Selected publications
available from the author
Die europäische Aufgabe der Alpenregion.
Dokumentation eines internationalen Symposions.
Innsbruck: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und
Politik, 1972, 110 pages.
Phenomenological Realism.
Selected Essays. Frankfurt a.M. / Bern / New York:
Peter Lang, 1986, ISBN 3-8204-8794-8, 101 pages.
The Concept of
Monotheism in Islam and Christianity. Vienna:
Braumüller, 1982, ISBN 3-7003-0339-4, 135 pages.
Philosophie − Recht − Politik. Abhandlungen zur politischen Philosophie und
zur Rechtsphilosophie. Vienna / New York: Springer,
1985, ISBN 3-211-81899-5, 112 pages.
The Crisis of
Representative Democracy. Frankfurt a.M. / Bern /
New York, 1987, ISBN 3-8204-8843-X, 306 pages.
Terrorism and
National Liberation. Proceedings of the International
Conference on the Question of Terrorism. Frankfurt
a.M. / Bern / New York, 1988, ISBN 3-8204-1217-4, 316
pages (Studies in International Relations, XIII).
Politik und Theologie bei
Heidegger. Politischer Aktionismus und theologische
Mystik nach "Sein und Zeit." Innsbruck:
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik, 1991,
ISBN 3-900719-02-0, 54 pages.
The United Nations
Sanctions Policy & International Law. Penang,
Malaysia: Just World Trust, 1995, ISBN 983-9861-03-4, 47 pages.
Democracy and the
International Rule of Law. Propositions for an
Alternative World Order. Selected Papers Published on
the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United
Nations. Vienna / New York, 1995, ISBN
3-211-82764-1, 170 pages.
The United Nations
and International Democracy. Vienna: Jamahir Society
for Culture and Philosophy, 1995, ISBN 3-901318-00-3,
129 pages.
Democracy and an
Alternative World Order. Vienna: Jamahir Society for
Culture and Philosophy, 1996, ISBN 3-901318-02-X, 86
Neue Wege der Demokratie.
Demokratie im globalen Spannungsfeld von Machtpolitik
und Rechtstaatlichkeit. Vienna /New York: Springer,
1998, ISBN 3-211-83091-X, 182 pages.
(ed. / with Gudrun Grabher)
Civilizations − Conflict or Dialogue? Vienna:
International Progress Organization, 1999, ISBN
3-900704-18-X, 97 pages (Studies in International
Relations, Vol. XXIV).
Globality versus
Democracy? The Changing Nature of International
Relations in the Era of Globalization. Vienna:
International Progress Organization, 2000, ISBN
3-900704-19-8, 231 pages (Studies in International
Relations, Vol. XXV).
Humanitarian Intervention
in the Context of Modern Power Politics. Vienna:
International Progress Organization, 2001, ISBN
3-900704-20-1, 62 pages (Studies in International
Relations, Vol. XXVI).
(ed. / with Jason Subler)
The Lockerbie Trial. Documents Related to the I.P.O.
Observer Mission. Vienna: International Progress
Organization, 2002, ISBN 3-900704-21-X, 165 pages (Studies
in International Relations, Vol. XXVII).
Human and Peoples'
Rights – Asia and
the World. Vienna: Jamahir Society for Culture and
Philosophy, 2002, ISBN 3-901318-12-7, 123 pages.
Manila Lectures 2002.
Terrorism and the Quest for a Just World Order.
Manila: FSJ Book World, 2002, ISBN 0-9710791-2-9, 126
Global Justice or Global
Revenge? International Criminal Justice at the
Crossroads. Vienna/New York: Springer, 2003, ISBN
3-211-00795-4, ix + 449 pages.
The Iraq Crisis
and the United Nations. Power Politics vs. the
International Rule of Law. Vienna: International
Progress Organization, 2004, ISBN 3-900704-22-8, 105
Muslim-Christian Ties in
Europe. Past, Present & Future. Penang (Malaysia):
Citizens International, 2004, ISBN 983-41938-6-6, 24
The Use of Force
in International Relations. Challenges to Collective
Security. Vienna: International Progress
Organization, 2006, ISBN 3-900704-23-6, 237 pages.
(Fatemah Remedios C.
Balbin, ed.)
Hans Köchler Bibliography and Reader.
Manila/Innsbruck: Hans Koechler Political and
Philosophical Society, 2007, ISBN 978-3-9001719-04-3, x
+ 216 pages.
The "Global War on
Terror" and the Question of World Order. Vienna:
International Progress Organization, 2008, ISBN
978-3-900704-24-7, 252 pages.
ن ﻭ اﻠﻐﺮﺐ
من ﺍﻟﺼﺮﺍع إﻟﻰ
ﺍﻠﺤوﺍﺮ .
Trans. Hamid Lechhab. Casablanca: Top
2009, ISBN 978-9954-24-078-0, 159 pages.
World Order: Vision and Reality.
Selected Papers Edited by David Armstrong. New
Delhi: Manak, 2009, ISBN 978-81-7831-200-2, xxiii + 564
pages (Studies in International Relations, Vol. XXXI).
Power and
Justice in International Relations: Interdisciplinary
Approaches to Global Challenges
Essays in Honor of Hans Köchler.
Edited by Marie-Luisa Frick and Andreas
Farnham (UK) / Burlington (USA):
Ashgate, 2009, ISBN 978-0-7546-7771-0, xxii + 272 pages.
The Security Council as Administrator of Justice?
Reflections on the Antagonistic Relationship between Power
and Law.
Vienna: International Progress Organization, 2011, ISBN
978-3-900704-25-4, 94 pages (Studies in International
Relations, Vol. XXXII).
Trans. Mohamed Jalid, ed. by Hamid Lechhab. Casablanca:
Top Edition, 2011, ISBN 978-9954-24-589-7.العدالة
الجنائية الدولية في مفترق الطرق:
عـالمية أم انتقــام شـامــل؟
.432 pages
Trans. by Hamid Lechhab. Casablanca: Top Edition, 2012,
ISBN 978-9954-30-685-7, 199 pages.
الشك و نقد المجتمع عند مارتين هيدجر.
العلاقة بين الغرب والمسلمين.. الأسباب والحلول
. Trans. and edited by
Hamid Lechhab. Beirut: Jadawel, 2013, ISBN
978-614-418-172-0, 177 pages.
و نقد المجتمع في فكر مارتين هيدجر.
by Hamid Lechhab.
Beirut: Jadawel, 2013,
ISBN 978-614-418-167-6, 262 pages
(2nd edition).
Force or Dialogue:
Conflicting Paradigms of World Order. Collected Papers
Edited by David Armstrong.
New Delhi: Manak, 2015, ISBN
978-81-7831-396-7, xii + 414 pages (Studies in
International Relations, Vol. XXXIII).
Philosophie in der Lehre:
Philosophischer Almanach zu Beginn des Jahrtausends.
Ausgewählte Lehrveranstaltungsbeschreibungen 2004-2014.
Vienna: AWP, 2018, ISBN
978-3-900719-05-0, 133 pages
Schweizer Vorträge: Texte zu
Völkerrecht und Weltordnung.
Zurich: Verlag Zeit-Fragen, 2019, ISBN 978-3-909234-23-3,
169 pages.
The Saint Petersburg Lectures: Civilization and World
Order: Ed. by David Armstrong. Vienna: International Progress Organization, 2019, ISBN 978-3-900704-26-1,
viii + 120
pages (Studies in International Relations,
Kastellorizo: The Geopolitics of
Maritime Boundaries and the Dysfunctionality of the Law of
the Sea. Vienna: International Progress Organization,
2020, ISBN 978-3-900704-27-8, 106 pages (Studies in
International Relations, XXXV).
The Swiss Lectures: World Order and
the Rule of Law. Zurich:
Verlag Zeit-Fragen, 2021, ISBN
978-3-909234-25-7, 185
Austria, Neutrality and Non-alignment.
Vienna: International Progress Organization, 2021, ISBN 978-3-900704-28-5,
59 pages.
Gespräche: Eine Dialogreihge mit dem österreichischen
Philosophen Hans Köchler für die marokkanische Zeitung
Al-Massa. Moderation: Dr. Hamid Lechhab. Vienna:
International Progress Organization, 2021, ISBN
978-3-900704-30-8, 101 pages.
Challenges and Contradictions of World
Order: A Reader. Vienna:
International Progress Organization, 2022, ISBN
978-3-900704-29-2, 266 pages.
WAR OR PEACE. Vienna: International Progress
Organization, 2023, ISBN 978-3-900704-31-5, ix + 160 pages.
(ed., with Joël
Christoph) Responsibility in International Relations.
Vienna: International Progress Organization, 2024, ISBN
978-3-900704-37-7, xiv + 300 pages.
Humanität und Identität: Zur Krise des postmodernen
Subjektes -- Ein Vortrag.
Vienna: International Progress Organization, 2025, ISBN
978-3-900704-42-1, 27 pages.
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