Global debate: international terrorism Commentaries and analyses related to Hans Koechler's papers and lectures on terrorism |
Message of the Vice-President and Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines on the occasion of Prof. Koechler's lecture at the Supreme Court, Manila, 12 March 2002 |
Manila Bulletin, Manila, Philippines, 17 March 2002: Defining terrorism (By Dr. Florangel Rosario-Braid) |
Supreme Court of the Philippines, G.R. No. 151445, 11 April 2002: Dissenting Opinion by Justice Kapunan |
University of the Philippines, Manila, UP Forum Online, 17 April 2002: After 9/11, will it be “Clash of Civilizations”? UN observer suggests alternative solution |
University of the Philippines, UP News, 17 June 2002: Talking Peace: UP Alumni Council Meeting |
Defense College Gazette, Manila, Philippines, Vol. 1, Issue 1, July 2002: NDCP co-sponsors Supreme Court's 14th Centenary Lecture on UN, terrorism |
CyberDyaryo, 11 September 2001: Wanted: A Legal Definition of Terrorism |
The Manila Times, Manila, 5 and 6 October 2002: Terrorism: Towards a legal definition (By Soliman M. Santos Jr.) |
Radio Free Europe · Radio Liberty, Prague / Washington DC, 3 December 2002: Does A Defense Of Preemptive Strikes Open A Global Pandora's Box? (By Jeremy Bransten) |
The Moro Islamic Liberation Front Website, Manila, 9 September 2004: The Two Faces of the Terrorist: The State and Non-State Actors (By Mohd. Musib M. Buat) |
Revista VEJA, São Paulo, Brazil, 30 March 2005: Com trinta anos de atraso: Finalmente a ONU decide encarar o terrorismo pelo que ele é: um crime contra a humanidade (By Ruth Costas) |
Philippine Daily Inquirer, Manila, Philippines, 9 October 2005: What is a terrorist? (By Randy David) |
Las Vegas Asian Journal, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 13-19 October 2005: Terror Factor (Editorial) |
Southern Hemisphere Engagement Network, Inc., Manila, Philippines, July 2007: Petition to the Supreme Court of the Philippines |
Supreme Court of the Philippines, G.R. No. 171396, 3 May 2006: Decision [on petitions for certiorari and prohibition related to Presidential Proclamation No. 1017 (PP 1017) and General Order No. 5 (G.O. No. 5) on “necessary and appropriate actions and measures to suppress and prevent acts of terrorism and lawless violence”] |
Supreme Court of the Philippines, G.R. No. 178552, 16 July 2007: Petition on the Unconstitutionality of and Grave Abuse of Discretion in the Approval of the "Human Security Act of 2007" (pp. 15-16) |
Alex Jones', USA, 21 February 2008: Dr. Hans Koechler: 9/11 May Have Been an Inside Job |, USA, 2 March 2008: Dr. Hans Koechler's Observations on the "War on Terror" |
The Public Record, Pacific Palisades, CA, USA, 28 June 2008: U.N. Observer Says Governments Using Terror to Instill Fear in Communities |
Citáty slavných osobností
Zdroj: Citáty slavných osobností, Czech Republic, 2020: "Válku se terorem nelze vést úspěšně a důvěryhodně ..." |