Ismael Rasoul Ahmed, Member of the Legislative Council of the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan in the Republic of Iraq, Erbil, Iraq Die nationalen Rechte des kurdischen Volkes im Irak [The National Rights of the Kurdish People in Iraq] 5 April 1978 |
Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria Die Prinzipien des Völkerrechts und die Menschenrechte: Zur Frage der Vereinbarkeit zweier Normensysteme [The Principles of International Law and Human Rights: On the Compatibility of Two Normative Systems] 4 December 1980 |
Dr. Ken'ichi TOMINAGA, Professor of Sociology, University of Tokyo, Japan Evolution of Modern Organizations in the Late-coming Industrialization of Japan 25 June 1981 |
General Edgardo MERCADO JARRÍN, Former Minister of Defense and of Foreign Affairs, former Prime Minister, Lima, Peru Las repercusiones de la guerra de las Malvinas a las relaciones entre Latinoamerica y Europa [The Effects of the Malvinas War on Relations between Latin America and Europe] 4 May 1983 |
Dr. Elias FARAH, Director of the Academy of the Arab Ba'th Socialist Party, Baghdad, Iraq Arabisme et Islam [Arabism and Islam] 29 June 1983 |
Jean GENET, Paris, France Quattre heures à Chatila [Four Hours in Shatila] 6 December 1983 |
Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria Die Krise der repräsentativen Demokratie [The Crisis of Representative Democracy] 20 June 1985 |
Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria Aussenpolitik und Demokratie [Foreign Policy and Democracy] 23 October 1986 |
Prof. Dr. Felix ERMACORA, Institute of State and Administrative Law, University of Vienna, Member of Parliament, Vienna, Austria Die Lage der Menschenrechte in den von Israel besetzten Gebieten [The Situation of Human Rights in the Territories Occupied by Israel] 2 February 1988 |
Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria Der Golfkonflikt: Ideologische Hintergründe - Friedensperspektiven [The Gulf Conflict: Ideological Background - Perspectives of a Peaceful Settlement] 1 December 1988 |
Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria Demokratie und Menschenrechte: Zur Frage der Menschenrechtskonformität demokratischer Grundsätze [Democracy and Human Rights: On the Compatibility of Democratic Principles with Human Rights] 23 November 1989 |
Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria Die Chancen einer liberal konzipierten Neuordnung der arabischen Welt [The Prospects of a New Liberal Order in the Arab World] 10 April 1991 |
Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria The New World Order and the United Nations System 21 May 1992 |
Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria Die Neue Weltordnung: Machtpolitik statt Völkerrecht? [The New World Order: International Law Defeated by Power Politics?] 25 June 1992 |
Mr. Mohammed Bagher ANSARI, Director, Islamic Centre Hamburg, Germany International Roundtable Meeting Islam and the West: The Conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina and its Implications for a New World Order 25 November 1993 |
Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria Die Vereinten Nationen in der Neuen Weltordnung [The United Nations in the New World Order] 26 April 1995 |
Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria Die Libyen-Sanktionen des Sicherheitsrates und die Rolle der UNO in der "Neuen Weltordnung" [The Libya Sanctions of the Security Council and the Role of the United Nations in the "New World Order"] 25 April 1996 |
Prof. Dr. Türkkaya ATAÖV, former Director, Department of International Relations, University of Ankara, Turkey International Roundtable Meeting Economic Sanctions and their Impact on Development 28 November 1996 |