International Symposion THE EUROPEAN VOCATION OF THE ALPINE REGION organized by Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik Innsbruck, Austria, Hofburg, 2-3 June 1971 Governor's Luncheon at Hotel Europa, Innsbruck, 2 June 1971 At head of table, center: Dr. Fritz Prior, Deputy Governor of Tyrol; at his left: Mr. Hans Köchler, Chairman of the Symposion, Acting Chairman of "Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik;" at his right: Dr. Emerich Coreth SJ, Professor of Christian Philosophy, Rector of Innsbruck University; second from left: Mr. Arthur Haidl, Deputy Mayor of Innsbruck; third from left (partly hidden behind a delegate): Clemens Graf von Podewils, Secretary-General, Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts, Munich; eighth from left: Dr. Salvatore Parigi, Minister in charge of Urban Planning, Regional Government of Lombardia, Milan; far left: Dr. Heinz Prokop, Vice-Chairman of "Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik;" tenth from left: Dr. Robert Muth, Professor of Classical Philology, founding member of European Forum Alpbach. |