department of Criminology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Philosophische Begründung des
[Philosophical Foundation of
Criminal Law?]
26 May
1970 |
Prof. Dr. Max MÜLLER, Chair, Department
of Philosophy I, University of Munich, Germany
Wissenschaft und Denken − Zu einer These Martin Heideggers
[Science and Thought − On a Thesis of Martin
4 June
1970 |
Prof. Dr. Bernhard RENSCH,
Chair, Department of Zoology, University of Münster, Federal Republic of Germany
8 June
1970 |
Prof. Dr. Paul WATZLAWICK,
Mental Research Institute (MRI) and Stanford University, Palo Alto, California,
Vom Mythos der Wirklichkeit − Psychiatrische und philosophische Aspekte
[The Myth of "Reality" − Aspects
of Psychiatry and Philosophy]
June 1970 |
Associate Prof. Dr. Armin MOHLER,
Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Innsbruck; University of Munich,
Federal Republic of Germany
Philosophie und
Politikwissenschaft − Eine geistesgeschichtliche Untersuchung
and Political Science − An Investigation into the History of Ideas]
17 June 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Gotthard GÜNTHER,
University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., USA
Die philosophischen Grundlagen
der Mehrwertigkeitstheorien
Philosophical Foundations of Multiple Value Theories]
June 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Johannes Baptist LOTZ,
SJ, Pontifical University Gregoriana, Rome, Italy
Das Sein bei Thomas von Aquin
und Martin Heidegger
[Being in the
Thought of Thomas Aquinas and Martin Heidegger]
1 July
1970 |
Dr. Josef KLAUS, Former
Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Vienna, Austria
Philosophie und Politik − Denken und Handeln
[Philosophy and Politics − Thinking and
October 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Helmut KUHN,
Rector of the University of Political Science (Munich), former Chair,
Department of Philosophy I, University of Munich, Federal Republic of Germany
Die theoretischen Grundlagen
politischer Praxis
[The Theoretical
Foundations of Political Practice]
October 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Franz HAMPL, Chair,
Department of Ancient History, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Geschichtswissenschaft und Ethik
[Historical Science and Ethics]
November 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Ernst TOPITSCH,
Chair, Department of Philosophy, University of Graz, Austria
Zur wissenschaftlichen Kritik der
Scientific Critique of University Reform]
November 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Robert MUTH, Chair, Department
of Classical Philology, Vice-Rector, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die Hermeneutik aus der Sicht
der Klassischen Philologie
under the Viewpoint of Classical Philology]
November 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl RAHNER, SJ,
Department of History of Dogmatic Theology , University of Münster,
Federal Republic of Germany
Die Theologie im
interdisziplinären Gespräch
[Theology in
Interdisciplinary Dialogue]
November 1970 |
Prof. Dr. Clemens-August ANDREAE,
Department of Financial Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Wirtschaftswissenschaft und
sozialistische Gesellschaftsmodelle
Science and Socialist Models of Society]
January 1971 |
Assistant Prof. Dr. Edgar
Department of Philosophy, University of Salzburg, Austria
Philosophische Begründung von
Foundation of Legal Norms?]
21 January 1971 |
Chair, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Innsbruck,
Phänomenologie und
[Phenomenology and
Literary Science]
January 1971 |
Dr. Christian BRODA, Federal
Minister of Justice of Austria, Vienna, Austria
Die österreichische
[The Reform of Austrian
Criminal Law]
February 1971 |
Dr. Bohumil VALEHRACH, Slovak
Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
Die Leninsche Abbildtheorie und
die moderne Erkenntnistheorie
[Lenin's Theory of Reflection {"Copy
Theory"} and Modern Epistemology]
(scheduled for) 11 February 1971
[The lecture had to be cancelled due to political circumstances.] |
Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, Vienna, Austria
Ethik und Aussenpolitik
[Ethics and Foreign Policy]
February 1971 |
Alfons DALMA,
Editor-in-Chief, Radio and Television, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF), Vienna, Austria
Moderne Gesellschaft und die Information
durch Massenmedien
[Modern Society and Dissemination of Information
through Mass Media]
February 1971 |
Dr. Hertha FIRNBERG, Federal
Minister of Science and Research of Austria, Vienna, Austria
Probleme der Wissenschaftspolitik
[Problems of Science Policy]
22 April 1971 (postponed) |
Ambassador Dr. Wilhelm GREDLER,
Ambassador of Austria to the Federal Republic of Germany, Bonn,
Federal Republic of Germany
Theorie und Praxis der
europäischen Integration
[Theory and
Practice of European Integration]
4 May
1971 |
Associate Prof. Dr. Heinz
PROKOP, Clinic of Psychiatry, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Neurosen von Hochschülern und
[Neurotic Illnesses in
Students and University Graduates]
7 May
1971 |
Prof. DDr. Wolfgang STEGMÜLLER,
Chair, Department of Philosophy II, University of Munich, Federal Republic
of Germany
Das Problem der Induktion − Humes Herausforderung und moderne Antworten
[The Problem of Induction − Hume's
Challenge and Modern Answers]
17 May
1971 |
Prof. Dr. Rudi SUPEK,
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Praxis, University of Zagreb,
Theorie und Praxis des
selbstverwaltenden Sozialismus
[Theory and Practice of
Self-administered Socialism]
19 May
1971 |
Dr. Dr. Günther NENNING,
Editor-in-Chief, "Neues Forum," Vienna, Austria
Das autoritäre Moment in der
westlichen Gesellschaft
Authoritarian Element in Western Society]
26 May 1971 |
Acting Chairman, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik
/ Working Group for Sciences and Politics, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Grenzfragen zwischen Philosophie und
[Borderline Questions between Philosophy and
28 May 1971 |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang WIESER,
Chair, Department of Zoology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die Komplexität der Biologie
Complexity of Biology]
16 June 1971 |
Prof. DDr. Leo GABRIEL, Chair, Department
of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
Wissenschaft und Denken
[Science and Thought]
June 1971 |
Prof. Dr. Ignaz ZANGERLE,
National Commissioner for Popular Education , Innsbruck, Austria
"Zeit und Stunde" − Der Weg des "Brenner"
["Time and Moment" − The Development of the
"Brenner" Journal]
June 1971 |
Prof. Dr. Hans R. KLECATSKY, former
Minister of Justice of Austria, Chair, Department of Public Law,
University of Innsbruck, Austria
Können in unserer Zeit große Rechtsreformen
noch gelingen?
[Will Major Judicial Reforms Be Successful in
Our Time?]
29 June 1971
Prof. Dr. Hans ALBERT,
Department of Philosophy, University of Mannheim, Federal Republic of
Rationalität und Gesellschaft
[Rationality and Society]
1 July
1971 |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard FREY,
Chair, Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Methodenprobleme interdisziplinärer
Problems of Interdisciplinary Exchange]
21 October 1971 |
Chairman, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die philosophische Begründung des
Rechts bei René Marčić
[The Philosophical Foundation of Law according
to René Marčić]
28 October 1971 |
Prof. Dr. Siegfried MASER,
Hochschule für Bildende Künste [School of
Fine Arts], Chair for System and Planning Theory, Braunschweig, Federal
Republic of Germany
Probleme einer
wissenschaftlichen Ästhetik
[Problems of
Scientific Esthetics]
4 November 1971 |
Dr. Herbert SALCHER,
Deputy Governor of Tyrol, Innsbruck, Austria
Regionalplanung in Tirol
Planning in Tyrol]
11 November 1971 |
Dr. Carl H. BOBLETER, former
Secretary of State (Foreign Affairs), Permanent Representative of Austria
to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris
Das Umweltproblem in der Sicht
der OECD
[The Problem of the Environment
As Seen by the OECD]
November 1971 |
Prof. Dr. Michael MARLET, SJ, Chair
of Philosophy of Religion, University of Innsbruck (Austria), and
Professor, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Marxismus zwischen Christentum und
between Christian Religion and Existentialism]
20 January 1972 |
Prof. Dr. Yehoshua BAR-HILLEL,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Carnaps Philosophie der Sprache
Philosophy of Language]
26 January 1972 |
Otto MOLDEN, Founder and
President of the Austrian College Society / European Forum Alpbach, Vienna, Austria
Theorie und Praxis am Beispiel
des internationalen Experiments von Alpbach
[Theory and Practice as
Exemplified in the International Experiment of Alpbach]
18 February 1972 |
Dr. Georg SIEBER,
Psychologist, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany
Führungsideologien − Aufbau und
Funktion sogenannter Führungsmodelle
[Leadership Ideologies −
Structure and Function of So-called Leadership Models]
5 May 1972 |
Prof. Dr. Felix ERMACORA,
former Chairman of the United Nations Human Rights Commission, Member of
the Austrian Parliament, Vienna, Austria
Wissenschaft und Politik
and Politics]
17 May 1972 |
Prof. Dr. Guy HÉRAUD,
University of Strasbourg, France
Ein Europa der Völker?
Europe of Peoples?]
23 May 1972 |
Prof. Dr. Stephan KÖRNER,
Editor of the philosophical journal Ratio, University of Bristol,
Bristol, United Kingdom
Struktur und Funktion
wissenschaftlicher Theorien
and Function of Scientific Theories]
25 May 1972 |
Prof. Dr. Hans BENDER,
Director, Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie [Institute for
Frontier Areas of Psychology], Professor at the University of Freiburg,
Freiburg im Breisgau, Federal Republic of Germany
Telepathie, Hellsehen und
Psychokinese als wissenschaftliche Grenzfragen
Clairvoyance and Psychokinesis as Frontier Areas of Science]
5 June 1972 |
Assistant Prof. Dr. Wilhelm VOSSENKUHL,
President of "Internationale Jugendlandsgemeinde" (Zurich), Philosophical
Seminar I, University of Munich, Federal Republic of Germany
Die europäische Alternative
European Alternative]
12 June 1972 |
Prof. Dr. Johannes ERBEN,
Chair, Department of German Literature, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Probleme der Sprachwissenschaft
Problems of Linguistic Science]
19 June 1972 |
Prof. Dr. Vagn BÖRGE,
of German Literature, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Georg Brandes, der Entdecker Nietzsches
[Georg Brandes, the Discoverer of Nietzsche]
4 July 1972 |
Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, Chairman,
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik an der Universität Innsbruck;
Co-founder, International Progress Organization, Innsbruck, Austria
Kulturelles Selbstverständnis und
Koexistenz: Voraussetzungen für einen fundamentalen Dialog
[Cultural Self-comprehension and Co-existence:
Preconditions for a Fundamental Dialogue]
19 October 1972 |
Prof. Dr. Vagn BÖRGE,
of German Literature, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Brecht in Dänemark
[Brecht in Denmark]
February 1973 |
Mr. Nikolaus BERWANGER,
Editor-in-Chief, "Neue Banater Zeitung," Temeswar / Timişoara, Romania
Die Deutschen im Westen Rumäniens
[The Germans in Western Romania]
17 May 1973 |
Prof. Dr. Helmuth PLESSNER,
Professor emeritus of Sociology, University of Göttingen, Germany
Neue Fragen an die Sonderstellung des
Menschen in der Natur
[New Questions about the Special Position of
Man in Nature]
4 June 1973 |
Manès SPERBER, Author, Paris,
Täter und Tat − Erwägungen zum Problem der
Machtausübung und der Freiheit in der heutigen Gesellschaft
[Offender and Offense − Considerations on
Freedom and the Exercise of Power in Contemporary Society]
June 1973 |
Prof. Dr. Dagfin FØLLESDAL,
of Philosophy, University of Oslo, Norway
Hauptströmungen der
Trends of Contemporary Philosophy]
21 November 1973 |
Prof. Dr. Hans R. KLECATSKY,
former Minister of Justice of Austria, Chair, Department of Public Law, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Verfassung und
Verfassungswirklichkeit in Österreich
and Constitutional Reality in Austria]
20 May 1974 |
Prof. Dr. Otto Friedrich BOLLNOW,
University of Tübingen, Germany
Das Problem der Beschreibung
[The Problem of Description]
11 June 1974 |
Prof. Dr. H. ASPERGER,
Director, Children's Hospital, University of Vienna, Austria
Die Biologische Grundlegung der
[The Biological Foundations of Authority]
20 June 1974
Dr. Bernhard VOGEL, Minister
of Culture of the State Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz, Federal Republic of
Probleme der deutschen
[Problems of University
Politics in Germany]
22 May
1975 |
Prof. Dr. Peter PERNTHALER, Chairman,
Department of Politics and Public Law, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Theorie der praktischen Demokratie
[Theory of Practical Democracy]
28 October 1975 |
Mr. Shibib AL-MALIKI,
Secretary-General, Union of Arab Jurists, Baghdad, Iraq
Arab Unity and the Role of Law
25 November 1975 |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard KNAUSS, Department of
Philosophy, University of Saarbrücken, Federal Republic of
Zirkularität und Selbstbezug
[Circularity and Self-referential Structures]
2 February 1977 |
Mr. Kadhim Jawad,
Director of the International Press
Office, Ministry of Information,
Message to the European Intellectuals
23 February 1977
Prof. Dr. Rudi SUPEK,
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Praxis, University of Zagreb,
Ist Sozialismus ohne wirtschaftliche
Demokratie möglich?
[Is Socialism Possible without
Economic Democracy?]
25 April 1977 |
Prof. Dr. Reinhard KAMITZ,
Department of Philosophy, Freie Universität Berlin, Federal Republic of
Was kann die Evidenztheorie zur
Überwindung von Skepsis, Relativismus und Subjektivismus leisten?
[How Can Evidence Theory Contribute
to Overcoming Skepticism, Relativism and Subjectivism?]
25 May 1977 |
Mr. Abdul Jabar SHERIF,
Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Iraq, Vienna Die
kurdische Autonomie im Irak [Kurdish Auronomy in Iraq] 13
December 1977
Dr. Ghasi HUSSAIN, Permanent
Representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Austria
Die politische Entwicklung der
[The Political Development
of the Palestine Question]
1978 |
Prof. Dr. Henri LAUENER,
of Philosophy, University of Berne, Switzerland
Ontologie aus analytischer Sicht
Analytical View of Ontology]
31 May 1979 |
Associate Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER,
Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Die phänomenologische Anthropologie von
Karol Wojtyła
[The Phenomenological Anthropology of Karol
12 June 1979 |
Prof. Dr. Kurt Rudolf FISCHER,
Millersville College, Pennsylvania, USA
Über den Wiener Kreis
the Vienna Circle]
6 November 1979 |
Prof. Dr. Adam SCHAFF,
Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Die Entfremdung der Revolution [The
Alienation of the Revolution]
16 January 1980 |
Associate Prof. Dr. Peter
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
Vom politischen Engagement zur Ethik:
Frankreichs Nouvelle Philosophie [From Political Activism to
Ethics: The nouvelle philosophie in France]
23 January 1980 |
Prof. Dr. Irfan Abd Al-Hameed
Chair, Department
of Philosophy, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Approaches to the Study of
Arab-Islamic Thought
26 March 1980 |
Prof. Dr. Norbert LESER,
of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
Marx und Freud als
and Freud as Social Philosophers]
19 January 1981 |
Dr. Jayandra SONI (India),
International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria
Some Aspects of Indian Philosophy
26 January 1981 |
Prof. Dr. Peter PERNTHALER, Department
of Politics and Public Law, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Repräsentation (Einführungsvortrag zum Arbeitskreis)
[Representation] (Working group / introductory
9 November 1981 |
Prof. Dr. Arion L. KELKEL,
of Philosophy, University of Grenoble, France
Phänomenologie und Hermeneutik in
kritischer Auseinandersetzung
and Hermeneutics in Critical Discourse]
25 May 1982 |
Prof. Dr. Hermann KLENNER,
Central Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the German
Democratic Republic, Berlin, German Democratic Republic
Menschenrechte und Frieden
Rights and Peace]
November 1982 |
Prof. Dr. Hans ALBERT,
Department of Philosophy, University of Mannheim, Federal Republic of
Der Positivismusstreit und das
Problem der Einheit der Sozialwissenschaften
[The "Positivism Dispute" and the
Problem of the Unity of Social Science]
10 June 1983 |
Associate Prof. Dr. Wilhelm
Department of Philosophy I, University of Munich, Federal Republic of
Naturalismus versus
Anti-Naturalismus, ein ethisches Dilemma
[Naturalism versus Anti-naturalism:
an Ethical Dilemma]
29 November 1983 |
Prof. Dr. Karl ACHAM,
Department of Sociology, University of Graz, Austria
Formen und Funktionen von Utopien
[Form and Function of Utopian
24 May 1984 |
Prof. Dr. Werner MAIHOFER,
President, European University Institute, Florence (Italy); former
Minister of Interior of the Federal Republic of Germany
Die Genesis der Rechtstheorien
Genesis of Theories of Law]
21 November 1984 |
Prof. Dr. Klaus KÜNKEL,
Vice-President, Technische Universität Berlin [University of Technology],
Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Die Aktualität Wilhelm von
Humboldts für die moderne Universität
Relevance of Wilhelm von Humboldt's Thought for the Modern University]
13 January 1986 |
Prof. Dr. Franjo ZENKO,
of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Yugoslavia
Fundamentalphilosophie und Protophysik: Die
Kraft bei J. R. Boskovitch
[Fundamental Philosophy and
Protophysics: Energy according to J. R. Boskovitch]
23 October 1989 |
Prof. Dr. Michael BENEDIKT,
of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
Der zeitliche Horizont von
Halbwelt: Zu Heideggers Übergang vom Zeug zum Ding
Temporal Horizon of Demi-monde: On the Heideggerian Transition from
"Tool" {Zeug} to "Thing"]
13 November 1989 |
Dr. Daniela G. CAMHY,
of Philosophy, University of Graz, Austria
Philosophieren mit Kindern
[Philosophizing with Children]
21 June 1990 |
Dr. Herlinde
Department of Philosophy, University of Salzburg, Austria
Prinzipien und Verantwortung: Defizite der
zeitgenössischen Moraltheorie
[Principles and Responsibility: Deficits of
Contemporary Moral Theory]
14 January 1991 |
Dr. Peter MALINA,
Department of Contemporary History, University of Vienna, Austria
"Euthanasie" als soziale Waffe: Zur
Geschichte der medzinischen Verfolgung im Nationalsozialismus
[Euthanasia as a Social Weapon: Remarks on
the History of Medical Persecution in the National Socialist Era]
14 January 1991 |