Global debate: international terrorism

Commentaries and analyses related to Hans Koechler's papers and lectures on terrorism

Message of the Vice-President and Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines on the occasion of Prof. Koechler's lecture at the Supreme Court, Manila, 12 March 2002

 Manila Bulletin, Manila, Philippines, 17 March 2002: Defining terrorism (By Dr. Florangel Rosario-Braid)

Supreme Court of the Philippines, G.R. No. 151445, 11 April 2002: Dissenting Opinion by Justice Kapunan

University of the Philippines, Manila, UP Forum Online, 17 April 2002: After 9/11, will it be “Clash of Civilizations”? UN observer suggests alternative solution

University of the Philippines, UP News, 17 June 2002: Talking Peace: UP Alumni Council Meeting

 Defense College Gazette, Manila, Philippines, Vol. 1, Issue 1, July 2002: NDCP co-sponsors Supreme Court's 14th Centenary Lecture on UN, terrorism

CyberDyaryo, 11 September 2001: Wanted: A Legal Definition of Terrorism

The Manila Times, Manila, 5 and 6 October 2002: Terrorism: Towards a legal definition (By Soliman M. Santos Jr.)

Radio Free Europe · Radio Liberty, Prague / Washington DC, 3 December 2002: Does A Defense Of Preemptive Strikes Open A Global Pandora's Box? (By Jeremy Bransten)

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front Website, Manila, 9 September 2004: The Two Faces of the Terrorist: The State and Non-State Actors (By Mohd. Musib M. Buat)

Revista VEJA, São Paulo, Brazil, 30 March 2005: Com trinta anos de atraso: Finalmente a ONU decide encarar o terrorismo pelo que ele é: um crime contra a humanidade (By Ruth Costas)

Philippine Daily Inquirer, Manila, Philippines, 9 October 2005: What is a terrorist? (By Randy David)

Las Vegas Asian Journal, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 13-19 October 2005: Terror Factor (Editorial)

Southern Hemisphere Engagement Network, Inc., Manila, Philippines, July 2007: Petition to the Supreme Court of the Philippines

Supreme Court of the Philippines, G.R. No. 171396, 3 May 2006: Decision [on petitions for certiorari and prohibition related to Presidential Proclamation No. 1017 (PP 1017) and  General Order No. 5 (G.O. No. 5) on “necessary and appropriate actions and measures to suppress and prevent acts of terrorism and lawless violence”]

Supreme Court of the Philippines, G.R. No. 178552, 16 July 2007: Petition on the Unconstitutionality of and Grave Abuse of Discretion in the Approval of the "Human Security Act of 2007" (pp. 15-16)

Alex Jones', USA, 21 February 2008: Dr. Hans Koechler: 9/11 May Have Been an Inside Job, USA, 2 March 2008: Dr. Hans Koechler's Observations on the "War on Terror"

The Public Record, Pacific Palisades, CA, USA, 28 June 2008: U.N. Observer Says Governments Using Terror to Instill Fear in Communities

Citáty slavných osobností


Citáty slavných osobností, Czech Republic, 2020: "Válku se terorem nelze vést úspěšně a důvěryhodně ..."