International Progress Organization

Vienna Lectures


organized by Hans Köchler

Hotel Bristol Vienna

Ismael Rasoul Ahmed, Member of the Legislative Council of the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan in the Republic of Iraq, Erbil, Iraq

Die nationalen Rechte des kurdischen Volkes im Irak

[The National Rights of the Kurdish People in Iraq]

5 April 1978

Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

Die Prinzipien des Völkerrechts und die Menschenrechte: Zur Frage der Vereinbarkeit zweier Normensysteme

[The Principles of International Law and Human Rights: On the Compatibility of Two Normative Systems]

4 December 1980

Dr. Ken'ichi TOMINAGA, Professor of Sociology, University of Tokyo, Japan

Evolution of Modern Organizations in the Late-coming Industrialization of Japan

25 June 1981

General Edgardo MERCADO JARRÍN, Former Minister of Defense and of Foreign Affairs, former Prime Minister, Lima, Peru

Las repercusiones de la guerra de las Malvinas a las relaciones entre Latinoamerica y Europa

[The Effects of the Malvinas War on Relations between Latin America and Europe]

4 May 1983

Dr. Elias FARAH, Director of the Academy of the Arab Ba'th Socialist Party, Baghdad, Iraq

Arabisme et Islam

[Arabism and Islam]

29 June 1983

Jean GENET, Paris, France

Quattre heures à Chatila

[Four Hours in Shatila]

6 December 1983

Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

Die Krise der repräsentativen Demokratie

[The Crisis of Representative Democracy]

20 June 1985

Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

Aussenpolitik und Demokratie

[Foreign Policy and Democracy]

23 October 1986

Prof. Dr. Felix ERMACORA, Institute of State and Administrative Law, University of Vienna, Member of Parliament, Vienna, Austria

Die Lage der Menschenrechte in den von Israel besetzten Gebieten

[The Situation of Human Rights in the Territories Occupied by Israel]

2 February 1988

Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

Der Golfkonflikt: Ideologische Hintergründe - Friedensperspektiven

[The Gulf Conflict: Ideological Background - Perspectives of a Peaceful Settlement]

1 December 1988

Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

Demokratie und Menschenrechte: Zur Frage der Menschenrechtskonformität demokratischer Grundsätze

[Democracy and Human Rights: On the Compatibility of Democratic Principles with Human Rights]

23 November 1989

Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

Die Chancen einer liberal konzipierten Neuordnung der arabischen Welt

[The Prospects of a New Liberal Order in the Arab World]

10 April 1991

Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

The New World Order and the United Nations System

21 May 1992

Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

Die Neue Weltordnung: Machtpolitik statt Völkerrecht?

[The New World Order: International Law Defeated by Power Politics?]

25 June 1992

Mr. Mohammed Bagher ANSARI, Director, Islamic Centre Hamburg, Germany

International Roundtable Meeting

Islam and the West: The Conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina and its Implications for a New World Order

25 November 1993

Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

Die Vereinten Nationen in der Neuen Weltordnung

[The United Nations in the New World Order]

26 April 1995

Prof. Dr. Hans KÖCHLER, President, International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria

Die Libyen-Sanktionen des Sicherheitsrates und die Rolle der UNO in der "Neuen Weltordnung"

[The Libya Sanctions of the Security Council and the Role of the United Nations in the "New World Order"]

25 April 1996

Prof. Dr. Türkkaya ATAÖV, former Director, Department of International Relations, University of Ankara, Turkey

International Roundtable Meeting

Economic Sanctions and their Impact on Development

28 November 1996